. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Top 4!

Top 4!

June 17th, 2012
And now to the Top 4…we have 4 different Decks in the Top 4.  A Six Samurai (which won the YCS – Guadalajara), a Darkworld (which won the 100th YCS), a Dino Rabbit (which has won quite a few events in t he past) and a Wind-Up Deck (no wins yet).

Gonzalez Orea, Alvaro Manuel (seated left, Six Samurai) vs. Lopez Peñuela, Ali Alberto (Darkworld)Alvaro (left) vs. Ali (right)

Alvaro advances to the Finals with his Six Samurai Deck, beating Ali 2-1.

Luna Soria, Ricardo Javier (seated right, Dino Rabbit) vs. Jimenez, Tomas (Wind-Ups – Costa Rica)

Table 2

Ricardo advances to the Finals, winning 2-1 with his Dino Rabbit Deck.