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The Finals: Andrew Martin vs. Feng Chen

May 20th, 2012

Andrew Martin from Lewisberry, Pennsylvania and Feng Chen from Brooklyn, New York are both using Dragon Decks. Chen is a YCS first-timer and Martin has only competed in 1 YCS previously. Now, one of these Duelists is about to become a YCS winner, and the first Duelist in the United States to bring Chaos Dragons to the top of a YCS tournament.

Duel One

Martin opened up Duel 1 with Solar Recharge, Honest, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, Chaos Sorcerer, and 2 copies of Eclipse Wyvern. He Set a Wyvern and ended his turn.

Chen Normal Summoned Card Trooper and activated its effect by sending Solar Recharge, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, and Darkflare Dragon from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. He attacked and destroyed Martin’s face-down Eclipse Wyvern, allowing him to banish Dark Armed Dragon from his Deck with Wyvern’s effect.

Martin drew Phantom of Chaos. He Normal Summoned Eclipse Wyvern and attacked Card Trooper to destroy it. Chen draw a card with Card Trooper’s effect.

Chen activated Allure of Darkness to draw 2 cards and banish a Tour Guide from his hand. Then he Normal Summoned a Tour Guide and used its effect to Special Summon a Sangan from his Deck. He activated Future Fusion next! He sent 2 copies of Eclipse Wyvern, Lightpulsar Dragon, Darkflare Dragon, and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from his Deck to his Graveyard so that he could Summon Five-Headed Dragon 2 turns later. Then he used his Wyverns’ effects to banish a Dark Armed Dragon and a Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from his Deck. Next, he banished Eclipse Wyvern and Darkflare Dragon from his Graveyard to Special Summon Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning, and used his Wyvern’s effect to return Dark Armed Dragon from his Graveyard to his hand. Then, Chen combined his Sangan and Tour Guide to Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon, and detached a Sangan from it to activate its effect and Special Summon his banished Wyvern. He Special Summoned Dark Armed Dragon next. Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning attacked Eclipse Wyvern, and Martin discarded Honest from his hand to stay in the Duel!
Pic 1

Chen’s Black Luster Soldier was destroyed, and he banished Sangan from his Graveyard in order to finally take down Martin’s Wyvern in Main Phase 2. Martin banished Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from his Deck with his Eclipse Wyvern’s effect.

Martin drew Judgment Dragon next turn; but with Judgment Dragon, Phantom of Chaos, Chaos Sorcerer, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, and Solar Recharge in his hand, he couldn’t do much. He Summoned Phantom of Chaos and activated its effect, but Chen discarded Effect Veiler to negate it and prevent Martin from banishing his Eclipse Wyvern. Martin attacked Eclipse Wyvern with Phantom of Chaos in order to get a DARK monster into his Graveyard. He lost 1600 Life Points in the process, and dropped down to 6400 Life Points. Martin banished Eclipse Wyvern and Phantom of Chaos from his Graveyard to Special Summon Chaos Sorcerer next, and used his Wyvern’s effect to add Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to his hand. He used his Sorcerer’s effect to banish Chen’s Dark Armed Dragon and then ended his turn.

Chen activated Solar Recharge next turn by discarding Ryko. He drew 2 cards and sent 2 Lylas from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Next, Chen detached Tour Guide from Leviair to Special Summon Martin’s banished Phantom of Chaos. He Normal Summoned Card Trooper next, and activated its effect by sending Monster Reborn, Effect Veiler, and Lyla from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Chen followed up by banishing Eclipse Wyvern from his Graveyard with Phantom of Chaos, and used his Wyvern’s effect to add Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to his hand. He banished Eclipse Wyvern from his field to Summon it and then activated its effect to Special Summon Lightpulsar Dragon from his Graveyard. Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon attacked over Chaos Sorcerer, and then Lightpulsar Dragon, Leviair, and Card Trooper attacked directly to wipe out the rest of Martin’s Life Points!

Chen makes great use of Future Fusion to take a quick win in Duel 1! Andrew Martin is going first in Duel 2!

Duel Two

Martin opened up with Monster Reborn, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, Tour Guide From the Underworld, Chaos Sorcerer, and Darkflare Dragon. He Set Ryko and passed.

Chen Normal Summoned Tour Guide and activated its effect to Special Summon Sangan from his Deck. He attacked Ryko with Tour Guide, and Ryko destroyed Tour Guide before sending Darkflare Dragon, Lightpulsar Dragon, and Forbidden Chalice from the top of Martin’s Deck to his Graveyard. Next Sangan attacked directly, and Martin Special Summoned Gorz from his hand along with a 1000 ATK and DEF Emissary of Darkness Token. Chen Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Martin drew Charge of the Light Brigade and activated it by sending Tour Guide, Dark Hole, and Card Trooper from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. He searched his Deck for Lyla and added it to his hand. He Summoned it to the field and then activated its effect to try to destroy Chen’s back row; but Chen Chained it. It was a Compulsory Evacuation Device, and Chen used it to get rid of Martin’s Token. Martin Special Summoned Chaos Sorcerer next, by banishing Ryko and Tour Guide from his Graveyard. He activated its effect to try to banish Sangan, and Chen discarded Effect Veiler to negate Sorcerer’s effect. Martin ended his turn and sent Effect Veiler, Sangan, and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard with Lyla’s effect in his End Phase.

Chen Tributed Sangan to Summon Lightpulsar Dragon and then used Sangan’s effect to add a Ryko from his Deck to his hand. He activated Solar Recharge next. He discarded Ryko to draw 2 cards and then send Ryko and Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Lightpulsar Dragon attacked and destroyed Chaos Sorcerer in Chen’s Battle Phase, and Chen activated Smashing Ground to destroy Gorz in Main Phase 2.

Martin drew Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning next turn! He activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Lightpulsar Dragon from his Graveyard and then banished Sangan and Effect Veiler from his Graveyard to Special Summon Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning. Martin attacked Chen’s Lightpulsar Dragon with his own, and Special Summoned Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from his Graveyard with its effect. Chen had no DARK Dragons to Special Summon. Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon attacked directly, but Martin chose not attack with Black Luster Soldier, fearing Gorz. In his End Phase, Martin sent Lightpulsar Dragon, Jain, Lightsworn Paladin, and Solar Recharge from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard with Lyla’s effect.

Chen activated Dark Hole to destroy Lyla, Red-Eyes, and Black Luster Soldier! He Set a monster before ending his turn.

Martin drew Lightpulsar Dragon. He banished Jain and Sorcerer from his Graveyard to Special Summon Lightpulsar and then Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld. He Special Summoned another Tour Guide with its effect and then combined his Tour Guides to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon. He detached an Xyz Material from it to Special Summon Sangan and then attacked Chen’s face-down Ryko with Lightpulsar Dragon. Ryko destroyed Lightpulsar Dragon before sending Lightpulsar Dragon, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, and Eclipse Wyvern from the top of Chen’s Deck to his Graveyard. Chen banished Dark Armed Dragon from his Deck with his Wyvern’s effect. Martin attacked directly with Sangan and Leviair next, dropping Chen down to 2400 Life Points.

Chen activated Allure of Darkness. He drew 2 cards and then banished a Tour Guide from his hand. Next, he activated Future Fusion! He sent 2 copies of Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, 2 Darkflare Dragons, and a Lightpulsar Dragon from his Deck to his Graveyard. Then he sent Eclipse Wyvern and Tour Guide from his hand to his Graveyard to Special Summon Lightpulsar Dragon, and used Lightpulsar to attack and destroy Leviair.

Martin drew Effect Veiler next turn. He sent Effect Veiler and another monster to the Graveyard to Summon Lightpulsar Dragon and used it to attack Chen’s Lightpulsar. Both Duelists Special Summoned Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon with the effects of their Lightpulsar Dragons, and Martin attacked his Dragon into Chen’s to destroy them both. Sangan scored a direct attack next.

[Martin didn’t use Armory Arm in his Extra Deck. If he did, he would’ve been able to Tune Sangan with Effect Veiler to Synchro Summon Armory Arm and win the Duel.]

Chen Set a back row and passed.

Martin drew Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and switched Sangan into Defense Position.

Chen Special Summoned Five-Headed Dragon in his next Standby Phase. He Set a card to his back row and ended his turn.

Martin drew Solar Recharge and passed.

Chen Special Summoned Chaos Sorcerer. He added Dark Armed Dragon from his banished zone to his hand with his Wyvern’s effect and then banished Sangan with his Sorcerer’s effect. Five-Headed Dragon attacked directly next, dropping Martin down to 1100 Life Points.

Martin drew Eclipse Wyvern and conceded, staring down a Five-Headed Dragon.

Feng Chen wins 2-0 in the Finals to become the champion of YCS Philadelphia 2012!