. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » MY Game Mat Revealed

MY Game Mat Revealed

November 19th, 2011

I greet you once more, Duelists of the world. I, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, have returned! And my loyal allies are here this weekend to bring us victory, with the added power of the Dark Smog behind them.

But more important news than this is carried on the bleak air that presages our coming. For I have been immortalized on a Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME regional mat! Yes, I speak truth – the latest 2012 WCQ Regional game mat features none other than ME.

Only I am worthy of being on the newest game mat prize, and I stand alone on it! Not even my Dark World army is fierce enough to join me in this honor. Look on in envy, and stare in awe, at the incredible specimen that this newest creation portrays!

Grapha Game Mat

All weekend long, Duelists will be competing with and against my Dark World forces, in 2011 Regional Qualifiers and Dragon Duels, for a shot at winning the first official game mat featuring… ME!

While that alone should be more than enough to entice Duelists to battle their hardest and triumph, those who are victorious will also gain the additional prize of an invitation to the 2012 North American World Championship Qualifier.

And which game mat are the Duelists attending the North American World Championship Qualifier most likely to use when they get there? Why, the game mat featuring ME, of course! The game mat that accompanied their invitations to the WCQ! By taking over the game mats for the Photon Shockwave season, I’ve assured that the name and image of Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World will spread worldwide!

Fear not – you can win your own Grapha game mat in upcoming Regional Qualifiers. The glory of the Dark World shall be known by all!