. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Top Tables: Round 6

Top Tables: Round 6

September 8th, 2012

Here is a look at who is playing at the Top 10 tables:

Table Player Player
1 De Paz Mendez, Luis Adrian vs. Prado Rodriguez, Milton Fabian
2 Diaz Samayoa, Juan Pablo vs. Guzman Flores, Jose Ricardo
3 Gutierrez Pliego, Marco Vinicio vs. Zamora Morlet, Enrique
4 Barrientos Jolon, Jonathan Josue vs. Mazariegos Camas, Fernando Jose
5 Garcia Rodriguez, Melvin Alfredo vs. Guerra Colocho, Erick Fernando
6 Castaneda Moncada, Jean Paul vs. Gomez Hernandez, Ernesto Pascual
7 Almeda Escobar, Pedro Saul vs. Garcia Garcia, Saul Antonio
8 Cordova Lopez, Mario Anibal vs. Alfaro Cornejo, Franklin Antonio
9 Sanchez Arana, Edder Eleazar vs. Torres Bonilla, Luis Enrique
10 Lopez Lopez, Herbert Andres vs. Ajche Ramos, Hugo Moises
Here is a look at the Top Tables. Recognize your friends?

Here is a look at the Top Tables. Recognize your friends?

The Top 10 tables Deck Breakdown is as follows (In no particular order):

Wind-Ups 5
Dino Rabbit 3
Chain Burn 1
Dark World 1
Geargia 1
Hieratics 1
Lightsworn 1
Machina Gadget 1
Psychics 1
TeleDAD 1