Home > 2012/10 - Providence, Rhode Island, Championships, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 1 Feature Match: Robbie Vissa vs. Devere Traylor

Round 1 Feature Match: Robbie Vissa vs. Devere Traylor

October 20th, 2012

Robbie Vissa is running a brand new Atlantean Deck, packed with cards from the new Realm of the Sea Emperor Structure Deck. These cool new Atlantean monsters have effects that activate when they’re sent to the Graveyard by a WATER monster. Vissa uses Genex Undine to send his Atlanteans to the Graveyard and activate their effects, while steadily gaining the lead. If Vissa can Summon Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier against Traylor, he can deal some devastating blows to Traylor by discarding his Atlantean monsters. But Traylor won’t make victory easy for Vissa; Traylor is using a Dino Rabbit Deck, and hopes to pin down Vissa’s plays using Evolzar Laggia and Evolzar Dolkka.


Duel One


Robbie Vissa 

Vissa opened up with Torrential Tribute, Genex Undine, Mother Grizzly, Monster Reborn, and 2 copies of Deep Sea Diva. He Set Mother Grizzly and ended his turn.


Traylor activated Pot of Duality revealing Heavy Storm, Sabersaurus, and Effect Veiler from the top of his Deck. He added Heavy Storm to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Set a card to each zone before passing.


Vissa drew Atlantean Heavy Infantry next turn. He tried to Summon Genex Undine; but Traylor negated its Summon with Solemn Warning. Vissa Set Torrential Tribute before passing.


Traylor Set a monster and a back row.


What are these cards 

Vissa drew a third Deep Sea Diva next turn! He Summoned a Diva and activated its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Attack Squad from his Deck. He used his Attack Squad to attack and destroy Traylor’s Night Assailant, and Traylor used his Night Assailant’s Flip Effect to destroy Vissa’s face-down Mother Grizzly. In Main Phase 2, Vissa Tuned Deep Sea Diva with Atlantean Attack Squad to Summon Ally of Justice Catastor in Attack Position.


Traylor Set a back row and passed.


Vissa drew Genex Undine and Summoned it. He sent Atlantean Marksman from his Deck to his Graveyard to add Genex Controller from his Deck to his hand. Then he used Marksman’s effect to target Traylor’s face-down Compulsory Evacuation Device for destruction, but Traylor Chained it to send Ally of Justice Catastor back to Vissa’s Extra Deck. Vissa attacked and destroyed Traylor’s face-down Sangan with Genex Undine, and Traylor used his Sangan’s effect to add Rescue Rabbit from his Deck to his hand.


Traylor Summoned Sabersaurus and attacked Genex Undine to destroy it. He Set a back row and passed.


Vissa drew Torrential Tribute. He Summoned Deep Sea Diva and activated its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Heavy Infantry from his Deck in Defense Position. Then he used his Infantry’s effect to Normal Summon another Deep Sea Diva, and used his last Diva’s effect to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman from his Deck. He Tuned Deep Sea Diva with Atlantean Heavy Infantry and Atlantean Marksman in order to try to Summon Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier; but Traylor banished Gungnir with Bottomless Trap Hole! Next, Vissa activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman from his Graveyard and Tuned it with Deep Sea Diva to Summon Ally of Justice Catastor back to the field. Catastor attacked and destroyed Sabersaurus.


Traylor flipped his face-down Heavy Storm to destroy Vissa’s face-down Torrential Tribute and then Normal Summoned Rescue Rabbit! He banished it to Special Summon 2 copies of Sabersaurus from his Deck and then combined them to Xyz Summon Maestroke the Symphony Djinn. He used Maestroke’s effect to put Catastor face-down by giving up an Xyz Material and then attacked and destroyed Catastor. Traylor Set a back row before ending his turn.


Vissa drew Mystical Space Typhoon. He Set it along with Torrential Tribute and Set a Genex Controller.


Traylor attacked Vissa’s face-down Genex Controller with Maestroke to destroy it.


Vissa drew Creature Swap and passed.


Traylor attacked directly with Maestroke to drop Vissa down to 5500 Life Points. He Set Forbidden Lance to his back row before ending his turn, but Vissa destroyed it with Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase.


Vissa drew Gorz the Emissary of Darkness next turn and passed.


Traylor Flip Summoned Kabazauls and Vissa flipped Torrential Tribute! Kabazauls was destroyed, and Maestroke lost its last Xyz Material. Traylor attacked directly with Maestroke, dropping Vissa down to 3700 Life Points, and Vissa Special Summoned Gorz the Emissary of Darkness from his hand along with an Emissary of Darkness Token! Traylor used Dark Hole in Main Phase 2 to clear the field.


Vissa Summoned Atlantean Dragoons and attacked directly with it to drop Traylor down to 4200 Life Points.


Traylor Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld next turn! He activated its effect to Special Summon another Tour Guide from his Deck and then combined his Tour Guides to Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon. He detached an Xyz Material from it to Special Summon Rescue Rabbit from his Banished Zone and then banished Rescue Rabbit to Special Summon 2 copies of Kabazauls from his Deck. He combined both Kabazauls to Summon Evolzar Laggia, and then attacked over Atlantean Dragoons with Laggia. A direct attack from Leviair dropped Vissa down to 1300 Life Points.


Leviair and Laggia finish Vissa off in Duel 1 

Vissa drew Fiendish Chain and conceded, knowing he wouldn’t survive another turn.


Devere Traylor banishes Robbie Vissa’s Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier with Bottomless Trap Hole to turn the tides of Duel 1 and claim the first win with his Dino Rabbit Deck! Robbie Vissa will be fighting back with his Atlanteans in Duel 2!


Duel Two


Devere Traylor


Vissa opened up Duel 2 with Maxx “C”, Deep Sea Diva, Bottomless Trap Hole, Solemn Warning, Monster Reborn, and Fiendish Chain.


Vissa's Duel 2 Opening 

He Set Solemn Warning and Bottomless Trap Hole and then passed.


Traylor Set a monster.


Vissa drew Dimensional Prison and passed.


Traylor Set a back row.


Vissa drew Genex Undine and Summoned it. He activated its effect, and Traylor discarded Effect Veiler to negate its effect; but Traylor was still able to pay the cost for Genex Undine and send Atlantean Marksman from his Deck to his Graveyard. He used his Marksman’s effect to destroy Traylor’s face-down Dimensional Prison and then attacked Traylor’s face-down Snowman Eater with Genex Undine. Snowman Eater’s effect destroyed Genex Undine and Vissa lost 700 Life Points.


Traylor Summoned Sabersaurus and lost it to Vissa’s Bottomless Trap Hole.


Vissa drew Atlantean Attack Squad next turn and Set it along with Fiendish Chain.


Traylor Set a monster and passed.


Vissa drew Snowman Eater. He Set it and passed.


Traylor Flip Summoned Night Assailant and used its effect to destroy Vissa’s face-down Snowman Eater. Then he combined Night Assailant with Snowman Eater to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Attack Position. Zenmaines attacked Vissa’s face-down Marskman, but Vissa banished Zenmaines with Dimensional Prison.


Vissa drew Atlantean Marksman next turn and then Flip Summoned Atlantean Attack Squad. He attacked directly with Atlantean Marksman to drop Traylor down to 6600 Life Points and used his Marksman’s effect to Special Summon Atlantean Dragoons from his Deck. Next, Vissa attacked directly with Atlantean Dragoons to drop Traylor down to 4800 Life Points. A direct attack from Atlantean Attack Squad dropped Traylor down to 2600 Life Points. Vissa combined his Marksman with his Attack Squad to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Defense Position and then Set Fiendish Chain before passing.


Traylor Set a card to each zone and passed.


Vissa drew Genex Controller next turn. He Summoned it and then Tuned it with Atlantean Dragoons to Synchro Summon Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier; but Traylor flipped Solemn Judgment and paid 1300 Life Points to negate its Summon!


Traylor Set a back row and a monster before passing.


Vissa drew Solemn Judgment. He Set it and then passed.


Traylor Set a monster and passed.


Vissa drew Dark Hole. He activated it to destroy all 3 of Traylor’s monsters, and his Zenmaines survived by detaching an Xyz Material from itself. Next, Vissa switched his Zenmaines into Attack Position, and a direct attack from Zenmaines finished Traylor off!


Duel Three


Traylor started off Duel 3 by Summoning Rescue Rabbit and banishing it to Special Summon 2 copies of Sabersaurus from his Deck. He combined them to Summon Evolzar Laggia and then Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.


Vissa opened up with Atlantean Dragoons, Deep Sea Diva, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Genex Undine, Solemn Judgment, and Mystical Space Typhoon.


Vissa's Duel 3 Opening


He activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Traylor’s face-down Macro Cosmos and then tried to Summon Genex Undine; but Traylor negated its Summon by detaching both Xyz Materials from Evolzar Laggia. Vissa passed with an open field and Gorz in hand.


Traylor activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Sabersaurus from his Graveyard and then Normal Summoned Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo. Sabersaurus, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, and Evolzar Laggia attacked directly, dropping Vissa down to 2500 Life Points.


Attacking Trio


Vissa topdecked Dark Hole and activated it! He destroyed all 3 of Traylor’s monsters and then Normal Summoned Deep Sea Diva. He activated its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman from his Deck and then attacked directly with Atlantean Marksman! He used his Marksman’s effect to Special Summon Atlantean Attack Squad from his Deck, and then attacked directly with Deep Sea Diva and his Attack Squad. Vissa Tuned all 3 of his monsters together to Summon Stardust Dragon in Main Phase 2 and Set Solemn Judgment before ending his turn.


Vissa retaliates with Yusei's signature card 

Traylor Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated its effect to Special Summon Night Assailant. He tried to combine Tour Guide with Night Assailant in order to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon, then he detached an Xyz Material from Leviair to Special Summon Rescue Rabbit to the field. He banished Rescue Rabbit to Special Summon 2 copies of Kabazauls and then activated Mind Control to try to take control of Stardust Dragon; but Vissa flipped Solemn Judgment to negate it by giving up 1250 Life Points. Next, Traylor combined his 2 Kabazauls to Summon Gem-Knight Pearl. Gem-Knight Pearl attacked over Stardust Dragon to destroy it, and then a direct attack from Leviair the Sea Dragon finished Vissa off!


Duel 3 is over 

Devere Traylor takes a narrow 2-1 victory to advance in the tournament with a 1-0 record!