Home > 2013/04 - San Diego, California, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 2 Constructed Feature Match: Jeff Jones Versus Julian Wong

Round 2 Constructed Feature Match: Jeff Jones Versus Julian Wong

April 7th, 2013

Julian Wong made the Top 8 at YCS Seattle by copying UK Duelist Simon He’s Agent Deck card for card.  Simon and Wong both made Top 8 in that tournament with the same Deck, so Wong apparently decided to do the same thing here today!  He’s piloting Genex Mermails this weekend, and in his own words: “I’d actually never played this Deck before Round 1 today.  But it’s cool!  I’m sure I can figure it out!”

His opponent is Jeff Jones, a Duelist who’s played slightly more than one Round of games with Mermails.  Jones is playing the Atlantean Mermail Deck he and Billy Brake debuted at YCS Miami – which they called “Mono Mermails” – and which has largely become the standard version of the Deck at this point.  Could Wong beat a Duelist with infinitely more Mermail experience?  Let’s find out!

Jones started us off with Mermail Abyssteus, pitching Atlantean Dragoons to get Mermail Abyssgunde and Mermail Abyssmegalo.  He pitched Abyssgune and Mermail Abysslinde to Special Summon Abyssmegalo, then searched out an Abyss-sphere and Special Summoned Abysslinde!  He overlaid the Level 7’s for Mermail Abyssgaios and Set a backrow card.  That left him with three cards in hand, a truly huge opening.


Wong opened with Mermail Abysspike; Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord; Atlantean Dragoons; Pot of Avarice; Mermail Abyssgunde; and Mermail Abyssmegalo.  He spent some time perusing his Extra Deck, figuring out his options.  “It’s more fun this way, guys!  It’s more fun this way.”  He pitched Dragoons and Abyssgunde for Mermail Abyssmegalo, searching out Abyss-sphere and Atlantean Heavy Infantry.  He Summoned Abysspike, discarded Heavy Infantry for its effect, and Jones negated the search with Abyssgaios.  Infantry destroyed Abyssgaios.  Wong Set Abyss-sphere, and lost it in his End Phase to Mystical Space Typhoon.

Jones drew to four cards in hand and Summoned Atlantean Marksman.  He sent Abysslinde to attack into Abysspike, Special Summoning an Abysspike of his own and pitching Heavy Infantry to search out Mermail Abyssgunde.  Heavy Infantry destroyed Abyssmegalo, and the two Abysspikes crashed, clearing the way for Marksman.  It made a direct attack; Special Summoned Atlantean Dragoons; and Jones attacked with that for more direct damage.  He Set a Spell or Trap and ended, with two cards in hand.

Wong drew to three cards in hand, getting Fiendish Chain.  He Special Summoned Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord, making Jones discard Mermail Abyssgunde and Mystical Space Typhoon: he Special Summoned Abysslinde in Defense Position.  Wong activated Pot of Avarice to send back all his monsters, then drew Abyss-sphere and Atlantean Marksman.  He sent Moulinglacia to attack over Marksman, then Set ‘sphere and Chain.

Jones Summoned another Atlantean Dragoons, then overlaid for Abyss Dweller, immediately detaching a Dragoons for its effect.  Dragoons got him an Atlantean Heavy Infantry from his Deck, and he ran Abysslinde into Moulinglacia.


Jones dropped to 5700 Life Points, Special Summoning Mermail Abysspike to pitch Heavy Infantry and search out Atlantean Marksman, destroying Moulinglacia with Infantry.  Abysspike attacked, followed by Abyss Dweller.  Wong had just 500 Life Points left.

Wong drew Atlantean Dragoons, to match his in-hand Atlantean Marksman.  He had Abyss-sphere and Fiendish Chain Set, while Jones had Mermail Abysspike, Abyss Dweller, and a Set Spell or Trap (assumedly Abyss-sphere) with one card in hand.  He might have a halfway decent Bahamut Shark play here, but it was unclear whether or not Wong would see it, and if it would be enough anyways.  Wong flipped Abyss-sphere, Special Summoning Mermail Abysspike.  He Normal Summoned Atlantean Dragoons, then stacked them for Bahamut Shark!  He attacked with it to destroy Mermail Abysspike, and before the End Phase Jones flipped Abyss-sphere to Summon Mermail Abysslinde, bringing out Mermail Abysspike to pitch Atlantean Marksman.  Wong Chained Fiendish Chain, but it was all over a turn later as Jones searched out Deep Sea Diva with Atlantean Dragoons off of Abyss Dweller, promising an Armory Arm or Ally of Justice Catastor play to end it.  Wong conceded.  Even if he’d brought out Mermail Abysstrite with the Shark, Jones would’ve beaten him with Armory Arm.

Wong opened Duel 2 with Abyss-sphere; Wiseman’s Chalice; Mermail Abysslinde; Atlantean Heavy Infantry; Mermail Abyssmegalo; and Genex Controller.  He set ‘sphere.

Jones discarded Mermail Abysspike and Mermail Abyssdine to Special Summon Mermail Abyssmegalo, getting Abyss-sphere from his Deck and attacking.  That drew out Wong’s ‘sphere, which he flipped to Special Summon Mermail Abysslinde in Defense Position.  “Main Phase 2…”  Jones Tributed Megalo for Vanity’s Fiend!


“That’s not good,” noted Wong.  Abysslinde was destroyed to no effect.

Wong drew Atlantean Dragoons and Set Controller as a bluff.

Jones attacked through it.

Wong drew Genex Undine and slammed it to the table!  Jones turned to the Feature Match reporter, with a big infomercial smile:  “Now see, this is unfortunate!  Because the Atlantean Mermail deck has no answer to Vanity’s Fiend!  But the Genex version does!”  On cue, Wong kicked Atlantean Heavy Infantry to the Graveyard with Undine; got a free Controller; and destroyed Vanity’s Fiend.  He pitched Dragoons and Abysslinde to Special Summon Mermail Abyssmegalo, then searched out Abyss-sphere and Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord!  “Alright!  I’ll have five in a second!”  He Tributed Undine for Abyssmegalo’s effect, then Special Summoned Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord to make Jones discard Abyss-sphere and Deep Sea Diva!  Jones was suddenly down to just one card in hand, and one backrow.  “Is this 8000?” asked Wong.  “This is 8000, right?”

It wasn’t.

But Wong attacked twice with ‘megalo to drop Jones to 3200 Life Points, then swung with Moulinglacia to make Jones flip Abyss-sphere.  He brought out Abysslinde, and Wong attacked it.  Jones Summoned Mermail Abysspike and pitched Atlantean Dragoons, searching out Atlantean Marksman and Deep Sea Diva.  Wong Set ‘sphere.

Jones drew to three cards in hand with Abysspike on the field.  Wong had three cards in hand (Genex Controller; Atlantean Heavy Infantry; and Wisemans Chalice), with Abyssmegalo and Moulinglacia face-up, plus Abyss-sphere face-down.  Jones Summoned Diva to Special Summon Atlantean Heavy Infantry.  He Normal Summoned Marksman, then Tuned everything together save Mermail Abysspike to unleash Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier!  He discarded his last card, Marksman, to destroy Moulinglacia, and Marksman targeted Wong’s Abyss-sphere, which he Chained to bring out Mermail Abysslinde.  He attacked ‘linde with Mermail Abysspike, and Wong Summoned a ‘pike of his own, pitching Heavy Infantry to destroy Gungnir and search out Atlantean Marksman.

Wong drew Fiendish Chain.  He Normal Summoned Marksman, trying to attack but forgetting about Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord’s effect.  He Set Fiendish.

Jeff drew to one card in hand, and Tributed his Abysspike for Vanity’s Fiend.  When Wong flipped Fiendish Chain, Jones immediately scooped.

Jones started off Game 3 Setting a monster.

Wong had Deep Sea Diva; Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord; Abyss-sphere; Atlantean Heavy Infantry; Dark Hole; and Mind Crush.  He Set ‘sphere and Crush.

Jones Summoned Atlantean Marksman and attacked: Wong flipped Abyss-sphere, Special Summoning Abysslinde.  But Jones Tributed his Set Atlantean Heavy Infantry for Enemy Controller, taking Abysslinde and attacking with Marksman on the replay!  He Special Summoned Atlantean Dragoons with Marksman’s effect, then attacked with Abysslinde and Dragoons!  In Main Phase 2, Jones overlaid Marksman and Abysslinde to Xyz Summon Number 17: Leviathan Dragon.  He detached Marksman to target Wong’s Set Mind Crush

“Is this YOLO time?”  mused Wong.  “Okay, it’s either Abyssmegalo or ‘sphere…” He flipped Mind Crush.  “I’ll call Abyss-sphere.”  Nope: Jones had Pot of Avarice, Marksman, and not one, but two Deep Sea Divas!  Wong had to discard his Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord.


Wong drew Mermail Abyssgunde.  “This guy is not super-useful…”  He activated Dark Hole to destroy Leviathan and Dragoons, then Summoned Diva to get Atlantean Marksman.  Marksman attacked to bring out Dragoons; Diva attacked; and Dragoons followed up, lowering Jones to 4600 Life Points.  Wong had 3300.  He Tuned Diva to Marksman for Ally of Justice Catastor.

Jones Summoned Deep Sea Diva, bringing out Atlantean Heavy Infantry and then Summoning a Marksman.  He Synchro Summoned Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier and then shuffled back Diva, two Marksman, an Infantry, and a Dragoons for Pot of Avarice.  He drew his two cards, going to four in hand, and discarded Heavy Infantry for Gungnir, blowing away both monsters!  A direct attack took Wong down to 800 Life Points.  Jones Set a card to his back row.

Wong drew Monster Reborn, holding Heavy Infantry and Abyssgunde.  He revived Ally of Justice Catastor and took out Gungnir.

Jones Summoned Diva, Special Summoning another and then bringing out Mermail Abysspike with Abyss-sphere.  He Synchro Summponed Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier, Tuned it to Diva for Scrap Dragon, then used the Dragon’s ability to destroy his Abyss-sphere and Ally of Justice CatastorScrap Dragon attacked for game!


Jeff Jones moves on with a 2-0 record!