. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Welcome to the first YCS in 2012 in Guadalajara, Mexico!
Home > 2012/02 - Guadalajara, Mexico, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Welcome to the first YCS in 2012 in Guadalajara, Mexico!

Welcome to the first YCS in 2012 in Guadalajara, Mexico!

February 4th, 2012

It’s a New Year of Dueling and a New Decade of Dueling, as we celebrate the 10th year of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME in the Americas. Welcome to the first Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series of the year, in Guadalajara, Mexico, and the first YCS of the Order of Chaos booster season.

YCS banner

The player meeting has just gotten underway, with a total of 512 players from all over the Americas. A number of exciting announcements are being made – the locations of the WCQ – Latin America!

World Championship Qualifier – Central America: Mexico D.F., Mexico

World Championship Qualifier – South America: Colombia.  And if memory serves, this is the first premier event in Colombia!  Congratulations on being chosen as the host for such a prestigious event!

Exact dates and locations will be announced on www.yugioh-card.com, so please keep checking back for updates!

But getting back to YCS – Guadalajara…and on to Round 1!