. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Saturday’s Dragon Duel: David Munoz vs. Nicky Reardon
Home > 2012/02 - Atlanta, Georgia, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Saturday’s Dragon Duel: David Munoz vs. Nicky Reardon

Saturday’s Dragon Duel: David Munoz vs. Nicky Reardon

February 18th, 2012

11-year-old David Munoz from Florida is playing in his first ever Dragon Duel this weekend! So far he’s doing quite well. He made it to the final round with a perfect 4-0 record, where he’ll be facing off against another undefeated Dragon Duelist – 12-year-old Nicky Reardon from Virginia! Reardon has played in Dragon Duels at Regional events before, but he has never entered one at a YCS event. Both of these Duelists are running Inzektor Decks, but only one of them will be able to win this Match and become Saturday’s Dragon Duel Champion!

Munoz was playing Inzektors. He started by Setting Dimensional Prison and Fiendish Chain, then Set Inzektor Hornet.

Reardon was also using Inzektors. He Normal Summoned Inzektor Centipede and tried to activate its effect; but Munoz used Fiendish Chain to negate its effect. Reardon activated Pot of Duality next, in order to add an Effect Veiler from his Deck to his hand. Reardon Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Munoz drew Solemn Judgment next turn and Set it.

Reardon Summoned another Centipede next turn and activated its effect to equip it with a Hornet from his hand. He sent Hornet to the Graveyard to destroy Munoz’s face-up Fiendish Chain and grab an Inzektor Dragonfly from his Deck with Centipede’s effect. Next, Reardon used the effect of his other Centipede to equip it with the Hornet in his Graveyard. He destroyed Munoz’s face-down Inzektor Hornet and added another Dragonfly to his hand. Reardon attacked with 1 Centipede and lost it to Dimensional Prison. The other Centipede’s attack went through, dropping Munoz down to 6400 Life Points.

Munoz drew Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite next turn. He Normal Summoned Inzektor Dragonfly and tried to use its effect, but lost out to Effect Veiler.

Reardon activated Centipede’s effect next turn to equip it with the Hornet in the Graveyard, and then used the effects of his Centipede and Hornet to add an Inzektor Hornet from his Deck to his hand and destroy Munoz’s face-down Solemn Judgment. Next, Reardon Normal Summoned Sangan and attacked Inzektor Dragonfly with it, destroying both monsters. Reardon searched his Deck for a Tour Guide From the Underworld to add to his hand with the Sangan’s effect. Next, Centipede attacked directly, dropping Munoz down to 4800 Life Points.

Munoz drew Armageddon Knight next turn. He Summoned Zephyros and used it to attack Inzektor Centipede. Both monsters were destroyed.

Reardon Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld next turn and activated its effect. Munoz Chained Maxx “C”, and when Reardon Special Summoned another Tour Guide from his Deck, Munoz drew an Inzektor Hornet. Both Tour Guides attacked Munoz directly. Reardon Set a card to his back row and ended his turn without Xyz Summoning.

Munoz drew Torrential Tribute next turn, and Reardon flipped Trap Dustshoot, forcing Munoz to reveal Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning, Inzektor Hornet, Armageddon Knight, and Torrential Tribute from his hand. Reardon returned the Knight to Munoz’s Deck with the effect of Trap Dustshoot. Next, Munoz Normal Summoned Inzektor Hornet. He activated its effect to equip it with the Hornet in his Graveyard and then destroyed Reardon’s face-down Torrential Tribute with Hornet’s effect. He activated the effect of Zephyros next, by returning Hornet to his hand, and Reardon Chained Maxx “C”. Munoz Special Summoned Zephyros and Reardon drew a card. Munoz attacked and destroyed Tour Guide, Set Torrential Tribute, and then ended his turn.

Reardon activated Allure of Darkness to draw 2 cards before banishing an Inzektor Dragonfly from his hand. Then he Summoned Inzektor Hornet and Munoz cleared the field with Torrential Tribute. Reardon Set 2 cards to his back row before passing.

Munoz drew another Inzektor Hornet next turn and Summoned it. He activated its effect, but Reardon flipped Fiendish Chain to negate it.

Reardon banished Effect Veiler and Sangan from his Graveyard to Special Summon Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning next turn! Black Luster Soldier attacked and destroyed the Hornet, dropping Munoz down to 2900 Life Points, and then attacked directly to wipe out the rest of Reardon’s Life Points!
Nicky Reardon defeats David Munoz in Duel 1 by successfully using the effects of his Inzektors and then attacking directly with Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning! Munoz will be going first in Duel 2!

Munoz opened up Duel 2 with Pot of Duality, revealing Mystical Space Typhoon and 2 copies of Inzektor Dragonfly from the top of his Deck. He added a Dragonfly to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Munoz Set Sangan and Compulsory Evacuation Device before ending his turn.

Reardon Set a monster and 3 back rows before passing.

Munoz drew Inzektor Hornet! He Normal Summoned Inzektor Dragonfly and activated its effect, but Reardon flipped Fiendish Chain to negate it. Reardon activated Pot of Duality next, revealing Dark Hole, Maxx “C”, and Book of Moon from the top of his Deck. He added Maxx “C” to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, Munoz Flip Summoned Sangan and attacked Reardon’s face-down monster with it. Inzektor Dragonfly flipped face-up and Munoz lost 800 Life Points.

Reardon passed without making a play.

Munoz drew Fiendish Chain next turn and Set it. He Summoned Inzektor Centipede and Reardon flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field. When Sangan hit the Graveyard, Munoz added an Inzektor Dragonfly from his Deck to his hand with Sangan’s effect. Next, Munoz activated Monster Reborn. He thought about whether to target his own Dragonfly or Reardon’s, and after settling on his own Dragonfly, he lost out to a D.D. Crow that banished the targeted Dragonfly.

[If Munoz had tried to revive Reardon’s Dragonfly instead, Reardon wouldn’t have been able to banish the Monster Reborn target with D.D. Crow, since D.D. Crow can only banish cards from an opponent’s Graveyard.]

Reardon Summoned Inzektor Centipede next turn and activated its effect, but Munoz flipped Fiendish Chain to negate it.

Munoz tried to Normal Summon Inzektor Dragonfly next turn, but lost out to Solemn Judgment. Next, he Special Summoned Dark Armed Dragon! He tried to destroy Centipede with its effect, but Reardon discarded Effect Veiler from his hand to negate Dark Armed Dragon’s effect. Dark Armed Dragon attacked and destroyed Reardon’s monster.

On Reardon’s next turn he conceded, unable to destroy Dark Armed Dragon.
David Munoz uses the effects of his Inzektors to gain the lead in Duel 2, and finally finishes the Duel with Dark Armed Dragon! Nicky Reardon is going first in Duel 3!

Reardon opened up Duel 3 with a Set monster.

Munoz Normal Summoned Inzektor Centipede and used its effect to equip it with a Hornet. Then he sent his Hornet to the Graveyard to destroy Reardon’s face-down Sangan and grab an Inzektor Dragonfly from his Deck. Reardon grabbed a Hornet with the effect of Sangan. Munoz attacked directly with Centipede, dropping Reardon down to 6400 Life Points. He Set Solemn Warning before ending his turn.

Reardon tried to Normal Summon Inzektor Dragonfly, but lost out to Munoz’s Solemn Warning. Reardon passed with no field.

Munoz drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn and Set it. He Normal Summoned a Centipede and equipped it with the Hornet in his Graveyard. Then he attacked directly with both Centipedes, dropping Reardon down to 2700 Life Points.

Reardon Special Summoned Cyber Dragon! Then he Normal Summoned Inzektor Centipede and activated its effect to equip it with the Hornet in his Graveyard. Munoz used Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the equipped Hornet, allowing Reardon to add an Inzektor Dragonfly from his Deck to his hand with Centipede’s effect. Reardon attacked Munoz’s 2100 ATK Centipede with his Cyber Dragon, destroying them both, and then attacked into Munoz’s Centipede with his own, clearing the field. Munoz Special Summoned Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning in Main Phase 2.

Munoz Normal Summoned Inzektor Dragonfly and tried to use its effect, but Reardon discarded Effect Veiler from his hand to negate its effect. Next, Munoz activated Monster Reborn to try to revive his own Inzektor Centipede; but Reardon Chained D.D. Crow to banish it! Munoz ended his turn with a Dragonfly on the field in Attack Position.

Reardon Normal Summoned Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress next turn and Munoz discarded Effect Veiler to negate Black Luster Soldier’s effect so that it wouldn’t be able to attack twice. Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning attacked and destroyed Centipede, and then Lyla attacked directly, dropping Munoz down to 2300 Life Points. Reardon Set a card to his back row before entering his End Phase and sending Royal Decree, Solemn Warning, and Heavy Storm from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard with Lyla’s effect.

Munoz drew Book of Moon next turn. He Normal Summoned Inzektor Hornet and tried activating its effect, but Reardon flipped Fiendish Chain and negated the Hornet’s effect. Munoz Set Book of Moon before ending his turn.

Reardon targeted the Book of Moon with Lyla to destroy it, and Munoz Chained it to put Reardon’s Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning face-down. But Reardon Flip Summoned his Soldier and attacked Munoz’s Hornet with it, ending the Duel and the Match!

Nicky Reardon is Saturday’s Dragon Duel Champion!