Home > 2013/05 - Meadowlands, New Jersey, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: What Deck Do You Think Will Win This Weekend?

QQ: What Deck Do You Think Will Win This Weekend?

May 12th, 2013

QQ stands for Quick Questions! It’s still early in the tournament, and any Deck can win it. But I surveyed this weekend’s Duelists to see which Deck they think will win the YCS tournament this weekend. Check out their responses!

“Tin Gadgets.” –Erik Goodwin

“Numbers say it will be Mermails or Evilswarm, but I’ll say Wind-Ups.” –Chris Scott

“Evilswarm.” –Stephen Bryon

“Mermails because of Mermail Abyssmegalo.” –Elvis Teran

“Meramils with Genex Undine.” –Graham Bateman

“I believe Mermails will win.” –Matthew Gayman

“Constellars.” –Nicole Tipple

“Wind-Ups!” –Adam Possiel

“Mermails.” –Trystian Carbonard

“Macro Rabbit.” –Matthew Thomas

“There are so many good decks. Hopefully mine (Fire Fists) will win!” –Kenneth Cardez

“Prophecy.” –Michael Steinman

“Fire Fists.” –Kevin Bermudez