. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » YCS Providence First-Timers!

YCS Providence First-Timers!

October 20th, 2012

 Welcome to YCS Providence!


Yu-Gi-Oh! fans from around the country traveled here this weekend to attend this special charity YCS and meet seven of their favorite voice actors from the animated series. But not all of these Duelists are veterans to the YCS scene. Take a look at some of the Duelists experiencing their first-ever YCS right here in Rhode Island!


13-year-old Evan Pickett drove here from Cumberland, Rhode Island to compete in his first-ever YCS tournament! He’s a big fan of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series and also watches Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal. I asked Evan if he was excited about all of the voice actors in attendance this weekend, and he laughed: “Yeah!”. I asked Evan who he thinks will win the 3 vs. 2 Duel of Yugi, Joey, and Mai versus Pegasus and Bakura, and he initially thought it was obvious.  “I think the main characters will!” But he later had some hesitation. “…Except for maybe Pegasus’s changing the rules thing,” he added. Evan is running a Jurrac Deck in today’s tournament, with his favorite Jurrac monster – Jurrac Meteor! Here’s a picture of Evan holding it up!


Evan Pickett 

13-year-old Eric Robidous came here with his friend and brother from Cumberland, Rhode Island and is using a Dragon Deck in his first YCS! He’s using his favorite Dragon in his Extra Deck – Five-Headed Dragon! Eric is a fan of the Yu-Gi-Oh! animated series, and like Evan, he’s very excited that so many voice actors from the show are here this weekend. I asked Eric what he’s looking forward to most this weekend, and he responded with an enthusiastic “EVERYTHING!”. Eric thinks that Yusei and “Team Yugi” will win in the voice actor Duels this weekend.


Eric Robidous 

Ronnie Robidous is 9 years old and came here with his brother Eric. He’ll be competing in the Dragon Duels later today using his Inzektor Deck, featuring his favorite Inzektor: Inzektor Giga-Mantis! Robidous has seen some episodes from the original series and is looking forward to seeing the voice actors. Like Eric, he’s confident that Yugi, Joey, and Mai will defeat Pegasus and Bakura, and he thinks that Yusei has the edge in his Duel against Akiza.


Ronnie Robidous 

11-year-old Zachary Young will be competing in the Dragon Duels with a Deck compiled from his strongest cards, featuring his all-time favorite: The Winged Dragon of Ra! I asked Zachary Young if he watches the Yu-Gi-Oh! television show, and he responded, “Yep! Every week! My mom’s favorite character is Joey. She wants me to Duel him!” His mom interjected: “I wanna meet Joey!” I told Zachary about the upcoming voice actor Duels, and asked him who he thinks will win. He replied, “I would have to say Yusei and Team Yugi.” We’ll find out if he’s right later in the weekend. For now, here’s a picture of Zachary holding up the Egyptian God Ra!


Zachary Young 

It’s uncertain how our YCS first-timers will do in the tournament this weekend, but one thing is for sure: they’re all going to have a great time!