Feature Match: Saturday Dragon Duel Finals
13-year-old Brian Ahle from Lebanon, Illinois and 12-year-old Galdino Chavez from Fontana, California are the last 2 undefeated Duelists in the tournament. Ahle made it to the final table with his Dino Rabbit Deck, and Chavez got there with Inzektors. One of these Duelists will be taking home a Blood Mefist prize card. This final Match will decide it all!
Duel One
Chavez started off the Duel by Normal Summoning Armageddon Knight and using its effect to send Inzektor Hornet from his Deck to his Graveyard. He Set 2 cards to his back row before passing.
Ahle opened up with 2 copies of Mystical Space Typhoon, Jurrac Guaiba, Sangan, Maxx “C”, and Forbidden Lance. He activated the 2 Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Chavez’s Compulsory Evacuation Device and Starlight Road, and then Normal Summoned Jurrac Guaiba. Chavez used Effect Veiler to negate Guaiba’s effect before Ahle entered the Battle Phase, and then Ahle used Guaiba to attack and destroy Armageddon Knight. Ahle Set Forbidden Lance before ending his turn.
Chavez Normal Summoned Inzektor Hornet and used its effect to equip it with a Hornet in his Graveyard. He sent the Equip to the Graveyard to destroy Guaiba before passing.
Ahle drew Rescue Rabbit next turn! He Summoned and banished it to Special Summon 2 copies of Kabazauls from his Deck. He combined his Kabazauls to Xyz Summon Evolzar Dolkka. Dolkka attacked Hornet, dropping Chavez down to 5900 Life Points.
Chavez Set a monster and passed.
Ahle Summoned Sangan and attacked Chavez’s face-down Armageddon Knight with Dolkka before attacking directly with Sangan.
Chavez Set a Sangan and passed.
Ahle attacked and destroyed Sangan with Dolkka and then negated Sangan’s effect by detaching an Xyz Material. Next, Sangan attacked Chavez directly.
Chavez Set another monster and a back row.
Ahle used Heavy Storm to clear the Spell & Trap Card Zone and then activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Inzektor Hornet from the Graveyard. He combined Hornet with Sangan to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon and used Leviair’s effect to Special Summon Rescue Rabbit from his Banished Zone. Then he banished his Rabbit to Special Summon 2 copies of Sabersaurus from his Deck and Chavez conceded, with only 3900 Life Points remaining.
Brian Ahle dominates Chavez in Duel 1, thanks to the help of his Dinosaurs! Galdino Chavez will be going first in Duel 2!
Duel Two
Chavez started off Duel 2 with 2 back rows and a Set monster.
Ahle opened up with Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror, Tour Guide From the Underworld, Effect Veiler, Fiendish Chain, Sabersaurus, and Heavy Storm. He activated Heavy Storm, but Chavez flipped Starlight Road to negate it and Special Summon Stardust Dragon! Next, Ahle Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and used its effect to Special Summon another copy of Tour Guide from his Deck. He combined his 2 Tour Guides to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Defense Position and Set 2 cards to his back row before passing.
Chavez activated Heavy Storm next. Ahle had no response, and Chavez Chained Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Zenmaines to Ahle’s Extra Deck. Ahle’s face-down Fiendish Chain and Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror were destroyed by the Storm. Next, Ahle Flip Summoned an Inzektor Hornet and equipped it with Inzektor Giga-Mantis. Stardust and Hornet attacked directly, dropping Ahle down to 3100 Life Points.
Ahle drew a Mystical Space Typhoon next turn and used it to destroy the Inzektor Giga-Mantis Equip. He Set Sabersaurus before passing.
Chavez tried using his Hornet’s effect to equip it with Inzektor Giga-Mantis, but Ahle discarded Effect Veiler to negate the Hornet’s effect. Chavez followed up by activating Monster Reborn to Special Summon Inzektor Giga-Mantis from the Graveyard. Giga-Mantis attacked and destroyed Ahle’s face-down Sabersaurus, and then Hornet and Stardust Dragon scored direct attacks.
Ahle drew Solemn Warning next turn and conceded, with no other cards in his hand or on his field.
Galdino Chavez takes an early lead with Starlight Road and then helps seal the Duel with his own Heavy Storm to win Duel 2! Brian Ahle will be going first in the final Duel of the Match!
Duel Three
Ahle opened up Duel 3 with Kabazauls, Smashing Ground, Forbidden Lance, Effect Veiler, and 2 copies of Macro Cosmos. He Summoned Kabazauls and Set a Macro Cosmos and a Forbidden Lance before ending his turn.
Chavez activated 2 copies of Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Ahle’s Macro Cosmos and Forbidden Lance. Then he Normal Summoned Inzektor Centipede and used his in-hand Giga-Mantis’s effect to equip it to Centipede and attack over Kabazauls with his 2400 ATK Centipede. Ahle dropped down to 7300 Life Points.
Ahle used Smashing Ground to destroy Centipede next turn, and then Set 2 cards to his back row.
Chavez tried to Normal Summon Mystic Tomato, but lost out to Ahle’s Solemn Warning. Chavez used Monster Reborn next, and Special Summoned the Tomato back from his Graveyard. Tomato attacked directly, dropping Ahle down to 3900 Life Points.
Ahle drew Sabersaurus next turn. He flipped Macro Cosmos and then Normal Summoned the Sabersaurus to attack over Mystic Tomato. Mystic Tomato was banished by Macro Cosmos and didn’t get its effect.
Chavez Set 2 cards to his back row.
Ahle drew Jurrac Guaiba next turn and attacked directly with Sabersaurus.
Chavez drew and activated Pot of Duality, revealing Compulsory Evacuation Device, Heavy Storm, and Inzektor Dragonfly from the top of his Deck. He added the Dragonfly to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he flipped his face-down Dark Hole to destroy Sabersaurus and Summoned Inzektor Dragonfly, using its effect to equip it with a Giga-Mantis. Dragonfly attacked for 2400 points of damage, and play passed to Ahle.
Ahle Set a monster and a back row.
Chavez drew and Summoned Inzektor Hornet. He attacked Ahle’s face-down Effect Veiler with Dragonfly to destroy it and then attacked directly with Hornet to drop Chavez down to 1000 Life Points.
Ahle Summoned Jurrac Guaiba next turn and attacked over Hornet with Guaiba to drop Chavez down to 4400 Life Points and Special Summon another Guaiba from his Deck. Ahle combined his Guaibas to Xyz Summon Number 39: Utopia and then passed his turn.
Chavez drew a card and Set it to his back row.
Ahle upgraded his Utopia into Number C39: Utopia Ray next turn and when Ahle used its effect to drain ATK from Dragonfly, Chavez Chained Compulsory Evacuation Device; but Dragonfly still lost its 1000 ATK. Ahle Normal Summoned Sabersaurus and attacked over the 1400 ATK Dragonfly, destroying it in battle and dropping Chavez down to 3900 Life Points.
Chavez Set a monster and passed.
Ahle drew Mystical Space Typhoon and activated it to destroy Chavez’s face-down Starlight Road, then Normal Summoned Kabazauls. Sabersaurus attacked and destroyed Chavez’s face-down Armageddon Knight and then Kabazauls attacked directly to drop Chavez down to 2200 Life Points. Ahle Xyz Summoned Evolzar Laggia in Main Phase 2 before passing to Chavez.
Chavez drew Reinforcement of the Army next turn and offered the handshake, unable to withstand an attack from Laggia!
Brian Ahle is Saturday’s Dragon Duel Champion and will be taking home a Blood Mefist prize card!
13-year-old Brian Ahle from Lebanon, Illinois and 12-year-old Galdino Chavez from Fontana, California are the last 2 undefeated Duelists in the tournament. Ahle made it to the final table with his Dino Rabbit Deck, and Chavez got there with Inzektors. One of these Duelists will be taking home a Blood Mefist prize card. This final Match will decide it all!
Chavez started off the Duel by Normal Summoning Armageddon Knight and using its effect to send Inzektor Hornet from his Deck to his Graveyard. He Set 2 cards to his back row before passing.
Ahle opened up with 2 copies of Mystical Space Typhoon, Jurrac Guaiba, Sangan, Maxx “C”, and Forbidden Lance. He activated the 2 Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Chavez’s Compulsory Evacuation Device and Starlight Road, and then Normal Summoned Jurrac Guaiba. Chavez used Effect Veiler to negate Guaiba’s effect before Ahle entered the Battle Phase, and then Ahle used Guaiba to attack and destroy Armageddon Knight. Ahle Set Forbidden Lance before ending his turn.
Chavez Normal Summoned Inzektor Hornet and used its effect to equip it with a Hornet in his Graveyard. He sent the Equip to the Graveyard to destroy Guaiba before passing.
Ahle drew Rescue Rabbit next turn! He Summoned and banished it to Special Summon 2 copies of Kabazauls from his Deck. He combined his Kabazauls to Xyz Summon Evolzar Dolkka. Dolkka attacked Hornet, dropping Chavez down to 5900 Life Points.
Chavez Set a monster and passed.
Ahle Summoned Sangan and attacked Chavez’s face-down Armageddon Knight with Dolkka before attacking directly with Sangan.
Chavez Set a Sangan and passed.
Ahle attacked and destroyed Sangan with Dolkka and then negated Sangan’s effect by detaching an Xyz Material. Next, Sangan attacked Chavez directly.
Chavez Set another monster and a back row.
Ahle used Heavy Storm to clear the Spell & Trap Card Zone and then activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Inzektor Hornet from the Graveyard. He combined Hornet with Sangan to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon and used Leviair’s effect to Special Summon Rescue Rabbit from his Banished Zone. Then he banished his Rabbit to Special Summon 2 copies of Sabersaurus from his Deck and Chavez conceded, with only 3900 Life Points remaining.
Brian Ahle dominates Chavez in Duel 1, thanks to the help of his Dinosaurs! Galdino Chavez will be going first in Duel 2!
Chavez started off Duel 2 with 2 back rows and a Set monster.
Ahle opened up with Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror, Tour Guide From the Underworld, Effect Veiler, Fiendish Chain, Sabersaurus, and Heavy Storm. He activated Heavy Storm, but Chavez flipped Starlight Road to negate it and Special Summon Stardust Dragon! Next, Ahle Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and used its effect to Special Summon another copy of Tour Guide from his Deck. He combined his 2 Tour Guides to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Defense Position and Set 2 cards to his back row before passing.
Chavez activated Heavy Storm next. Ahle had no response, and Chavez Chained Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Zenmaines to Ahle’s Extra Deck. Ahle’s face-down Fiendish Chain and Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror were destroyed by the Storm. Next, Ahle Flip Summoned an Inzektor Hornet and equipped it with Inzektor Giga-Mantis. Stardust and Hornet attacked directly, dropping Ahle down to 3100 Life Points.
Ahle drew a Mystical Space Typhoon next turn and used it to destroy the Inzektor Giga-Mantis Equip. He Set Sabersaurus before passing.
Chavez tried using his Hornet’s effect to equip it with Inzektor Giga-Mantis, but Ahle discarded Effect Veiler to negate the Hornet’s effect. Chavez followed up by activating Monster Reborn to Special Summon Inzektor Giga-Mantis from the Graveyard. Giga-Mantis attacked and destroyed Ahle’s face-down Sabersaurus, and then Hornet and Stardust Dragon scored direct attacks.
Ahle drew Solemn Warning next turn and conceded, with no other cards in his hand or on his field.
Galdino Chavez takes an early lead with Starlight Road and then helps seal the Duel with his own Heavy Storm to win Duel 2! Brian Ahle will be going first in the final Duel of the Match!
Ahle opened up Duel 3 with Kabazauls, Smashing Ground, Forbidden Lance, Effect Veiler, and 2 copies of Macro Cosmos. He Summoned Kabazauls and Set a Macro Cosmos and a Forbidden Lance before ending his turn.
Chavez activated 2 copies of Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Ahle’s Macro Cosmos and Forbidden Lance. Then he Normal Summoned Inzektor Centipede and used his in-hand Giga-Mantis’s effect to equip it to Centipede and attack over Kabazauls with his 2400 ATK Centipede. Ahle dropped down to 7300 Life Points.
Ahle used Smashing Ground to destroy Centipede next turn, and then Set 2 cards to his back row.
Chavez tried to Normal Summon Mystic Tomato, but lost out to Ahle’s Solemn Warning. Chavez used Monster Reborn next, and Special Summoned the Tomato back from his Graveyard. Tomato attacked directly, dropping Ahle down to 3900 Life Points.
Ahle drew Sabersaurus next turn. He flipped Macro Cosmos and then Normal Summoned the Sabersaurus to attack over Mystic Tomato. Mystic Tomato was banished by Macro Cosmos and didn’t get its effect.
Chavez Set 2 cards to his back row.
Ahle drew Jurrac Guaiba next turn and attacked directly with Sabersaurus.
Chavez drew and activated Pot of Duality, revealing Compulsory Evacuation Device, Heavy Storm, and Inzektor Dragonfly from the top of his Deck. He added the Dragonfly to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he flipped his face-down Dark Hole to destroy Sabersaurus and Summoned Inzektor Dragonfly, using its effect to equip it with a Giga-Mantis. Dragonfly attacked for 2400 points of damage, and play passed to Ahle.
Ahle Set a monster and a back row.
Chavez drew and Summoned Inzektor Hornet. He attacked Ahle’s face-down Effect Veiler with Dragonfly to destroy it and then attacked directly with Hornet to drop Chavez down to 1000 Life Points.
Ahle Summoned Jurrac Guaiba next turn and attacked over Hornet with Guaiba to drop Chavez down to 4400 Life Points and Special Summon another Guaiba from his Deck. Ahle combined his Guaibas to Xyz Summon Number 39: Utopia and then passed his turn.
Chavez drew a card and Set it to his back row.
Ahle upgraded his Utopia into Number C39: Utopia Ray next turn and when Ahle used its effect to drain ATK from Dragonfly, Chavez Chained Compulsory Evacuation Device; but Dragonfly still lost its 1000 ATK. Ahle Normal Summoned Sabersaurus and attacked over the 1400 ATK Dragonfly, destroying it in battle and dropping Chavez down to 3900 Life Points.
Chavez Set a monster and passed.
Ahle drew Mystical Space Typhoon and activated it to destroy Chavez’s face-down Starlight Road, then Normal Summoned Kabazauls. Sabersaurus attacked and destroyed Chavez’s face-down Armageddon Knight and then Kabazauls attacked directly to drop Chavez down to 2200 Life Points. Ahle Xyz Summoned Evolzar Laggia in Main Phase 2 before passing to Chavez.
Chavez drew Reinforcement of the Army next turn and offered the handshake, unable to withstand an attack from Laggia!
Brian Ahle is Saturday’s Dragon Duel Champion and will be taking home a Blood Mefist prize card!