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Home > 2012/02 - Atlanta, Georgia, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Top 16: Camden Keener vs. Robert Bryant

Top 16: Camden Keener vs. Robert Bryant

February 19th, 2012

The Top 16 is filled with Wind-Up and Dino Rabbit Decks. But a few brave Duelists stand alone with the Decks they’re running in the Top 16. Two of those Duelists are Camden Keener and Robert Bryant. Keener is running a Hyperion Deck, and Bryant is using Dark World. Now, they’re facing off against one another so that only one of them can make it to the Top 8. It’s the Structure Deck Showdown, and it starts right now!

Keener started off Duel 1 by Summoning The Agent of Creation – Venus and using its effect twice by paying 1000 Life Points to Summon 2 copies of Mystical Shine Ball from his Deck in Defense Position. He combined them to Xyz Summon Gachi Gachi Gantetsu in Defense Position and then passed his turn.

Bryant opened up with Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, Broww, Huntsman of Dark World, Sillva, Warlord of Dark World, Snoww, Unlight of Dark World, and 2 copies of Dragged Down into the Grave. He Set 1 copy of Dragged Down and then activated the other. Keener revealed Mind Control, Master Hyperion, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Tragoedia, and Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Bryant discarded his Master Hyperion. Keener discarded Sillva from Bryant’s hand, and Bryant Special Summoned it. Then Bryant Summoned Trance Archfiend and used his other Dragged Down. He discarded Mind Control from Keener’s hand, and Keener discarded Broww from Bryant’s hand. Both Duelists drew a card due to the effect of Dragged Down, and then Bryant drew an extra card with Broww. Next, Bryant discarded Snoww with Trance Archfiend and searched his Deck for The Gates of Dark World. He played it and banished Snoww from his Graveyard to discard Grapha and draw a card. Grapha’s effect took an Xyz Material off of Gachi Gachi Gantetsu and then Bryant returned Sillva to his hand to Special Summon Grapha. Trance Archfiend attacked Gachi Gachi Gantetsu to remove its last Xyz Material, and then Grapha attacked and destroyed Venus. Bryant Set Trap Dustshoot before ending his turn.

[Remember, The Gates of Dark World also boosts Fiends by 300 ATK!]

Keener drew a card and then Bryant flipped Trap Dustshoot, using it to return Tour Guide From the Underworld to Keener’s Deck. Keener passed without making a play.

Bryant drew a card and then banished Broww from his Graveyard to discard Sillva and draw a card with Gates. He Special Summoned Sillva and then discarded Broww with Trance Archfiend to draw a card with Broww’s effect. Next, he attacked directly with Sillva, dropping Keener down to 3000 Life Points. Keener Special Summoned Gorz in Attack Position, along with a 2600 DEF Token. Grapha attacked and destroyed Gorz while destroying itself. In Main Phase 2, Bryant returned Sillva to his hand to Special Summon Grapha back to the field. He Set Solemn Warning before passing.

Keener switched his Token into Attack Position and then Set a monster.

Bryant drew a card and then used his Gates to banish Broww from his Graveyard and discard Sillva while drawing a card. He Special Summoned the Sillva and then used Trance Archfiend to discard Broww and draw a card. Grapha attacked and destroyed the Emissary of Darkness Token, dealing 400 points of damage to Keener, and Keener Special Summoned Tragoedia in Defense Position with 1500 DEF. Trance Archfiend attacked and destroyed the Tragoedia, and then Sillva attacked and destroyed Keener’s face-down Maxx “C”.

Keener conceded on his next turn, with only 2600 Life Points and no way to clear Bryant’s field!T16-1

Robert Bryant takes a quick victory in Duel 1 with some help from Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, Trance Archfiend, and The Gates of Dark World! Camden Keener will be going first in Duel 2!

Keener started off Duel 2 by Normal Summoning The Agent of Mystery – Earth and using its effect to add The Agent of Creation – Venus from his Deck to his hand.

Bryant opened up with Dark World Dealings, Mystical Space Typhoon, Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World, Dragged Down into the Grave, Dark Smog, and Solemn Warning. He Set all of his Spells and Traps and then activated Dragged Down into the Graveyard. He knocked Heavy Storm out of Keener’s hand, and Keener forced Bryant to discard Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World. Each Duelist drew a card with the effect of Dragged Down into the Grave, and then Keener discarded D.D. Crow to banish Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World. Next, Bryant flipped Dark World Dealings. He drew The Gates of Dark World and discarded Snoww. Keener drew a card and discarded Dark Hole. Bryant searched his Deck for Grapha with Snoww’s effect and then activated The Gates of Dark World. He banished Snoww to activate his Gates, and discarded Grapha to draw Dragged Down into the Grave. Next, Grapha took down Earth with its effect. Bryant Set his Dragged Down into the Grave before ending his turn.

Keener Summoned The Agent of Creation – Venus next turn. He activated its effect twice to Summon 2 Shine Balls and then combined his Shine Balls into Gachi Gachi Gantetsu. Venus then attacked Bryant directly, dropping him down to 6000 Life Points. Keener Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Bryant drew Trance Archfiend next turn. He activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Keener’s face-down Solemn Warning and then Normal Summoned Trance Archfiend. He attacked Venus with his Archfiend, allowing it to be destroyed, triggering the Archfiend’s effect. Bryant added Snoww from his Banished Zone to his hand. Next, he banished Trance Archfiend to use Gates, but lost out to Mystical Space Typhoon. He used Dragged Down into the Grave next, discarding his own Snoww and forcing Keener to discard Master Hyperion. Both Duelists drew a card. When Snoww’s effect tried to activate, Keener flipped Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror to negate the effect!

Keener attacked directly with Venus, dropping Bryant down to 3800 Life Points. He Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Bryant activated The Gates of Dark World next turn and banished Snoww from his Graveyard to discard Grapha and draw Torrential Tribute. Grapha’s effect was negated by the face-up Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror. Bryant Set Torrential Tribute before ending his turn.

Keener Normal Summoned The Agent of Mystery – Earth and activated its effect; but Bryant activated Torrential Tribute to clear the field. Gachi Gachi Gantetsu remained with 1 Xyz Material, and Keener grabbed a Venus from his Deck with Earth’s effect.

Bryant drew Trance Archfiend next turn. He banished Grapha and discarded Trance Archfiend with his Gates to draw Solemn Warning and Set it.

Keener attemped to Summon Venus next turn, but lost out to Solemn Warning; but the Duel was over anyway – Keener Special Summoned Master Hyperion and Master Hyperion wiped out the rest of Bryant’s Life Points!T16-2

Camden Keener narrowly escapes defeat by using Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror to shut down Bryant’s Deck and win the second Duel! Robert Bryant will be going first in Duel 3!

Bryant opened up with Broww, Huntsman of Dark World, Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World, Snoww, Unlight of Dark World, Mystical Space Typhoon, and 2 copies of Prohibition. He activated 1 copy of Prohibition naming Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror and then Set Mystical Space Typhoon and Broww.

Keener Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated its effect to Special Summon a second copy from his Deck. He combined his 2 Tour Guides into Wind-Up Zenmaines and used Zenmaines to attack and destroy Bryant’s face-down Broww.

Bryant activated Mystical Space Typhoon next turn to destroy Keener’s face-down Torrential Tribute. Then he used Dark World Dealings to draw a card and discard Snoww. Keener drew a card and discarded Master Hyperion. Bryant added The Gates of Dark World from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his Snoww and then activated Gates. He banished Snoww from his Graveyard to discard Grapha and take an Xyz Material from Zenmaines. Then he used Prohibition, naming Master Hyperion. Finally, he Set Rivalry of Warlords before entering his End Phase, and Wind-Up Zenmaines wiped out the Rivalry in the End Phase.

Keener Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated its effect to Special Summon Sangan from his Deck. He Tuned Tour Guide with Sangan to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon and detached Sangan from Leviair to Special Summon Bryant’s banished Snoww.. Then he banished Sangan and Master Hyperion from his Graveyard to Special Summon Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning. Direct attacks from Leviair, Zenmaines, Snoww, and Black Luster Soldier wiped out all 8000 of Bryant’s Life Points!

Camden Keener manages to take down all 8000 of Bryant’s Life Points in 1 turn to defeat Robert Bryant’s Dark World army in Duel 3 and advance to the Top 8 with his Hyperion Deck! We attempted to reach Grapha for comment after the Match, but were unable to find him. Witnesses state that they heard loud roars and sobbing from the restroom afterwards.