Home > 2013/05 - Meadowlands, New Jersey, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What’s Your Favorite Card from Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars?

QQ: What’s Your Favorite Card from Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars?

May 11th, 2013

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars introduces a bunch of cool new Constellar, Lswarm, Gem-Knight, Gishki, and Gusto monsters, plus lots of other assorted cards. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see which card from Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars is their favorite. Check out their responses!

Evilswarm Ophion.” –Adam Possiel

Lavalval Chain.” –Trystian Carbonard

Lavalval Chain.” –Matthew Thomas

Evilswarm Ouroboros.” –Kevin Bermudez

Daigusto Emeral.” –Erik Goodwin

Constellar Ptolemy M7.” –Jason Larabe

“I love Aye-Iron because it’s a kangaroo.” –Kenneth Cardez

D.D. Jet Iron!!!” –Chris Scott

Evilswarm Thunderbird.” –Stephen Bryon

Evilswarm Ophion.” –Elvis Teran

Constellar Pleiades.” –Nicole Tipple