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Home > 2013/02 - Miami, FL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 1 Feature Match: Steven Zambrano vs. Dylan Tarrant

Round 1 Feature Match: Steven Zambrano vs. Dylan Tarrant

February 16th, 2013

24-year-old Steven Zambrano traveled here from Georgia to compete in his second-ever YCS Tournament with his Prophecy Deck! Zambrano’s new Prophecy Deck is empowered by the new Spellbook of the Master from Cosmo Blazer. Zambrano is hoping his team of Spellcasters led by High Priestess of Prophecy will bring him victory this weekend.

But 18-year-old Dylan Tarrant won’t make that easy for Zambrano. Tarrant is a Florida local entering his first-ever YCS with a Dark World Deck! He’s paired up against Steven Zambrano in this Round 1 Feature Match. “My first Duel of my first YCS is a Feature Match,” Tarrant laughed. Both Duelists shuffled their Decks, and the first Duel of the Match began!

Tarrant started off his first turn by Normal Summoning Tour Guide From the Underworld and using its effect to Special Summon Broww, Huntsman of Dark World from his Deck. Then he used Dark World Dealings.

Dark World Dealings Action

Tarrant drew a card and discarded Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, and Zambrano drew a card and discarded High Priestess of Prophecy. Next, Tarrant returned Broww to his hand to Special Summon Grapha from his Graveyard. He Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Zambrano started off his first turn with Fiendish Chain, Solemn Judgment, Torrential Tribute, Spellbook of Secrets, The Grand Spellbook Tower, and Spellbook of Wisdom in his hand. He activated Spellbook of Secrets, using its effect to add Spellbook Magician of Prophecy from his Deck to his hand. Next, he Normal Summoned his Magician and used its effect to add Spellbook of Power from his Deck to his hand. He activated Spellbook of Power to increase the ATK of his Magician and then attacked Tour Guide From the Underworld to destroy it. Next, Tarrant added Spellbook of the Master from his Deck to his hand thanks to his Spellbook of Power. Next, Zambrano activated Spellbook of the Master by revealing The Grand Spellbook Tower, copying the effect of Spellbook of Secrets. He used its effect to add Spellbook of Fate from his Deck to his hand. Next, Zambrano activated The Grand Spellbook Tower. He Set all 5 of his in-hand cards to his back row before ending his turn. In his End Phase, Tarrant activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Zambrano’s face-down Fiendish Chain.

The Prophecy

Tarrant activated The Gates of Dark World, forcing The Grand Spellbook Tower into the Graveyard. With 4 Spellbooks in his Graveyard, Zambrano Special Summoned Temperance of Prophecy from his Deck with the effect of his Spellbook Tower. Next, Zambrano activated Spellbook of Fate. He banished The Grand Spellbook Tower, Spellbook of Secrets, and Spellbook of the Master from his Graveyard to banish Grapha from the Duel! Tarrant used the effect of The Gates of Dark World to banish Tour Guide from his Graveyard and discard Snoww, Unlight of Dark World. He drew a card and then added Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World from his Deck to his hand with Snoww’s effect. Tarrant replaced his first copy of The Gates of Dark World to try to activate a second copy; but Zambrano used Solemn Judgment and gave up 4000 Life Points to negate its activation! Tarrant Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld next, and used its effect to Special Summon Broww, Huntsman of Dark World from his Deck. Zambrano activated Torrential Tribute when Broww was Summoned, and then Chained Spellbook of Wisdom to protect his Temperance of Prophecy from Trap Cards.

Torrential Tribute Shenanigans

Torrential Tribute destroyed all monsters on the field except for Temperance.

Zambrano drew Breaker the Magical Warrior next turn. He attacked with Temperance to drop Tarrant down to 6500 Life Points and then Normal Summoned Breaker; but Tarrant flipped Torrential Tribute and cleared the field.

Tarrant drew a card and Set a card to his back row.

Zambrano drew a card and Set a card to his back row.

Tarrant drew a card and Set a card to his back row.

Zambrano drew a card and Set a card to his back row.

Tarrant drew a card and Set a card to his back row.

Zambrano drew a card and Set a card to his back row.

Tarrant Normal Summoned Trance Archfiend and activated its effect. He discarded Grapha and used Grapha’s effect to destroy Zambrano’s face-down Dark Hole. Next, he attacked directly with Trance Archfiend to drop Zambrano down to 2000 Life Points.

Zambrano drew Dimensional Prison next turn and Set it.

Trance Archfiend

Tarrant Normal Summoned Broww, Huntsman of Dark World and then returned it to his hand to Special Summon Grapha from his Graveyard. He attacked directly with Grapha, and when Zambrano flipped Dimensional Prison, Tarrant activated Solemn Judgment to negate the Dimensional Prison and win the Duel!

Solemn Judgment!

Dylan Tarrant seals the first Duel with an attack from Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World! Steven Zambrano will be going first in Duel 2!

Zambrano opened up Duel 2 with Soul Drain, Mystical Space Typhoon, Mirror Force, Spellbook of Eternity, Fiendish Chain, and Breaker the Magical Warrior.

Zambrano's Duel 2 opening hand

He Summoned Breaker, adding a Spell Counter to it, and then Set all 5 of the Spell & Trap Cards in his hand.

Tarrant drew a card and then Zambrano activated Soul Drain in his Draw Phase by paying 1000 Life Points.

Tarrant's Duel 2 opening hand

Tarrant activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Soul Drain and then Normal Summoned Trance Archfiend. He tried to use its effect, but Zambrano negated it with Fiendish Chain. Tarrant Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Zambrano drew High Priestess of Prophecy. He removed the Spell Counter from Breaker to destroy Tarrant’s face-down Mind Crush and then attacked Trance Archfiend, destroying it in battle and dealing 100 points of damage to Tarrant.

Tarrant activated The Gates of Dark World and then tried to activate its effect by banishing Trance Archfiend; but Zambrano Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy The Gates of Dark World. Zambrano Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Zambrano drew Spellbook of Life and then attacked directly with Breaker, dropping Tarrant down to 6300 Life Points.

Tarrant drew a card and passed.

Zambrano drew Starlight Road and Set it. He attacked directly with Breaker, and Tarrant dropped down to 4700 Life Points.

Tarrant Normal Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated its effect to Special Summon Broww, Huntsman of Dark World from his Deck.

Tour Guide Recruits Broww

Next, he combined Broww with Tour Guide to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon, and detached Broww from Leviair to Special Summon Trance Archfiend from his Banished Zone. He activated his Archfiend’s effect to discard Snoww and give his Archfiend an extra 500 ATK, and then used Snoww’s effect to add The Gates of Dark World from his Deck to his hand. Next, he activated Gates and used its effect. He banished Snoww from his Graveyard to discard Grapha and draw a card; then he used Grapha’s effect to destroy Zambrano’s face-down Mirror Force. Leviair attacked and destroyed Breaker, and then Trance Archfiend attacked directly dropping Zambrano down to 4500 Life Points. Tarrant Set another card to his back row in Main Phase 2 and then ended his turn.

Tarrant's field grows

Zambrano drew Spellbook of Secrets next turn! He activated it to add Spellbook Magician of Prophecy from his Deck to his hand, and then tried to Summon it; but Tarrant activated Solemn Judgment and gave up 2350 Life Points to negate its Summon!

Tarrant activated the effect of his The Gates of Dark World on his next turn. He banished Broww from his Graveyard to discard Grapha and draw a card. Grapha’s effect destroyed Zambrano’s face-down Starlight Road. Next, Tarrant detached an Xyz Material from Leviair to Special Summon his banished Snoww, Unlight of Dark World to the field. He returned Snoww to his hand to Special Summon Grapha from his Graveyard and then attacked directly with Trance Archfiend, Leviair the Sea Dragon, and Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World to finish the Duel!


Dylan Tarrant is moving on with a 1-0 record using his Dark World Deck!