Home > 2011/11 - Kansas City, Missouri, Championships > Top Tables – Round 3

Top Tables – Round 3

November 19th, 2011

Speaking of Round 3, here’s a look at who’s playing what at the top 3 tables. Keep in mind that 77 Duelists are still undefeated, and most of the field still has a solid shot at making the Day 2 playoffs. So at this point in the tournament, the top tables are largely a question of tie-breakers.

Table 1:
Steve Do playing Master Hyperion
Tamir Brown with a Synchro-heavy Deck

Table 2:
Camden Keener playing Master Hyperion
Chris Krause playing Dino-Rabbits

Table 3:
Isaiah Savoy playing Lightsworn
Oscar Zelaya, Jr. playing Master Hyperion

Table 4:
Galo Davila playing Master Hyperion
Courtney Waller playing Chaos

Table 5:
Elijah Chon with a Synchro-heavy Deck
Joshua Bequette playing T.G.

Table 6:
Sean McCabe with a Synchro-heavy Deck
Adric High with another Synchro-heavy Deck

Table 7:
Frazier Smith with a Synchro-heavy Deck
John Roberts with a Beast / Skill Drain Deck

Table 8:
Merlyn Leday playing Six Samurai
Dalton Gosch playing X-Sabers

Table 9:
Mackenzie Franklin playing Master Hyperion
Tyler Jonson playing Gladiator Beasts

Table 10:
Alex Vansant playing Chain Burn
Kurt McCarthy with a Synchro-heavy Deck