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Home > 2012/09 - Toronto, Canada, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Satellite News – Franco Ferrara’s Spellbook of Wisdom:

Satellite News – Franco Ferrara’s Spellbook of Wisdom:

September 1st, 2012

While the kick-off to the new Advanced Format marks a new era of Dueling, it’s not all competition here at YCS Toronto!  Local artist and avid Duelist Franco Ferrara, who often channels his talents to create unique pieces of Dueling-inspired art, brought his latest work with him today: a life-sized replica of the Spellbook of Wisdom!


Ferrara used sculpting materials to augment a real, functioning notebook, creating a text that can lay open and flat at the proper angle shown in Spellbook of Wisdom’s card art.  But realizing he wasn’t likely to use it to actually write in, he went one step further; he carved out the pages inside to create a hidden spot to keep his Deck.  We didn’t have a chance to get a picture of it, but it’s really cool – definitely one of the most original Deck boxes we’ve seen at a YCS this year.

And Ferrara playing here at YCS Toronto?  Prophecy Spellcasters, of course!  Ferrara was just coming off his Round 1 win, where he won his last Duel with Prophecy Destroyer.  He took a moment to plug the card in fact, clearly jazzed about the victory: “I didn’t even get to High Priestess of Prophecy that game, but Destroyer won it for me all on its own anyways!”

The Dueling community is full of creativity and talent, and the spirit of originality is alive and well here in Toronto!  As new strategies smash their way through the main event, creators like Franco Ferrara are taking their fandom to cool new places.  Who knows what we’ll see next?