Home > 2012/04 - Dallas, Texas, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What Deck Are You Playing, and What Cards are you Side Decking to Beat Dark World this Weekend?

QQ: What Deck Are You Playing, and What Cards are you Side Decking to Beat Dark World this Weekend?

April 15th, 2012

QQ stands for Quick Questions! After their huge win in Long Beach, taking down Grapha’s Dark World army won’t be easy. That’s why Duelists from all over the country walked into YCS Dallas with their individual Decks and a unique plan for beating Dark World Duelists. I surveyed several of the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which Decks they’re using, and which cards they’re Side Decking to beat Dark World Decks. Check out their answers!

“[I’m playing] Inzektors. [I’m Side Decking] D.D. Crow [to] basically [banish] Grapha.” –Houston Carter, Age 19

“I play Dark World. [I’m Side Decking] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror.” –Josh Carter, Age 20

“[I’m playing] Blackwings.” –Elijah Peyton, Age 18

“I’m playing Chaos Dragons and Side Decking Heavy Storm and Foolish Return!” –Diorrius Smith, Age 19

“[I’m playing] Inzektors. [I’m Side Decking] D.D. Crow and Doomcaliber Knight.” –Justin Crofton, Age 21

“[I’m playing] Inzektor. [I’m Side Decking] Dimensional Fissure.” –Raymond Litman, Age 19

“[I’m Side Decking] D.D. Crow and Foolish Return.” –David San-Soucie, Age 20

“[I’m Side Decking] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror.” –Maufrend Ruiz, Age 20

“[I’m playing] Inzektors. [I’m Side Decking] D.D. Crow & Smashing Grounds, not too worried about the Match-up.” –Cameren Cuellar, Age 25

“[I’m playing] X-Saber. [I’m Side Decking] D.D. Crow.”

“[I’m playing] Gladiator Beasts. I don’t need to [side for Dark World] because Heraklinos is a beast.” –Illegible name, Age 17

“[I’m Side Decking] Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror & Thunder King Rai-Oh.” –Kamean Dickenson, Age 19

“[I’m playing] Inzektors. [I’m Side Decking] D.D. Crow and Royal Decree.” –Michael Beurnes, Age 21

“[I’m playing] HEROes. I sided in Compulses and Mystical Space Typhoons.” –Kelly Benjamin, Age 20

“[I’m playing] Dragunity Dragon Draw Exodia. My Side against Dark World: Neko Mane King and Gemini Imps.” –Alan Rowe, Age 23

“I’m playing my version of Lightsworn, a very techy build running cards I’ve never seen others play in Lightsworn or Twilight Decks. I Side Gellenduo and Safe Zone for Dark World.” –Louis Ariki, Age 25

“I’m playing HEROes and I’m siding Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror.” –Antonio Dozzetti, Age 19

“[I’m playing] HEROes. [I’m siding] Macro and Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror.” –Robert Teer, Age 21