Round 8: Michael Ridley vs. Samuel Parry
Michael Ridley and Samuel Parry are both 6-1 in the tournament, and now they’re Dueling against one another in this Round 8 Feature Match! Ridley is using a Machina Gadget Deck that has the power to replenish his hand whenever he Summons a monster. But Samuel Perry’s Wind-Up Deck can force Ridley to send his in-hand monsters to the Graveyard before he can Summon them. The contrast between these 2 Decks is sure to make this an interesting Match.
Parry Normal Summoned Wind-Up Magician and then used his in-hand Wind-Up Shark’s effect to Special Summon it. He used his Magician’s effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter from his Deck, then turned Wind-Up Shark into a Level 3 monster and combined it with Wind-Up Hunter to make Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity! He detached Wind-Up Hunter from Zenmaity to Special Summon Wind-Up Rat from his Deck, then used his Rat to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter from his Graveyard. Wind-Up Hunter Tributed Wind-Up Magician to force Ridley to send Mirror Force to the Graveyard. Then Parry detached Wind-Up Hunter from Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity again, and used Zenmaity’s effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Rat. He used the Rat to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter and Tributed Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity to send Solemn Warning from Ridley’s hand to his Graveyard with Hunter’s effect. Next, Parry detached another Wind-Up Hunter to Special Summon another Wind-Up Rat, and used its effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter back from the Graveyard. Parry Sent Zenmaity to the Graveyard to use Hunter’s effect, this time to send another Solemn Warning from Ridley’s hand to the Graveyard. Next, Parry combined Hunter with Rat to Special Summon Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, and detached Wind-Up Hunter to give it 500 ATK. Then he used Monster Reborn to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter, and activated its effect to Tribute Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity and send Ultimate Offering from Ridley’s hand to the Graveyard. Parry Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.
Ridley started his first turn with only a Compulsory Evacuation Device and Monster Reborn in his hand. He activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Wind-Up Magician in Defense Position and then Set Compulsory Evacuation Device.
Parry Normal Summoned Sangan and then combined it with Wind-Up Hunter to Xyz Summon Number 20: Giga-Brilliant. He used Giga-Brilliant’s effect to boost the ATK of his monsters, and then attacked Wind-Up Magician with Giga-Brilliant to destroy it. He tried attacking with Leviathan Dragon, but Ridley flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to return the Leviathan Dragon to Parry’s Extra Deck.
Ridley drew Red Gadget next turn. He Summoned it and used its effect to add a Yellow Gadget from his Deck to his hand.
Parry Summoned Wind-Up Magician next turn and then detached another Xyz Material from Giga-Brilliant to activate its effect. Giga-Brilliant attacked and destroyed Red Gadget and then Wind-Up Magician attacked directly for 900 points of damage. Ridley dropped down to 6000 Life Points.
Ridley drew Solidarity next turn. He Normal Summoned Yellow Gadget and used its effect to add a Green Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Next, Ridley activated Solidarity to give all of his Machines 800 ATK. Yellow Gadget attacked Wind-Up Magician, but Parry flipped Dimensional Prison to banish it.
Parry Summoned another Wind-Up Magician next turn. He combined it with his other Magician to Summon Number 39: Utopia, and then attacked directly with Giga-Brilliant and Utopia to drop Ridley down to 1100 Life Points.
Ridley drew Limiter Removal. He Summoned Green Gadget (2200 ATK) and activated its effect to add a Red Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Ridley Set Limiter Removal before ending his turn.
Parry activated Heavy Storm and Ridley Chained Limiter Removal; but Parry activated Book of Moon to put the 4400 ATK Gadget face-down. Giga-Brilliant attacked and destroyed it, and then Number 39: Utopia attacked directly to wipe out the rest of Ridley’s Life Points!
Samuel Parry wins Duel 1 aftereliminating 4 cards from Ridley’s hand first turn! Ridley will be going first in Duel 2!
Ridley opened up Duel 2 by Summoning Machina Gearframe and used its effect; but Parry discarded Effect Veiler to negate it. Ridley Set Compulsory Evacuation Device and Vanity’s Emptiness before passing his turn
Parry Set a card to each zone.
Ridley drew Heavy Storm and then Summoned Red Gadget and used its effect to add Yellow Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Then he combined Red Gadget with Machina Gearframe to Summon Number 39: Utopia! Utopia attacked Parry’s face-down Snowman Eater. Snowman Eater destroyed Utopia with its effect, and Utopia destroyed the Snowman Eater in battle.
Parry Summoned Wind-Up Magician next turn and Ridley flipped Vanity’s Emptiness; but Parry negated it by giving up 4000 Life Points with Solemn Judgment and Special Summoned Wind-Up Shark from his hand. Wind-Up Magician’s effect activated to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter from Parry’s Deck, and Wind-Up Hunter’s effect allowed Parry to send Solemn Warning from Ridley’s hand to his Graveyard by Tributing Wind-Up Magician. Parry used Shark’s effect to make it a Level 3 monster, and Ridley flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Wind-Up Hunter to Parry’s hand.
Ridley drew Torrential Tribute next turn and then Summoned Yellow Gadget and activated its effect to add a Green Gadget from his Deck to his hand. He Set Torrential Tribute and Chain Disappearance before ending his turn.
Parry Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated its effect to Special Summon Sangan from his Deck. Ridley activated Torrential Tribute to clear the field, and Parry added another Tour Guide From the Underworld from his Deck to his hand with Sangan’s effect.
Ridley drew Yellow Gadget next turn. He Normal Summoned Green Gadget and used its effect to add Red Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Then he attacked directly with Green Gadget, dropping Parry down to 2600 Life Points.
Parry Summoned Wind-Up Hunter next turn. Then he activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from his Graveyard. Next, he reduced Wind-Up Shark to a Level 3 monster and combined it with Wind-Up Hunter to Summon Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity. He detached Wind-Up Hunter from Zenmaity to Special Summon Wind-Up Rat from his Deck and Ridley flipped Chain Disappearance, banishing the Wind-Up Rat from the field and both copies from Parry’s Deck. Zenmaity attacked and destroyed Green Gadget, and Ridley Set a back row before ending his turn.
Ridley drew Pot of Duality next turn. He tried to Summon Yellow Gadget and Parry flipped Solemn Warning, bringing himself down to 600 Life Points, to negate the Summon. Next, Ridley activated Pot of Duality, revealing Ultimate Offering, Solemn Warning, and Pot of Duality from the top of his Deck. He added the Ultimate Offering to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Ridley Set Ultimate Offering and Heavy Storm before ending his turn.
Parry Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated its effect to Special Summon another Tour Guide from his Deck. Then he combined his Tour Guides in order to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon! Parry detached an Xyz Material from Leviair in order to Special Summon Wind-Up Rat from his banished zone, and then used his Rat’s effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter from the Graveyard. Next, he used the effect of his Hunter to Tribute Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity and force Ridley to send the Red Gadget in his hand to the Graveyard. Next, Parry combined Wind-Up Hunter with Wind-Up Rat to Xyz Summon Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, and detached Wind-Up Hunter from Leviathan Dragon. Leviathan Dragon and Leviair attached directly, dropping Ridley down to 2100 Life Points.
Ridley drew Green Gadget next turn! He Summoned it and used its effect to get a Red Gadget from his Deck. Then he flipped Ultimate Offering and paid 500 Life Points to Summon the Red Gadget, and used its effect to get a Yellow Gadget. He paid another 500 Life Points to Summon the Yellow Gadget, and used its effect to get a Green Gadget. He paid 500 Life Points to Summon Green Gadget, but had no Red Gadgets left in his Deck. Next, Ridley flipped Heavy Storm to destroy Parry’s face-down Solemn Warning. He combined 2 of his Gadgets to Summon Number 39: Utopia, and then upgraded Utopia into Number C39: Utopia Ray with only 600 Life Points left! Ridley detached Utopia Ray’s Xyz Materials to power it up and reduce Leviathan Dragon’s strength, and then attacked over Leviathan Dragon to win the Duel!
Michael Ridley uses Ultimate Offering to Summon a bunch of Gadgets before sealing Duel 2 with Number C39: Utopia Ray! Samuel Parry will be going first in Duel 2!
Parry started off Duel 3 by Summoning Tour Guide From the Underworld and using its effect to Special Summon Sangan from his Deck. He combined Sangan with Tour Guide to Summon Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity in Defense Position and then activated Wind-Up Factory. He detached Sangan from Zenmaity to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter to the field, and used Wind-Up Factory to add Wind-Up Shark from his Deck to his hand. Next, He Set 2 cards to his back row and passed.
Ridley activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Parry’s face-down Mystical Space Typhoon and then used another Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Parry’s face-down Dimensional Prison. Next, he Normal Summoned Yellow Gadget and activated its effect; but Parry discarded Effect Veiler to negate its effect.
Parry detached Tour Guide From the Underworld from Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity in order to Special Summon Wind-Up Rabbit from his Deck and add a Wind-Up Shark to his hand with Wind-Up Factory. He also used the effect of the in-hand Shark that he got on the previous turn to Special Summon it to the field. Ridley flipped Torrential Tribute when Wind-Up Shark hit the field, and Parry used his Rabbit’s effect to banish and protect itself.
Ridley drew Red Gadget next turn! He Summoned it to the field and used its effect to add a Yellow Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Red Gadget attacked directly and Parry dropped down to 6700 Life Points.
Parry returned his Rabbit to the field in his Standby Phase and then Normal Summoned Wind-Up Rat. Ridley flipped Chain Disappearance and Parry Chained Torrential Tribute. Parry then Chained the effect of his Rabbit to have it banish itself before the field was cleared by Torrrential, and used Wind-Up Factory to add Wind-Up Magician from his Deck to his hand.
Ridley drew Heavy Storm next turn. He Normal Summoned Yellow Gadget and used its effect to add a Green Gadget from his Deck to his hand. Then he attacked directly, dropping Parry down to 5500 Life Points. Ridley Set Heavy Storm before ending his turn.
Parry returned Wind-Up Rabbit to the field next turn and then Normal Summoned another Wind-Up Rabbit. Next, he used the effects of his 2 in-hand Sharks to Special Summon them one, then the other. He then used his Factory’s effect to add a Wind-Up Rat from his Deck to his hand. Next, he used his Sharks’ effects to make them Level 5 monsters and combined them to Summon Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh! He used Zenmaioh’s effect to destroy Ridley’s face-down Heavy Storm and Dimensional Prison. Zenmaioh attacked and destroyed Yellow Gadget, and then both Rabbits attacked directly to drop Ridley down to 3800 Life Points.
Ridley drew Yellow Gadget next turn. He Summoned Green Gadget and used its effect to add a Red Gadget from his Deck to his hand. He ended his turn with no back rows, and Parry used his Rabbit’s effect in the End Phase to banish it and add a Rat from his Deck to his hand with his Factory’s effect.
Parry returned his Rabbit to the field in his Standby Phase and then Normal Summoned Wind-Up Rat. He used the Rat’s effect and Ridley immediately conceded, realizing he was beaten.
Samuel Parry and his Wind-Up Deck are moving on with a 7-1 record!