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Home > 2013/02 - Santiago, Chile, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Top 16, their Decks and their countries

Top 16, their Decks and their countries

February 24th, 2013

Here’s the Top 16, their Deck types and nationality. Looks like all of the countries (except for the US…) were represented. Well done to all! Again, sorry about the formatting…

Rank Player Points Deck Type Country
1 Barona Rubiano, Randy Sebastian 27 Chaos Dragon Colombia
2 Torres Reyes, Andres David 24 Wind-Up Colombia
3 Passoni Arcuri, Emiliano 24 Spellbook Argentina
4 Chavez Retto, Christian Andre 24 Macro-Rabbit Peru
5 Sotomayor Mora, Jhossmar Jose 24 Macro-Rabbit Peru
6 Nobile da Silva, Mateus 22 Wind-Up Brazil
7 Mora Carlamo, Sebastian Alejandro 22 Mermail Chile
8 Ulloa Salinas, Claudio Patricio 22 Fire Fist Chile
9 Medeiros Zambrano, Joao Pedro 21 Wind-Up Brazil
10 Herrera Ponce, Manuel Alejandro 21 Undine-Mermail Chile
11 Velarde Gallegos, Jose Raul 21 Macro-Rabbit Peru
12 Gomez Molina, Nicolas Rodrigo 21 HERO Chile
13 Bravo Romero, Ricardo Andres 21 HERO Chile
14 Serrudo Torrico, Fremiot Alcides 21 Six Samurai Bolivia
15 Luna Mercado, Claudio Andres 21 Macro-Rabbit Chile
16 Gutierrez Ascencio, Juan Guillermo 21 Macro-Rabbit Chile