. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » YCS First Timers 2: The Revenge

YCS First Timers 2: The Revenge

November 19th, 2012

We’re here with a few more Duelists who’ve never been to a YCS before!

Mitchell Kent is twelve years old, from University Place, WA. He is playing a very cool Ninja Chaos Dragon Deck today as he enters the Dragon Duel tournament. His favorite card is one of the keystones of the Chaos Dragon strategy, Lightpulsar Dragon! Here he is with his Lightpulsar.


Mitchell Kent Lightpulsar

Mitchell Kent Lightpulsar Dragon



Next we have ten-year-old Alex Cole, from Vancouver, WA. He’s entering the Dragon Duel tournament with his HERO Deck, with his favorite card being Elemental HERO The Shining. Check out Alex showing off his favorite Fusion!


Alex Cole Elemental HERO The Shining



Finally, we’ve got Aaron Garrisson. He’s an eleven-year-old from right here in Tacoma. His Deck of choice? He calls it Omni-HEROes, a HERO Deck that focuses on lots of Fusion Summons, including Miracle Fusion, Fusion Gate, Parallel World Fusion, and using opposing monsters with Super Polymerization! His favorite card isn’t actually a HERO, but it’s certainly awesome: Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning! (Envoy of the Beginning, not the other one, he emphasized.)


Aaron Garrisson Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning



Good luck today to Mitchell, Alex, and Aaron, as well as all of our YCS first-timers!

