Round 10 Feature Match: David Lopez vs. Gabriel Perez
Gabriel Perez from Sacramento, California and David Lopez from Tucson, Arizona are currently 8-1. Perez is running a Piper Chaos Deck that uses a bunch of Level 1 monsters and Mystic Piper to draw cards before winning the Duel with Chaos monsters. Lopez is running a T.G. Deck with King Tiger Wanghu and Skill Drain in it. Skill Drain may be problematic for Perez’s small Effect Monsters, but his big attackers may help him to overwhelm Lopez, even without access to the effects of generally important monsters like Kinka-Byo.
Duel One
Perez started off Duel 1 by Summoning a Mystic Piper and Tributing it to draw a Cyber Dragon. Then he Set a card to his back row and passed.
Lopez Summoned King Tiger Wanghu and attacked directly to drop Perez down to 6300 Life Points. He Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.
Perez Special Summoned Cyber Dragon and attacked King Tiger Wanghu, but Lopez flipped Mirror Force to destroy Cyber Dragon.
Lopez Normal Summoned T.G. Rush Rhino next turn and Perez flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field. Perez banished the Rhino with D.D. Crow before its effect could grab Lopez another T.G. monster.
Perez activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Cyber Dragon next turn. He attacked directly with it, dropping Lopez down to 5900 Life Points.
Lopez Set a card to each zone and passed.
Perez Normal Summoned Mystic Piper and Tributed it to draw Mystical Space Typhoon. He activated it to destroy Lopez’s face-down Book of Moon and then Cyber Dragon attacked and destroyed Lopez’s face-down T.G. Striker. Perez used D.D. Crow to banish T.G. Striker before the End Phase.
Lopez Set a card to each zone again on his next turn.
Perez banished a D.D. Crow and Mystic Piper from his Graveyard to Special Summon Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning in Defense Position. He activated its effect to try to banish Lopez’s monster, but Lopez activated Skill Drain and gave up 1000 Life Points to negate it. Next, Perez Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld. Cyber Dragon attacked and destroyed Lopez’s face-down Warwolf and Tour Guide attacked directly. Lopez added a T.G. Rush Rhino from his Deck to his hand in the End Phase.
Lopez Normal Summoned T.G. Rush Rhino and attacked Tour Guide From the Underworld with it. In the Damage Step, Lopez activated Horn of the Phantom Beast to deal 800 more points of damage and draw a card. Lopez Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.
Perez Normal Summoned Mystic Piper and activated its effect to draw a Kinka-Byo from the top of his Deck, allowing him to draw a Chaos Sorcerer too. He banished a Tour Guide and Piper from his Graveyard to Special Summon Chaos Sorcerer and then attacked Rhino with Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning; but Lopez flipped TG1-EM1 to trade his Rhino for Perez’s Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning! In Main Phase 2, Perez switched his Cyber Dragon to Defense Position.
Lopez attacked and destroyed T.G. Rush Rhino with Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning and added a T.G. Warwolf from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his Rhino in the End Phase.
Perez activated Dark Hole to clear the field and then banished Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning and Chaos Sorcerer from his Graveyard to Special Summon Chaos Sorcerer. Chaos Sorcerer attacked directly, dropping Lopez down to 1600 Life Points.
Lopez Summoned T.G. Warwolf and then activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon T.G. Rush Rhino. He used TG1-EM1 to swap his Warwolf for the Chaos Sorcerer and then attacked over the Warwolf with Chaos Sorcerer. T.G. Rush Rhino attacked directly, dropping Perez down to 1600 Life Points. In the End Phase, Lopez used his Warwolf’s effect to add a T.G. Rush Rhino from his Deck to his hand.
Perez drew Creature Swap next turn, with Effect Veiler and Kinka-Byo in his hand! He Normal Summoned the Veiler and activated Creature Swap! Perez gave Effect Veiler to Lopez, and Lopez handed over his weakest monster, T.G. Rush Rhino. But it was all over 1 attack later! T.G. Rush Rhino attacked over the 0 ATK Effect Veiler to deal exactly 1600 points of damage and wipe out Lopez’s last 1600 Life Points!
Both Duelists keep swapping monsters with TG1-EM1, before a final trade with Creature Swap allows Gabriel Perez to win the first Duel! David Lopez will be going first in Duel 2!
Duel Two
Lopez started off Duel 2 by Setting 3 cards to his back row and Setting a monster.
Perez opened up Duel 2 with Kinka-Byo, Pot of Duality, Mirror Force, Mind Control, Creature Swap, and Mystic Piper. He activated Pot of Duality to reveal Cyber Dragon, Book of Moon, and Torrential Tribute from the top of his Deck and added the Cyber Dragon to his hand while shuffling the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Then he Normal Summoned Mystic Piper and used its effect to draw Torrential Tribute from his Deck. Perez Set Mirror Force and Torrential Tribute before ending his turn.
Lopez Flip Summoned T.G. Warwolf and then normal Summoned Beast King Barbaros; Perez tried to clear the field with Torrential Tribute, but Lopez flipped Starlight Road to save his monsters and Special Summon Stardust Dragon! T.G. Warwolf attacked, and when Perez flipped Mirror Force, Lopez Tributed Stardust Dragon to save his monsters. Warwolf and Barbaros scored direct hits.
Perez drew Tour Guide From the Underworld next turn. He Special Summoned Cyber Dragon and then Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and used its effect to Special Summon Sangan from his Deck. Next, he activated Mind Control to take control of T.G. Warwolf and combined it with Tour Guide to make Wind-Up Zenmaines in Attack Position. Then he activated Creature Swap, trading his Sangan for Lopez’s Barbaros. Cyber Dragon attacked and destroyed Sangan, allowing Perez to add a D.D. Crow from his Deck to his hand. Then Zenmaines attacked and was banished by Dimensional Prison. Beast King Barbaros attacked directly, dropping Lopez down to 5000 Life Points.
[Perez took a big risk here by Summoning Cyber Dragon and another Machine (Wind-Up Zenmaines) to his side of the field. If Lopez had Chimeratech Fortress Dragon in his Extra Deck, he would’ve been able to combine both of Perez’s Machines to Summon his own Fortress Dragon. Luckily for Perez, Lopez didn’t have Chimeratech Fortress Dragon in his Extra Deck and had to banish Zenmaines with Dimensional Prison instead.]
Lopez activated Pot of Duality, revealing Skill Drain, King Tiger Wanghu, and Solemn Judgment from the top of his Deck. He added the Solemn Judgment to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he Normal Summoned T.G. Rush Rhino and attacked Beast King Barbaros with it, destroying it in battle and dealing 100 points of damage to Perez. Lopez Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.
Perez drew Bottomless Trap Hole next turn. He attacked T.G. Rush Rhino with Beast King Barbaros, destroying it in battle. Then he Normal Summoned Kinka-Byo and activated its effect to Special Summon Mystic Piper from his Graveyard and Tributed the Piper with Priority. Lopez cleared the field with Torrential Tribute, and Perez drew Tour Guide From the Underworld off of Piper’s effect.
Lopez drew and activated Monster Reborn next turn, Special Summoning Beast King Barbaros; but Perez banished it with Bottomless Trap Hole.
[After the Match, Lopez lamented not using Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the Bottomless Trap Hole before using Monster Reborn. This way, he would’ve been able to keep his Barbaros on the field.”]
Perez tried to Normal Summon Tour Guide From the Underworld next turn, but its Summon was stopped by Solemn Judgment.
Lopez Normal Summoned King Tiger Wanghu and attacked directly with it.
Perez Normal Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and then banished a DARK and LIGHT monster from his Graveyard to Special Summon Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning! Lopez conceded, with only a Mystical Space Typhoon face-down in his back row.
Gabriel Perez is moving on with a 9-1 record with his Piper Deck!