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Home > 2013/02 - Miami, FL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: Which of the Three New Game Mats is Your Favorite?

QQ: Which of the Three New Game Mats is Your Favorite?

February 16th, 2013

QQ stands for Quick Questions! There are three new Game Mats available for the first time this weekend: the new Harpie Judge Mat; the Kite and Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon Win-A-Mat; and the Onslaught of the Fire Kings Structure Deck Game Mat. I surveyed this weekend’s field of competitors to see which of these three Game Mats is their favorite. Check out their responses!

“Harpie.” –Justin Dominguez

“Fire Kings.” –Zack Medlin

“Fire Kings.” –Thomas Volgi

“Harpie.” –Yang Clien

“Harpie.” –Joseph Linch

“Neo Galaxy-Eyes.” –Adrian Saldivar

“Harpie.” –Edgar Quilantan

“Harpie.” –Bobby Brake

“Fire Kings.” –Javier Saldivar

“Fire Kings.” –Antonio Russell

“Harpie.” –Michael North

“Neo Galaxy-Eyes.” –Jeremy Lozane

Although the new Harpie Judge Game Mat appears to be the overwhelming favorite, each of the three new Game Mats was represented by a fan in this survey. You can get your favorite Game Mat only by attending a YCS tournament!