. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Welcome to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series – Santiago, Chile!
Home > 2013/02 - Santiago, Chile, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Welcome to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series – Santiago, Chile!

Welcome to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series – Santiago, Chile!

February 23rd, 2013

We still seem to be suffering from some technical issues with our coverage site, so although the event got off to a good start, the blog did not…

If this article ever gets up, then Welcome Duelists to the first South American Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series of 2013! Our first stop down south is sunny Santiago. They’re right smack in the middle of their summer vacation, so the Duelists took advantage of their holiday and most pre-registered yesterday (thank you all!), allowing for a timely start to the Main Event this morning.

The theme of the YCS this time are the Fire Kings, from the recently released Onslaught of the Fire Kings Structure Deck!
As is usual with our Latin American events, we have quite an international mix. Duelists came from far and wide – we have Duelists from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and a player from the US, in addition to all the Chilean Duelists of course! Welcome to all – It’s Time To Duel!!

Fire King banner 1Fire King banner 2