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Home > 2013/03 – Austin, Texas, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 10 Feature Match: David Elliot vs. Connor Sweetwood

Round 10 Feature Match: David Elliot vs. Connor Sweetwood

March 25th, 2013

David Elliot from Athens, Georgia is Dueling against Connor Sweetwood from Colorado Springs, Colorado in our Round 10 Feature Match! This Feature Match pits David Elliot’s Wind-Up Deck against Connor Sweetwood’s Hieratic Deck, featuring Curse of Dragon! Both of these Duelists currently have 7-2 records, so each one of them will need a victory here in order to stay in the running for Top 32!

Duel One

Elliot opened up Duel 1 with Torrential Tribute, Mirror Force, Starlight Road, Wind-Up Warrior, and 2 copies of Pot of Duality. He activated Pot of Duality revealing Cardcar D, Solemn Warning, and Dimensional Prison from the top of his Deck and added Cardcar D to his hand before shuffling the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Set 4 cards to his back row and then Summoned Cardcar D. He Tributed it to draw Tour Guide From the Underworld and Wind-Up Rabbit from his Deck before ending his turn.

David Elliot

Sweetwood drew a card and passed.

Elliot drew Tour Guide From the Underworld and Summoned Wind-Up Rabbit. He attacked directly with his Rabbit, and Sweetwood Special Summoned Tragoedia from his hand in Attack Position. In Main Phase 2, Elliot activated Pot of Duality, revealing Fiendish Chain, Pot of Avarice, and Dimensional Prison from the top of his Deck. He added Pot of Avarice to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Set Pot of Avarice before ending his turn.

Sweetwood attacked Wind-Up Rabbit with his 3600 ATK Tragoedia. Elliot flipped Mirror Force to try to destroy it; but Sweetwood Chained Forbidden Lance to protect Tragoedia and drop it down to 2200 ATK. Elliot banished his Rabbit to protect it, and Sweetwood attacked directly with Tragoedia.

Elliot drew Dimensional Prison and then returned his Rabbit back to the field. He Set a monster and a Dimensional Prison before ending his turn.

Sweetwood tried to attack Wind-Up Rabbit with Tragoedia, but Elliot banished the Rabbit. Next, Tragoedia attacked the face-down monster, and Elliot flipped Dimensional Prison to banish the Tragoedia.

Elliot drew Fiendish Chain and then returned his Rabbit to the field. He Flip Summoned Wind-Up Warrior and then used his Warrior’s effect to boost his Rabbit to Level 4. Wind-Up Warrior attacked Sweetwood directly, and Sweetwood Special Summoned another Tragoedia, this time with 3000 ATK! Elliot Set Fiendish Chain before ending his turn.

Sweetwood attacked Wind-Up Warrior with Tragoedia; but Elliot flipped Fiendish Chain to stop Tragoedia in its tracks!

Tragoedia in Chains

In Main Phase 2, Sweetwood returned Tragoedia to his hand to Special Summon Genex Ally Birdman before ending his turn.

Elliot drew Wind-Up Shark next turn. He Normal Summoned it and then used Wind-Up Shark to attack and destroy Genex Ally Birdman. Sweetwood lost 100 Life Points and Special Summoned Tragoedia from his hand again. In Main Phase 2, Elliot combined Wind-Up Shark with Wind-Up Warrior to Summon Diamond Dire Wolf. He targeted his Rabbit and Sweetwood’s Tragoedia for destruction, and then Chained his Rabbit’s effect to banish it from the Duel!

Sweetwood Summoned Cardcar D and activated its effect to draw 2 cards. He discarded Koa’ki Meiru Drago in his End Phase, since he had 7 cards in his hand.

Elliot drew Torrential Tribute and then returned his Rabbit to the field.

Wolf Meets Rabbit

He Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated its effect to Special Summon another Tour Guide from his hand. Elliot attacked directly with Tour Guide From the Underworld, dropping Sweetwood down to 4300 Life Points, and then Elliot Special Summoned Gorz the Emissary of Darkness in Defense Position, along with an Emissary of Darkness Token. Wind-Up Rabbit attacked and destroyed the Emissary of Darkness Token. In Main Phase 2, Elliot combined his Tour Guides to Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Defense Position, and then used the effect of his Diamond Dire Wolf to target his own Rabbit and Sweetwood’s Tragoedia for destruction. He banished his Rabbit to protect it, and Sweetwood’s Gorz was destroyed. Elliot Set Torrential Tribute before ending his turn.

Building a Wall

Sweetwood Set a card to his back row and then activated One Day of Peace. Each Duelist drew a card. Sweetwood Set a card and then Summoned Cardcar D, and Elliot flipped Torrential Tribute! Cardcar D and Diamond Dire Wolf were destroyed, and Zenmaines lost an Xyz Material. In the End Phase, Zenmaines destroyed Sweetwood’s face-down Forbidden Lance.

Elliot drew Wind-Up Rabbit and then returned his Rabbit to the field. He Summoned Rat to the field and used its effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from his Graveyard. Next, he used his Rabbit’s effect to banish his Wind-Up Rat and then combined his Rabbit with his Shark to Summon Number 17: Leviathan Dragon! He detached an Xyz Material from Number 17: Leviathan Dragon and then ended his turn.

Sweetwood Special Summoned Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit. He Tributed it to Summon Luster Dragon and then used the effect of Tefnuit to Special Summon Wattaildragon from his Deck in Defense Position.

Watt a Dragon

Next, Sweetwood banished his Wattaildragon to Summon Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon. He used his Dragon’s effect to Special Summon Tefnuit from his Graveyard and then combined Tefnuit with Luster Dragon to Xyz Summon Hieratic Dragon King of Atum! He detached an Xyz Material from Atum to Special Summon Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet from his Deck. Next, Sweetwood Tributed Tefnuit from his hand to use Nebthet’s effect and destroy Zenmaines. Zenmaines lost an Xyz Material, and then Sweetwood used his Tefnuit’s effect to Special Summon Curse of Dragon from his Deck; but Elliot flipped Torrential Tribute! Sweetwood Chained Forbidden Lance to protect Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, and all other monsters on the field were destroyed!

Big Torrential

Elliot drew Wind-Up Factory next turn! He flipped Pot of Avarice and sent Number 17: Leviathan Dragon, Diamond Dire Wolf, Wind-Up Shark, and 2 copies of Tour Guide From the Underworld from his Graveyard to his Deck to draw Bottomless Trap Hole and Wind-Up Shark. He activated Wind-Up Factory next, and then used his Rat’s effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Warrior from his Graveyard. He used Wind-Up Factory to search his Deck for Wind-Up Magician and add it to his hand. He Normal Summoned Wind-Up Magician and then Special Summoned Wind-Up Shark, activating the effect of his Magician to Special Summon another Shark from his Deck. Next, Elliot bumped both Sharks to Level 5 and Xyz Summoned Number 61: Volcasaurus! He detached an Xyz Material from Volcasaurus to destroy Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and deal 2800 points of damage to Sweetwood! Next, he upgraded his Volcasaurus to Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger. He used his Wind-Up Warrior’s effect to boost Wind-Up Rat to Level 4, and then combined his Rat with his Warrior and Magician to Xyz Summon Number 16: Shock Master! Direct attacks from Shock Master and Gaia Dragon finished Sweetwood off!

Thunderin' Shockin' Victory

David Elliot wins Duel 1 after destroying a Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon with Number 61: Volcasaurus! Connor Sweetwood will be going first in Duel 2!

Duel Two

Sweetwood started off Duel 2 by activating Hieratic Seal of Convocation to search his Deck for Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit and add it to his hand. He Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Connor Sweetwood

Elliot opened up with Bottomless Trap Hole, Mystical Space Typhoon, Snowman Eater, Wind-Up Rabbit, and 2 copies of Wind-Up Factory. He activated both copies of Factory and then Normal Summoned Wind-Up Rabbit. He attacked with his Rabbit to drop Sweetwood down to 6600 Life Points and then activated his Rabbit’s effect. Sweetwood Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy one of the Factories, and Elliot used his other Factory’s effect to add Wind-Up Magician from his Deck to his hand. Elliot Set Bottomless Trap Hole and Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn. In Elliot’s End Phase, Sweetwood activated Royal Decree.

Sweetwood drew a card, and then Elliot flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Royal Decree. Sweetwood Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Elliot drew Fiendish Chain and then attacked with his Rabbit. He activated his Rabbit’s effect next, and Sweetwood Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Elliot’s Factory. Elliot Set Fiendish Chain, and then Sweetwood flipped Royal Decree once again in the End Phase.

Sweetwood Summoned Koa’ki Meiru Drago and attacked directly with it. He Set a card to his back row and then revealed Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit in his End Phase to keep his Koa’ki Meiru Drago on the field.

Elliot drew another Factory next turn and activated it. He banished his Rabbit from the Duel and used his Factory’s effect to add Wind-Up Shark from his Deck to his hand. Next, he Normal Summoned Wind-Up Magician and Special Summoned Wind-Up Shark from his hand. He used his Magician’s effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Rabbit from his Deck and then combined his Shark with his Magician to Xyz Summon Diamond Dire Wolf. He used his Wolf’s effect to target his own Rabbit and Royal Decree for destruction, and then Chained his Rabbit’s effect to protect it. Next, he attacked Koa’ki Meiru Drago with Diamond Dire Wolf, and Sweetwood flipped Forbidden Lance to weaken Diamond Dire Wolf and allow Koa’ki Meiru Drago to win the battle.

Sweetwood attacked directly with Koa’ki Meiru Drago and then Set a card. He revealed Tefnuit in his End Phase and then ended his turn.

Elliot returned 2 copies of Wind-Up Rabbit to his field and then activated one of their effects to have it banish itself; but Sweetwood Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Elliot’s Wind-Up Factory! Elliot Set Snowman Eater before ending his turn.

Sweetwood attacked Elliot’s face-down Snowman Eater with Koa’ki Meiru Drago, and Snowman Eater flipped face-up to destroy it.

Elliot drew Maxx “C” and then returned both of his Rabbits to the field.

Rabbit Eater

He combined his Rabbit with Snowman Eater to Xyz Summon M-X-Saber Invoker and then detached an Xyz Material from his Invoker to Special Summon Wind-Up Warrior from his Deck, allowing him to Special Summon Wind-Up Shark from his hand! He used his Warrior’s effect to boost Wind-Up Rabbit to Level 4 and then combined Wind-Up Shark with Wind-Up Rabbit and Wind-Up Warrior to Xyz Summon Number 16: Shock Master! He detached an Xyz Material from Shock Master to stop all monster effects, and then attacked directly with his Invoker and Shock Master to drop Sweetwood down to 1300 Life Points.

Sweetwood Special Summoned Tefnuit and Elliot flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it. Next, Sweetwood Summoned Hieratic Dragon of Eset. Then he Tributed Eset to Special Summon Su, and attacked M-X-Saber Invoker; but Elliot flipped Fiendish Chain to block the attack, and Sweetwood offered the handshake!

David Elliot takes a 2-0 victory with Wind-Ups and advances with an 8-2 record!