Top 8 Feature Match: Xin Huang vs. Alistar Albans
Xin Huang is the only Duelist left in the Top 8 who isn’t using a Synchro Summon Deck, and he’s facing off against Alistar Albans in this Top 8 Feature Match. To advance to the Top 4 with his Agents Deck, Xin Huang will need to beat the most represented Deck in the Top 8.
Albans started the Duel by Summoning Thunder King Rai-Oh.
Huang opened up with Tour Guide From the Underworld, D.D. Crow, Master Hyperion, Pot of Duality, Effect Veiler, and The Agent of Mystery – Earth. He Normal Summoned Tour Guide and activated its effect to Special Summon another Tour Guide from his Deck. Then he combined his 2 monsters to try to make Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, and Albans sent Thunder King Rai-Oh to the Graveyard to negate its Summon.
Albans Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu next turn and attacked directly.
Huang drew Chaos Sorcerer. He Normal Summoned The Agent of Mystery – Earth and used its effect to add The Agent of Creation – Venus from his Deck to his hand. Then he activated Pot of Duality, revealing Master Hyperion, Dark Armed Dragon, and The Agent of Mystery – Earth from the top of his Deck. He added Dark Armed Dragon to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Huang ended his turn.
Albans Normal Summoned Spore next turn. He Tuned it with Reborn Tengu to Synchro Summon T.G. Hyper Librarian and then Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck. Next, he activated Mind Control to take control of Earth, and Tuned it with Reborn Tengu to Synchro Summon Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier! Huang discarded Effect Veiler from his hand to prevent Albans from drawing a card with T.G. Hyper Librarian, but Albans was still able to Special Summon another Reborn Tengu from his Deck. Tengu, T.G. Hyper Librarian, and Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier all attacked directly, wiping out all 6300 of Huang’s Life Points!
Alistar Albans takes advantage of his Reborn Tengus to quickly finish Xin Huang off in Duel 1! Huang will be going first in Duel 2!
Huang opened up Duel 2 with Trap Dustshoot, Debunk, Dark Hole, Tragoedia, Sangan, and Master Hyperion. He Set Sangan, Trap Dustshoot, and Debunk, and then ended his turn.
Albans drew a card and Huang activated Trap Dustshoot in his Draw Phase! Albans revealed Dandylion, Spirit Reaper, Effect Veiler, Leeching the Light, and 2 copies of Reborn Tengu. Huang sent Spirit Reaper back to Albans’s Deck. Albans Normal Summoned a Tengu and attacked Huang’s face-down Sangan. Huang retrieved The Agent of Mystery – Earth from his Deck with Sangan’s effect.
Huang drew Monster Reborn next turn. He Normal Summoned Earth and used its effect to add The Agent of Creation – Venus from his Deck to his hand. Next, he activated Monster Reborn to revive Sangan from his Graveyard. He Tuned Sangan with Earth to Synchro Summon Ally of Justice Catastor, and used his Sangan’s effect to add a Maxx “C” from his Deck to his hand. Huang attacked and destroyed Reborn Tengu with Catastor, allowing Albans to Special Summon another copy from his Deck.
Albans Normal Summoned his second Tengu next turn. He activated Book of Moon to put Ally of Justice Catastor face-down and then attacked Catastor with Tengu to destroy it. Next, he attacked directly with his other Reborn Tenegu, dropping Huang down to 6300 Life Points.
Huang drew The Agent of Creation – Venus next turn. He Normal Summoned it and activated its effect by paying 500 Life Points. When Albans tried to negate its effect with Effect Veiler, Huang flipped Debunk to negate Effect Veiler’s effect! Huang Special Summoned a Mystical Shine Ball from his Deck and then paid another 1000 Life Points to Special Summon another 2 Shine Balls from his Deck in Defense Position. He combined 2 Shine Balls to Xyz Summon Gachi Gachi Gantetsu in Defense Position. Huang attacked over a Tengu with his 2000 ATK Venus, destroying it in battle, and then play passed to Albans.
Albans Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld next turn and activated her effect. Huang Chained Maxx “C” from his hand, allowing him to draw Archlord Kristya from his Deck when Albans’s Sangan was Special Summoned by Tour Guide’s effect. Next, Albans activated Leeching the Light to give his monsters 2000 ATK each. Tengu then attacked and destroyed Venus. Sangan and Tour Guide attacked Gachi Gachi Gantetsu, forcing it to detach both of its Xyz Materials.
Huang drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn. He activated Dark Hole to clear the field, and Albans retrieved a Spirit Reaper from his Deck with the effect of Sangan. Next, Huang banished Earth from his Graveyard to Special Summon Master Hyperion. This left exactly 4 Fairies in Huang’s Graveyard, so he Special Summoned Archlord Kristya! Kristya’s effect let him return Venus from his Graveyard to his hand. He Normal Summoned Venus and attacked directly with Hyperion, Kristya, and Venus. Huang Set Mystical Space Typhoon before passing.
Albans conceded on his next turn, unable to destroy Huang’s 3 monsters.
Xin Huang amasses an overwhelming army against Alistar Albans in Duel 2, allowing him to win the Duel with 2 of his boss monsters on the field! Albans will be going first in Duel 3!
Albans started off the final Duel of the Match by Summoning Thunder King Rai-Oh and Setting a card to his back row.
Huang opened up with Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Chain Disappearance, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Bottomless Trap Hole, Pot of Duality, and Archlord Kristya. He Normal Summoned Rai-Oh and attached Albans’s Rai-Oh, but Albans flipped Enemy Controller to switch Huang’s Rai-Oh to Defense Position and block the attack. Huang passed without setting a back row.
Albans attacked and destroyed Huang’s Rai-Oh next turn with his own Rai-Oh. He Set Trap Dustshoot before passing.
Huang drew Dark Hole next turn, and Albans activated Trap Dustshoot in Huang’s Draw Phase to return Gorz to Huang’s Deck. Huang activated Dark Hole next, destroying Thunder King Rai-Oh, and then used Pot of Duality. He revealed Tragoedia, The Agent of Creation – Venus, and Mystical Shine Ball from the top of his Deck. He added Venus to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Huang Set Chain Disappearance before passing.
Albans Set a monster and passed.
Huang drew Honest next turn. He Normal Summoned Venus and activated its effect, but Albans Chained Maxx “C” from his hand. Huang Special Summoned a Mystical Shine Ball from his Deck, and Albans drew a card due to the effect of his Maxx “C”. Venus attacked and destroyed Albans’s face-down Sangan, allowing Albans to add Lonefire Blossom from his Deck to his hand with Sangan’s effect.
Albans Normal Summoned Lonefire Blossom and used its effect to Special Summon Dandylion from his Deck in Defense Position; but Huang flipped Chain Disappearance to banish it! Albans passed with an empty field.
Huang drew Effect Veiler next turn. He activated his Venus’s effect twice, paying 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 2 Mystical Shine Balls from his Deck to join the one that he already had on the field. Next, he combined 2 Shine Balls to Summon Gachi Gachi Gantetsu in Defense Position, and attacked directly with Venus to deal 2000 points of damage to Albans. Huang Set Bottomless Trap Hole before ending his turn.
Albans Set a card to each zone and passed.
Huang drew The Agent of Mystery – Earth next turn. He attacked Albans’s face-down Spirit Reaper with his Venus, flipping it face-up but leaving it unharmed. In Main Phase 2, Huang Normal Summoned Earth and used its effect to add a Venus from his Deck to his hand. He Tuned Earth with Mystical Shine Ball to Synchro Summon Armory Arm, and then attempted to equip it to Spirit Reaper. Spirit Reaper was destroyed as a result of being targeted by Armory Arm, and Arm went down with it.
Albans Normal Summoned Reborn Tengu next turn and activated Leeching the Light to give Tengu 2000 ATK. Tengu attacked over Huang’s 2000 ATK Venus, destroying it in battle.
Huang drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn. He Normal Summoned Venus with 2000 ATK and then attacked over Albans’s Tengu. In the Damage Step, Huang discarded Honest from his hand to gain an extra 1700 ATK. Albans’s Tengu was destroyed, and Albans lost 2000 Life Points. He Special Summoned another Tengu from his Deck with his fallen Tengu’s effect. Next, Huang activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Albans’s face-down Solemn Judgment. With 4 Fairies in his Graveyard, he Special Summoned Archlord Kristya and used its effect to return Honest from his Graveyard to his hand.
Albans activated Dark Hole next turn! Venus, Kristya, and Tengu were destroyed and Gachi Gachi lost an Xyz Material. When Albans’s Tengu left the field, Albans Special Summoned another copy from his Deck. Next, Albans Normal Summoned Spore. He Tuned it with Tengu to Synchro Summon T.G. Hyper Librarian and then attacked Gachi Gachi Gantetsu to rid it of its last Xyz Material.
[After the Match, I asked Huang why he didn’t use Bottomless Trap Hole to banish T.G. Hyper Librarian. He replied, “I was saving it for Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning. I thought he had it.”]
Huang redrew Kristya next turn and passed.
Albans activated Heavy Storm to destroy Huang’s face-down Bottomless Trap Hole and then Normal Summoned Debris Dragon. He activated its effect to try to Special Summon Lonefire Blossom, but Huang discarded Effect Veiler to negate its effect. T.G. Hyper Librarian attacked and destroyed Gachi Gachi Gantetsu.
[Albans didn’t attack with Debris Dragon, because he didn’t want to give Huang the opportunity to Special Summon Gorz the Emissary of Darkness.]
Huang drew Debunk next turn. He Summoned Honest and attacked Debris Dragon to destroy it. Then he returned Honest to his hand, Set Debunk, and ended his turn.
Albans Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh next turn. He banished Lonefire Blossom from his Graveyard to try to Special Summon Spore, but lost his Spore to Debunk. Next, Thunder King Rai-Oh and T.G. Hyper Librarian attacked directly, dropping Huang down to 500 Life Points.
Huang drew another Debunk next turn. He Set Debunk and Honest, ending his turn.
Albans attacked and destroyed Honest with T.G. Hyper Librarian, and then Rai-Oh attacked directly to end the Duel!
Alistar Albans is moving on to the Top 4!