. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 7 Feature Match: Rafael Frometa Isalgue vs. Raheem Spivey
Home > 2013/02 - Miami, FL, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 7 Feature Match: Rafael Frometa Isalgue vs. Raheem Spivey

Round 7 Feature Match: Rafael Frometa Isalgue vs. Raheem Spivey

February 17th, 2013

Rafael Frometa Isalgue traveled here from Cuba to compete in YCS Miami with his Prophecy Deck. His opponent, Raheem Spivey, traveled from Virginia to compete with Wind-Ups. Both Duelists are currently 4-2 in the tournament, so their prospects for a Top 32 finish hinge on the results of this Match!

Duel One

Frometa Isalgue opened up Duel 1 with Breaker the Magical Warrior, Bottomless Trap Hole, Effect Veiler, High Priestess of Prophecy, Spellbook of Fate, and Spellbook Magician of Prophecy.

Frometa Isalgue's Duel 1 Opening Hand

He Normal Summoned Spellbook Magician of Prophecy and tried to activate its effect; but Spivey negated it with Effect Veiler. Frometa Isalgue Set Bottomless Trap Hole before ending his turn.

Spivey activated Pot of Duality, revealing Mind Control, Bottomless Trap Hole, and Wind-Up Rabbit from the top of his Deck. He added Wind-Up Rabbit to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he Normal Summoned Wind-Up Rabbit and attacked Spellbook Magician of Prophecy to destroy it and deal 900 points of damage to Frometa Isalgue. Spivey Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Frometa Isalgue drew Spellbook of Secrets next turn and activated it to add Spellbook of Wisdom from his Deck to his hand. Next, he Normal Summoned Breaker the Magical Warrior. He used its effect to give it a Spell Counter, and then removed that Spell Counter to destroy Spivey’s face-down Dimensional Prison. Breaker attacked Wind-Up Rabbit next, and Spivey banished his Rabbit to protect it. Breaker attacked directly instead, dropping Spivey down to 6400 Life Points.

Spivey drew a card and then returned his Rabbit to the field in his Standby Phase. Next, he Normal Summoned another Rabbit. He attacked with Wind-Up Rabbit and then used Forbidden Lance to weaken Breaker. Breaker dropped down to 800 ATK, and Wind-Up Rabbit destroyed it in battle. Next, Spivey’s other Wind-Up Rabbit attacked Frometa Isalgue directly, dropping him down to 5100 Life Points. Spivey Set a second card to his back row before ending his turn.

2 Rabbits. 2 Back Rows.

Frometa Isalgue drew Spellbook Magician of Prophecy next turn and Summoned it. He activated its effect to add Spellbook of Secrets from his Deck to his hand and then activated it to add Spellbook of the Master from his Deck to his hand. He activated Spellbook of the Master by revealing Spellbook of Wisdom and copied the effect of his Spellbook of Secrets to add Spellbook of Life from his Deck to his hand. Next, Frometa Isalgue Special Summoned High Priestess of Prophecy from his hand by revealing Spellbook of Fate, Spellbook of Life, and Spellbook of Wisdom. Spivey tried to banish it with Bottomless Trap Hole; but Frometa Isalgue Chained Spellbook of Wisdom to protect it from Trap Cards. Spivey Chained Fiendish Chain, targeting High Priestess of Prophecy. Frometa Isalgue activated High Priestess of Prophecy’s effect to destroy Wind-Up Rabbit; Spivey Chained its effect to banish it, and then Frometa Isalgue banished Spellbook of Wisdom, Spellbook of the Master, and Spellbook of Secrets from his Graveyard to Chain Spellbook of Fate. One of Spivey’s Rabbits was banished by its own effect, and the other was banished by Spellbook of Fate. Next, Frometa Isalgue attacked directly with High Priestess of Prophecy and Spellbook Magician of Prophecy, dropping Spivey down to 3400 Life Points.

Spivey drew a card and then returned his Wind-Up Rabbit to the field before conceding.

The End of Duel One

Rafael Frometa Isalgue wins the first Duel by making some big plays with High Priestess of Prophecy!

Rafael Frometa Isalgue

Raheem Spivey will be going first in Duel 2!

Duel Two

Raheem Spivey

Spivey started off Duel 2.

Spivey's Opening Hand in Duel 2

Spivey activated Wind-Up Factory and then Normal Summoned Wind-Up Magician. He activated his in-hand Wind-Up Shark’s effect next, Special Summoning another Wind-Up Magician from his Deck with his first Magician’s effect and adding Wind-Up Rat from his Deck to his hand with Factory’s effect. Next, he reduced his Shark to Level 3 and used his Magician’s effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Rat in Defense Position. He combined 2 copies of Wind-Up Magician to Xyz Summon Photon Papilloperative and detached an Xyz Material to switch Wind-Up Rat into Attack Position. Next, he used his Rat’s effect to Special Summon Shark from the Graveyard and reduced it to Level 3. He combined Rat with Shark to Summon Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity and detached an Xyz Material to Special Summon Wind-Up Magician from his Deck. By the end of his turn, Spivey had Number 16: Shock Master, Photon Papilloperative, and Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity on the field, as well as a banished Wind-Up Rabbit that would be returning in his next Standby Phase. Spivey Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Frometa Isalgue opened up Duel 2 with Torrential Tribute, High Priestess of Prophecy, Rivalry of Warlords, Tragoedia, Pot of Duality, and Spellbook of Secrets. He Set Rivalry of Warlords and Torrential Tribute and then ended his turn.

Spivey drew a card and then returned Wind-Up Rabbit to his field in the Standby Phase.

This is what Wind-Up Decks do.

He detached an Xyz Material from Zenmaity to Special Summon Wind-Up Rabbit from his Deck and Spivey activated Torrential Tribute when it hit the field. Spivey Chained the effects of his Rabbits to banish them and used his Factory’s effect to add Wind-Up Shark from his Deck to his hand. The rest of Spivey’s monsters were destroyed! Spivey Summoned Wind-Up Rat next and used its effect to try to Summon Wind-Up Magician; but Frometa Isalgue flipped Rivalry of Warlords! Spivey attacked directly with Wind-Up Rat instead, and Frometa Isalgue Special Summoned Tragoedia from his hand in Defense Position with 1800 DEF.

Frometa Isalgue drew The Grand Spellbook Tower next turn. He activated Pot of Duality, revealing Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning and 2 copies of Spellbook of Life from the top of his Deck, and added 1 Spellbook of Life to his hand. He shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Frometa Isalgue ended his turn without making another play.

Spivey activated Pot of Duality, revealing Solemn Warning, Torrential Tribute, and Dimensional Prison from the top of his Deck. He added Solemn Warning from his Deck to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he switched Wind-Up Rat into Defense Position and passed.

Frometa Isalgue drew Dark Hole next turn. He activated Spellbook of Secrets to add Spellbook of Wisdom from his Deck to his hand. Then he switched Tragoedia into Attack Position and attacked Wind-Up Rat with it; but Spivey flipped Fiendish Chain to stop the attack and drop Tragoedia down to 0 ATK.

Spivey Set a card to his back row and passed.

Wind-Up Rat is hiding behind 4 back rows.

Frometa Isalgue drew Heavy Storm and activated it! All Spell and Trap Cards on the field were destroyed! Next, Frometa Isalgue Special Summoned High Priestess of Prophecy from his hand by revealing The Grand Spellbook Tower, Spellbook of Wisdom, and Spellbook of Life. He banished Spellbook of Secrets from his Graveyard to destroy Wind-Up Rat with the effect of High Priestess of Prophecy. Then, direct attacks from Tragoedia and High Priestess of Prophecy dropped Spivey down to 3100 Life Points. Frometa Isalgue activated The Grand Spellbook Tower and Set Spellbook of Wisdom before ending his turn.

High Priestess Tragoedia

Spivey Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated its effect to Special Summon another copy of Tour Guide from his Deck. He combined both Tour Guides to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Attack Position. He attacked High Priestess of Prophecy with Zenmaines, giving up an Xyz Material and 1000 Life Points. Spivey Set a card to his back row and then used his Zenmaines’s effect to try to destroy High Priestess of Prophecy. Frometa Isalgue Chained Spellbook of Wisdom to make it immune to Trap Cards before sending it to the Graveyard.

Frometa Isalgue drew Torrential Tribute next turn. In his Standby Phase, he sent Spellbook of Wisdom from his Graveyard to his Deck with The Grand Spellbook Tower to draw Effect Veiler. In his Main Phase, Spivey used Effect Veiler to negate Tragoedia’s effect and drop it to 0 ATK. Frometa Isalgue switched Tragoedia into Defense Position and Set Torrential Tribute in Main Phase 2.

Spivey activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroyed Fromet’s face-down Torrential Tribute and then Normal Summoned Wind-Up Rabbit. Next, he Special Summoned Wind-Up Shark. He reduced his Shark to Level 3 and then combined it with Wind-Up Rabbit to Xyz Summon Number 17: Leviathan Dragon. Spivey detached an Xyz Material from Number 17: Leviathan Dragon to give it a 500 ATK boost and then switched Zenmaines into Defense Position. Number 17: Leviathan Dragon attacked and destroyed Tragoedia.

Frometa Isalgue drew Tragoedia and then activated Dark Hole. Number 17: Leviathan Dragon was destroyed, and Zenmaines lost an Xyz Material. In the End Phase, Spivey destroyed his own Zenmaines with Zenmaines’s effect.

Spivey Set a card to his back row and passed.

Frometa Isalgue drew Spellbook of Wisdom and passed.

Spivey drew a card and passed.

Frometa Isalgue drew High Priestess of Prophecy and passed.

Spivey Set a back row and passed.

Frometa Isalgue drew another High Priestess of Prophecy and passed.

Spivey drew a card and passed.

Frometa Isalgue drew Spellbook of Power! He tried to Special Summon High Priestess of Prophecy by revealing Spellbook of Life, Spellbook of Power, and Spellbook of Wisdom from his hand; but Spivey activated Solemn Warning to negate its Summon by dropping down to 100 Life Points! Frometa Isalgue Special Summoned his second High Priestess of Prophecy next, by revealing the same 3 Spellbooks from his hand! Spivey tried to use Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it, but Frometa Isalgue Chained Spellbook of Wisdom to make his High Priestess of Prophecy immune to Trap Cards! A direct attack from Frometa Isalgue finished Spivey off!

The Prophecy.

Rafael Frometa Isalgue defeats Wind-Ups 2-0 with his Prophecy Deck and advances with a 5-2 record!