. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Top 32 Feature Match: Billy Brake vs. Evan Towler
Home > 2012/09 – Indianapolis, IN, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Top 32 Feature Match: Billy Brake vs. Evan Towler

Top 32 Feature Match: Billy Brake vs. Evan Towler

September 23rd, 2012

Dallas, Texas’s Billy Brake is back with another YCS Top 32 finish! He ended the Swiss Rounds with a 9-1 record using an Inzektor Deck – a Deck that many Duelists speculated would cease to be played on the competitive scene after the September 2012 Forbidden & Limited List took effect. Brake’s opponent in the Top 32 is Redford, Michigan’s Evan Towler, who ended the Swiss Rounds with an 8-2 record by using a more traditional Wind-Up Deck. Only one of these Duelists will advance to the Top 16!


Brake opened up with Inzektor Hornet, Maxx “C”, Call of the Haunted, Monster Reborn, Dark Armed Dragon, and Inzektor Ladybug.


Brake's Duel 1 Opening Hand


Brake Set his Ladybug and Call of the Haunted before ending his turn.


Towler Set 2 cards to his back row and passed.


Brake drew Mystical Space Typhoon and then Flip Summoned Inzektor Ladybug. He activated its effect to equip it with Inzektor Hornet and then sent his Hornet to the Graveyard to destroy Towler’s face-down Torrential Tribute. Brake Set Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn.


Towler activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Brake’s Mystical Space Typhoon and then Normal Summoned Wind-Up Rabbit. He attacked and destroyed Brake’s Ladybug with his Rabbit, dropping Brake down to 7100 Life Points. Towler Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.


Brake drew Inzektor Giga-Mantis next turn. He activated Call of the Haunted to try to Special Summon Inzektor Ladybug, but Towler Chained Solemn Warning and negated Call of the Haunted by paying 2000 Life Points! Brake activated Monster Reborn next, targeting the Inzektor Ladybug in his Graveyard. Towler Chained Maxx “C”. Brake Special Summoned Inzektor Ladybug from his Graveyard and Towler drew a card. Brake used his Ladybug’s effect to equip it with the Hornet in his Graveyard and then used his Hornet’s effect to send it to the Graveyard and destroy Towler’s Compulsory Evacuation Device. Next, Brake equipped his Ladybug with his in-hand Inzektor Giga-Mantis to raise it to 2400 ATK and attacked the Rabbit. Towler banished the Rabbit, and Brake attacked directly to drop Towler down to 3600 Life Points instead.


Towler returned his Rabbit to the field in his Standby Phase and then Normal Summoned Wind-Up Shark. He reduced it to Level 3, prompting Brake to discard Maxx “C” from his hand. Towler combined the Rabbit with Shark anyway, and Summoned Number 17: Leviathan Dragon. Brake drew Bottomless Trap Hole. Towler detached an Xyz Material from Number 17: Leviathan Dragon to give his monster 500 extra ATK and then attacked Inzektor Ladybug to destroy it. He Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.


Brake drew Solemn Warning. He Special Summoned Dark Armed Dragon from his hand and then banished Inzektor Ladybug to destroy Towler’s face-down Mystical Space Typhoon. Next, he banished Inzektor Giga-Mantis to destroy Number 17: Leviathan Dragon. Brake attacked directly with Dark Armed Dragon, dropping Towler down to 800 Life Points.


Towler Set a card to each zone and passed.


Dark Armed Dragon 

Brake drew Pot of Duality next turn. He activated it to reveal Heavy Storm and 2 Card Troopers from the top of his Deck. He added the Card Trooper to his hand and then banished Hornet from his Graveyard to destroy Towler’s face-down Dimensional Prison with the effect of Dark Armed Dragon. Next, he Summoned Card Trooper and used its effect by sending Inzektor Ladybug, Foolish Burial, and Inzektor Sword – Zektkaliber from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. He banished the Ladybug to use the effect of Dark Armed Dragon and destroy Towler’s face-down monster, and then Towler conceded, unable to withstand an attack from Dark Armed Dragon and Card Trooper!


Dark Trooper


Billy Brake wins Duel 1 with Dark Armed Dragon! Evan Towler will be going first in Duel 2!


Duel Two


Towler Pic 

Towler started off Duel 2 by Setting a monster and a card to his back row.


Brake opened up with Book of Moon, Inzektor Sword – Zektkaliber, Maxx “C”, Effect Veiler, Solemn Warning, and Inzektor Ladybug. He Set Book of Moon and Solemn Warning before ending his turn.


Towler Set another card to his back row and passed.


Brake drew Solemn Warning and Set it.


Towler tried to Summon Wind-Up Rabbit; but Brake used Solemn Warning to negate its Summon. Next, Towler Flip Summoned Wind-Up Rat and used its effect; but Brake discarded Effect Veiler to negate it.


Negated Rat 

Towler attacked with Wind-Up Rat at Brake lost 600 Life Points.


Brake drew Heavy Storm next turn. He Set Inzektor Ladybug and then passed.


Towler Summoned another Wind-Up Rat. He tried activating its effect, but Brake negated it and destroyed the Rat by giving up 2000 Life Points with Solemn Warning. Brake dropped down to 3400 Life Points. Towler switched his other Rat into Defense Position and passed.


Brake drew Effect Veiler and Set Heavy Storm. Towler used Dust Tornado to destroy Heavy Storm in the End Phase.


Towler Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and attacked Brake’s Ladybug; but Brake flipped Book of Moon to put Rai-Oh face-down.


Brake drew Inzektor Centipede next turn! He Summoned it to the field.


Bug and Rat pic 

He attacked Towler’s Rai-Oh to destroy it with Centipede and then activated Inzektor Sword – Zektkaliber to give his Centipede 800 ATK in Main Phase 2.


Towler Summoned Wind-Up Shark next turn and then activated Wind-Up Factory. He used his Shark’s effect to reduce it to Level 3 and used his Wind-Up Factory to add another Shark from his Deck to his hand. Brake activated Maxx “C” from his hand.


2400 ATK Centipede 

Towler combined his Shark with his Rat to Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Attack Position. Brake drew a card thank to Maxx “C” and Towler flipped Torrential Tribute when Zenmaines was Summoned. Brake Chained Effect Veiler to negate Zenmaines’s effect so that it couldn’t protect itself. Brake used his Inzektor Sword to return Centipede to his hand when it was sent to the Graveyard and then play passed to Brake.


Brake drew Monster Reborn. He Summoned Centipede and then used Monster Reborn to target Towler’s Thunder King Rai-Oh. Towler Chained Maxx “C” and drew a card when Brake Special Summoned his Rai-Oh. Brake attacked directly with Centipede and Rai-Oh.


Towler used Dark Hole to destroy Rai-Oh and Centipede and then Normal Summoned Wind-Up Rabbit. He Special Summoned Wind-Up Shark next, and reduced it to Level 3. He combined his Rabbit with his Shark to Summon Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity and Brake instantly conceded, with only 3400 Life Points left.


Evan Towler pushes the Match to Duel 3 with his Wind-Ups!


Duel Three


Brake pic 

Brake opened up Duel 3 with Pot of Duality, Maxx “C”, Gozen Match, Monster Reborn, Dark Hole, and Solemn Warning.


Brake's Opening Hand in Duel 3 

Brake activated Pot of Duality, revealing Inzektor Ladybug, Inzektor Centipede, and Inzektor Sword – Zektkaliber from the top of his Deck. He added the Centipede to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Brake Set Solemn Warning and Gozen Match before passing.


Towler tried to Summon Wind-Up Rabbit and Brake flipped Solemn Warning. He gave up 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon.


Brake drew another Centipede next turn. He Summoned it and then used Monster Reborn to Special Summon Wind-Up Rabbit from Towler’s Graveyard. Rabbit attacked directly for 1400 points of damage, and then Centipede attacked directly to drop Towler down to 5000 Life Points. Brake Set Dark Hole before ending his turn.


Towler Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated its effect; but Brake Chained Maxx “C”! Towler Special Summoned another Tour Guide from his Deck, and Brake drew Inzektor Hornet from his Deck thanks to the effect of Maxx “C”. Towler next combined both Tour Guides to Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Attack Position, and Brake drew Inzektor Ladybug. Towler attacked Centipede with Zenmaines and detached an Xyz Material from Zenmaines, and then destroyed Centipede with Zenmaines in the End Phase.


Brake drew Call of the Haunted. He Summoned Centipede and used its effect to equip it with a Hornet in his hand. After it attached, Towler used Effect Veiler to negate Centipede’s effect. Hornet was sent to the Graveyard. Brake Set Call of the Haunted before ending his turn.


Towler Summoned Wind-Up Magician and then revealed Wind-Up Shark from his hand to activate its effect. Brake flipped Gozen Match; but Towler paid 2450 Life Points to negate it! He Special Summoned Wind-Up Shark from his hand and activated his Wind-Up Magician’s effect to Special Summon another Wind-Up Magician from his Deck in Defense Position. Then he raised his Shark to Level 5 and activated his new Magician’s effect to Special Summon another Shark from his Deck. He raised the new Shark to Level 5 and then combined both Sharks to Summon Tiras, Keeper of Genesis! He combined both Magicians next, and Xyz Summon Maestroke the Symphony Djinn! Maestroke attacked and destroyed Inzektor Centipede, dropping Brake down to 5800 Life Points. Then Zenmaines attacked Wind-Up Rabbit, and Brake banished it with his Rabbit’s effect. Brake took a direct attack from Zenmaines, and then Tiras attacked directly to drop Brake down to 1700 Life Points. Towler destroyed Brake’s face-down Dark Hole with Tiras at the end of the Battle Phase, and Brake used Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Inzektor Centipede from his Graveyard in Towler’s End Phase.


Brake drew Gozen Match next turn. He used his Centipede’s effect to equip it with the Hornet in his Graveyard and then sent Hornet to the Graveyard to get rid of one of Maestroke’s Xyz Materials. He added Dragonfly from his Deck to his hand with Centipede’s effect.


Get ready for a big play


He Summoned Dragonfly to the field, equipped it with Hornet, and sent Hornet to the Graveyard to get rid of another Xyz Material from Maestroke. He used Dragonfly’s effect to Special Summon another Centipede from his Deck and then used his newly Summoned Centipede’s effect to equip it with Inzektor Hornet. He sent Hornet to the Graveyard to destroy Maestroke and then used his Centipede’s effect to add Inzektor Sword – Zektkaliber from his Deck to his hand. Next, he combined Centipede with Rabbit to Summon Temtempo the Percussion Djinn and used its effect to detach an Xyz Material from Wind-Up Zenmaines and give his Djinn an extra 500 ATK. He equipped Centipede with Zektkaliber and then attacked over Zenmaines with Centipede to destroy Zenmaines and drop Towler down to 1550 Life Points.


Can you feel the Temtempo 

Towler Summoned Wind-Up Rat and used its effect to target the Wind-Up Shark in his Graveyard. Brake Chained Gozen Match! Towler chose to keep his LIGHT monster, Tiras, Keeper of Genesis, on the field, and Brake sent Centipede to the Graveyard and kept his EARTH monsters, Temtempo and Wind-Up Rabbit, on the field. Brake used his Zektkaliber’s effect to return Inzektor Dragonfly from his Graveyard to his hand. Towler attacked Wind-Up Rabbit and Brake banished it from the Duel, then detached an Xyz Material from Tiras with Temtempo to give Temtempo 500 extra ATK. Towler Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.


Brake drew Card Trooper and Summoned it. He sent Heavy Storm, Call of the Haunted, and Inzektor Ladybug from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard to give his monster 1500 extra ATK. Temtempo attacked Tiras, and Towler used Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Temtempo to the Extra Deck! Brake attacked Tiras with Card Trooper. He lost 700 Life Points and drew Effect Veiler with Trooper’s effect. Brake switched his Wind-Up Rabbit into Defense Position before ending his turn.


Towler attacked and destroy Wind-Up Rabbit with Tiras.


Brake Summoned Inzektor Dragonfly next turn and used its effect to equip it with Inzektor Hornet. He sent Hornet to the Graveyard to destroy Tiras and then used Dragonfly’s effect to Special Summon Inzektor Giga-Mantis, the last Inzektor in his Deck. Dragonfly attacked Towler’s face-down Wind-Up Shark and Brake lost 300 Life Points. Inzektor Giga-Mantis followed up with an attack that destroyed Wind-Up Shark in battle.


Towler used Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Gozen Match and then Towler Summoned his last in-hand card: Wind-Up Rat! He activated its effect, but Brake negated it with Effect Veiler! Towler immediately offered the handshake, realizing he wouldn’t survive another turn.


Effect Veiler saves the day 

Billy Brake takes a narrow victory in Duel 3 to advance to the Top 16!