Dragon Duel Winners – Sunday
April 1st, 2012
After 4 competitive rounds of Swiss, 4 Duelists have been determined as winners!
Mijail, for the second day in a row, has gone undefeated in the Dragon Duel with a Machina Gadget Deck that teched in Jinzo and Jinzo-Returner.
Rodrigo, for the second day in arow, has also finished second with a Twilight Deck.
Jorge finished third with a Machina Gadget Deck that also teched Jinzo and Jinzo-Returner.
Nicolas, placing in the Top 4 in both Dragon Duels this weekend, finished fourth with a Gladiator Beast Deck.

Left to right: 3rd Place: Jorge Vasallo, 1st Place: Mijail Flores, 2nd Place: Rodrigo Guevara, 4th Place: Nicolas Castillo.