Home > 2012/09 - Toronto, Canada, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What’s your favorite change to the Forbidden & Limited Cards List?

QQ: What’s your favorite change to the Forbidden & Limited Cards List?

September 2nd, 2012

It’s September 2nd, making this the second day of competition using the new Advanced Format F&L List!  There were some big changes and a lot of moderate tweaks on the new List, drawing a variety of opinion from attendees here at YCS Toronto.  We interviewed a bunch of the weekend’s main event competitors to ask: what was your favorite change on the September 1st Advanced Format F&L List?

“Tsukuyomi coming back.”
-Shen Jey, Toronto

“Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity to one.”
-David Marcotte, Montreal

“Future Fusion Forbidden!”
-Billy Brake, Dallas

“My favorite was Zenmaity to one.”
-Patrick Achramuvitch, Buffalo

“Zenmaity to one.”
-Thomas Vo, Fairfax

“The Agent of Creation – Earth to two, since it’s got some people playing Agents again.”
-Mark Dizon, Milton

“Future Fusion being Forbidden.”
-Name Withheld, The Bronx

“Future Fusion.”
-Daniel LaMartina, Rochester

“Wind-Up Zenmaity to one.”
-Sean Montague, Redford

“Inzektors [Dragonfly and Hornet to one].”
-Paul Cooper, Kansas City

“Future Fusion!”
-Glenn Robinson, Kansas City

“Inzektor Dragonfly and Inzektor Hornet to one.”
-Louis Hong, Waterloo

“My favorite change was Tsukuyomi to Limited.”
-Matthew Geyman, Livingston