. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » WCQ Top 16: Corey Roca vs. Kevin Rubio
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WCQ Top 16: Corey Roca vs. Kevin Rubio

July 1st, 2012

Kevin Rubio from New Jersey is using his Dino Rabbit Deck against Delaware’s Corey Roca and his Wind-Up Deck in this Top 16 Feature Match! Both Decks were popular choices in the tournament this weekend and have had a successful showing; but only one of these Duelists will be moving on to the Top 8!


Duel One

Rubio opened up with Effect Veiler, Solemn Warning, Sabersaurus, Heavy Storm, Kabazauls, and Dimensional Prison. He Set Solemn Warning and then ended his turn.

Roca tried to Normal Summon Wind-Up Rabbit and Rubio activated Solemn Warning to pay 2000 Life Points and negate its Summon. Rubio activated Monster Reborn to return his Rabbit to the field and then Special Summoned Wind-Up Shark from his hand. He reduced Wind-Up Shark to Level 3 and then combined it with his Rabbit to Summon Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity in Defense Position. He detached Wind-Up Rabbit to activate its effect, but Rubio negated its effect with Effect Veiler! Roca Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Rubio drew Pot of Avarice next turn. He activated Heavy Storm to destroy Solemn Warning and Forbidden Lance and then Flip Summoned Kabazauls. He Summoned Sabersaurus and Xyz Summoned Evolzar Laggia by combining Kabazauls with Sabersaurus. Laggia attacked and destroyed Zenmaity. He Set Dimensional Prison and passed.

Roca passed without making a play.

Rubio drew Monster Reborn and then attacked with Evolzar Laggia; but Roca Special Summoned Gorz the Emissary of Darkness along with a 2400 DEF Emissary of Darkness Token!

Roca attacked Laggia with Gorz, and Rubio banished Gorz with his Dimensional Prison. Then the Emissary of Darkness Token attacked Laggia, causing them both to be destroyed.

Rubio drew Sangan next turn! He Summoned it and attacked directly, dropping Roca down to 4600 Life Points. Rubio Set Monster Reborn before ending his turn.

Roca Summoned Wind-Up Rabbit and attacked Sangan with it. Rubio added a Rescue Rabbit from his Deck to his hand with the effect of Sangan. Roca Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Rubio drew Jurrac Guaiba and Summoned Rescue Rabbit. Roca used Effect Veiler to negate Rabbit’s effect! Next, Rubio activated Pot of Avarice to return Sangan, Effect Veiler, Evolzar Laggia, Sabersaurus, and Kabazauls to his Deck and draw Tour Guide From the Underworld and a second Jurrac Guaiba. Rubio banished his Rabbit to get it off the field and then ended his turn.

Roca Set a card to his back row and attacked directly with Wind-Up Rabbit to drop Rubio down to 4200 Life Points.

Rubio used Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Roca’s face-down Foolish Burial and then Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld. He used its effect to Special Summon Sangan from his Deck and combined Sangan with Tour Guide to Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon. Roca flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Rubio’s face-down Monster Reborn, but it wasn’t much help – Rubio detached Sangan from Leviair to Special Summon Rescue Rabbit and then banished it to Special Summon 2 copies of Sabersaurus from his Deck. Sabersaurus attacked over Wind-Up Rabbit and then Leviair and the other Sabersaurus attacked directly to bring Roca down to 400 Life Points!

Roca drew Tour Guide From the Underworld next turn, but when he tried to Summon it, Rubio negated its Summon with Laggia’s effect and Roca conceded!



Duel Two

Roca started off Duel 2 by Summoning Wind-Up Rabbit and Setting a back row.

Rubio opened up with Sabersaurus, Bottomless Trap Hole, Maxx “C”, Torrential Tribute, Jurrac Guaiba, and Starlight Road. He tried to Summon Sabersaurus and lost out to Solemn Warning. Rubio Set all of his Trap Cards before passing.

Roca Summoned Spirit Reaper and when Rubio flipped Torrential Tribute, Roca Chained his Rabbit’s effect to banish the Rabbit. Roca Set a card to his back row before passing.

Rubio Summoned Jurrac Guaiba next turn and attacked directly with it. In his End Phase, Roca used Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Rubio’s face-down Starlight Road.

Roca Summoned Wind-Up Shark and then revealed another from his hand to Special Summon it; but Rubio Chained Maxx “C” and drew Mystical Space Typhoon when it hit the field! Next, Roca bumped both of his Sharks up to Level 5 and Xyz Summoned Tiras, Keeper of Genesis, allowing Rubio to draw another card. Rubio flipped Bottomless Trap Hole and then Chained Effect Veiler to negate Tiras’s effect so that it couldn’t protect itself. Tiras was banished, and Roca activated Dark Hole. He Chained Rabbit’s effect to save it once more.

Rubio drew a card so that he had 2 copies of Mystical Space Typhoon and a Sangan in his hand. He Set Sangan and a Mystical Space Typhoon before passing.

Roca Set Forbidden Chalice, but lost it to Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase.

Rubio drew Book of Moon. He Set it along with Mystical Space Typhoon.

Roca Set Solemn Judgment and passed, but lost his Solemn Judgment to Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase.

Rubio drew Tour Guide From the Underworld! He Summoned it and activated its effect, but Roca discarded his last in-hand card, Effect Veiler, to negate the effect. Next, Rubio Flip Summoned Sangan and combined it with Tour Guide to Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon. Leviair attacked and destroyed Wind-Up Rabbit and play passed to Roca.

Roca Set a monster and passed.

Rubio drew Kabazauls. He attacked Roca’s face-down Snowman Eater with Leviair and Snowman Eater destroyed Leviair with its effect. Rubio Set Kabazauls before ending his turn.

Roca drew Monster Reborn! He activated it to Special Summon Spirit Reaper in Defense Position and then combined Spirit Reaper with Snowman Eater to Summon Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity; but Rubio flipped Book of Moon to put Zenmaity face-down.

Rubio drew Jurrac Guaiba next turn! He Summoned it and Flip Summoned Kabazauls. He attacked over Zenmaity with Guaiba, Special Summoning another Guaiba from his Deck; then Kabazauls attacked directly. In Main Phase 2, Roca Xyz Summon Evolzar Laggia by combining Kabazauls with Jurrac Guaiba.

Roca drew Torrential Tribute and conceded, realizing that he would be unable to win.

Kevin Rubio is moving on to the Top 8!


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