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Round 2 Roundup

April 28th, 2012

Here are some interesting plays we saw in Round 2.


Table 1: Brandon Garfias’ Gravekeeperes defeat David Whiple’s Chaos Dragons

Whiple tried to shut down Garfias’ Gravekeepers early, by using Mind Control to take a Set Gravekeeper’s Spy before it could get its effect. He Flip Summoned the Spy, and was presumably going to use it for an Xyz or Synchro Summon, but Garfias used Book of Moon to flip it face-down again. That way, it couldn’t be used for an Xyz or Synchro Summon, and it returned to Garfias in the End Phase. He then used Gravekeeper’s Commandant to get Necrovalley, Spy to get Gravekeeper’s Descendant, and Rite of Spirit to revive Commandant. Whiple fought back with Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, which was destroyed immediately with Torrential Tribute, revived with Monster Reborn, and destroyed again by Bottomless Trap Hole! Then Garfias used Malefic Stardust Dragon and his Gravekeepers to finish the Duel.


Whiple started next with Charge of the Light Brigade, sending Lightpulsar Dragon and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to the Graveyard, and searching for Lyla. He discarded her and Plaguespreader Zombie to revive Lightpulsar Dragon. Garfias used Necrovalley which was promptly hit by Mystical Space Typhoon. He played another Necrovalley, then used Burden of the Mighty and Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind to take out Lightpulsar Dragon. Lightpulsar Dragon revived itself again and took down Gale. Whiple had Heavy Storm the next turn, but Garfias had a third Necrovalley! Even that was no use, though, since Whiple had another Typhoon ready for it! Garfias was able to blow away Lightpulsar Dragon with Torrential Tribute in the middle of a Chain, so it couldn’t activate its effect. However, Whiple drew Darkflare Dragon at the last minute and snatched victory.


Garfias started the final Duel with Royal Tribute hitting EVERY card in Whiple’s hand! Whiple drew Gorz the Emissary of Darkness as his next card, but was unable to recover from Royal Tribute.


Table 2: Kristopher Valters’ Dino-Rabbit Deck defeated James Fischer’ HEROes

The first Duel saw some of the most popular monsters for these Decks, including Evolzar Laggia and Elemental HERO The Shining. Valters wound up using Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning to end the Duel.


The second Duel saw Fischer using Rivalry of Warlords to lock things down, taking advantage of his HEROes’ common Warrior Type. Valters eventually got around this by flipping his own monster face-down with Book of Moon to Summon the monsters he needed to win.


Table 3: Alejandro Pinon’s HEROes defeat Clinton Tocaldo’s Inzektors

After clearing out Tocaldo’s Gorz, Pinon summoned HERO after HERO, including Elemental HERO Ice Edge, and finished the first Duel.


Early on in Duel 2, Pinon used Chain Disappearance on Inzektor Dragonfly! With his Dragonflies all gone, Tocaldo struggled against Elemental HERO Stratos and Elemental HERO Ice Edge. He was able to rid the field of them, but Elemental HERO The Shining summoned by Miracle Fusion finished it all!


Table 4: Emanuel Pagan’s HEROes defeated Mike Grunewald’s Mystery Deck

Pagan led with Beast King Barbaros. Grunewald responded by trying to crash his Thunder King Rai-Oh into it, but Pagan flipped Skill Drain to convert Barbaros into a 3000 ATK monster! Grunewald had one more trick up his sleeve though, using Book of Moon to turn Barbaros to defense position so its weaker 1200 DEF came into play. Grunewald later tribute his Thunder King for Caius the Shadow Monarch and revived Pagan’s Beast King Barbaros with Monster Reborn. Barbaros controlled the field for many turns until finally it was destroyed by Torrential Tribute. Pagan summoned one more, and when Grunewald used his own Torrential Tribute, Pagan had Solemn Judgment to negate it and set the stage for Barbaros to win the Duel.


Grunewald was able to use Macro Cosmos early, keeping Pagan’s HEROes out of the Graveyard. Pagan proved he didn’t need the Graveyard when he fused his on-field Elemental HERO Neos Alius and Snowman Eater with Miracle Fusion, summoning Elemental HERO Absolute Zero! A turn later he summoned Beast King Barbaros, then used another Miracle Fusion, fusing Barbaros and Absolute Zero for Elemental HERO Gaia, clearing the field with Absolute Zero’s effect and winning the Match!