. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » QQ: Have You Ever Played in a Sealed Event?
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QQ: Have You Ever Played in a Sealed Event?

February 19th, 2012

The upcoming Battle Pack will be the first set ever specifically designed for Sealed Tournaments. But there have been other Sealed Events in the past and present, including the Dragons Collide Structure Deck tournament premiering here in Atlanta. I asked this weekend’s Duelists, “Have you ever played in a Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG sealed pack format before, and if so, what was it like?”. Check out what they said!

“It’s the best ever.” –Aaron Robinson

“I don’t believe I have played.” –Courtney Waller

“Yes, I enjoy sealed play.” –Dominique Roberts

“No.” –Manuel Ballesteros

“Nope. Just Win-A-Mats and Giant Cards.” –Steffon Bizzell

“Only locally. It was great even though I hardly knew how to draft.” –Danny Santana

“Yes. It was very dependent on what you pulled.” –Shane Seuring.

“I have not.” –Michael Klasel

“No.” –Ivan O’Sick

“No, I have not.” –Jarel Winston

“No I haven’t.” –Brent Bicigo

“No and I would love to try it out.” –Kenneth McCarthy

“No.” –Cesar Gonzalez

“It was cool.” –Earl S. Boone

“Yes, it is really fun.” –Hector Heras