Home > 2012/05 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania > QQ: Which Battle Pack Prize Card is Coolest?

QQ: Which Battle Pack Prize Card is Coolest?

May 19th, 2012

QQ stands for Quick Questions! There are lots of cool Starfoil cards that are only available as Battle Pack tournament prize cards. I surveyed the field of Duelists to find out which one is their favorite. Check out their answers!

“Grandmaster of the Six Samurai.” –Brooke Blackman

“Spirit Reaper.” –Billy Brake

“Grandmaster by far! Go Six Samurai!” –Pete Ranchet

“Gladiator Beast Gyzarus.” –James M. Guerrero

“Spirit Reaper.” –Wesley Gerhardt

“Gravekeeper’s Descendant.” –Patrick Clarcy

“Spirit Reaper.” –David Bui

“Electric Virus and Spirit Reaper.” –Anthony Ennis

“Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth.” –Rob Werner

“Chimeratech Fortress Dragon.” –Jonathan Sease

“Electric Virus.” –Jesse Kotton

“Judgment Dragon.” –Nassim Motyd

“Judgment Dragon.” –Matthew Geymen

“Jurrac Guaiba.” –Vinnie Silverman

“Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Electric Virus, Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, Strike Ninja, Chimeratech Fortress Dragon, Mystical Shine Ball, and Spirit Reaper.” –Alex Schenck