. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 1 Feature Match: Nick Habeeb versus Gustavo Recinos
Home > 2013/05 - Meadowlands, New Jersey, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 1 Feature Match: Nick Habeeb versus Gustavo Recinos

Round 1 Feature Match: Nick Habeeb versus Gustavo Recinos

May 11th, 2013

Nick Habeeb from Haverhill, Massachusetts is 18-years-old today and will be spending his birthday competing in this weekend’s tournament with his Evilswarm Dino Rabbit Deck! He’s using 2 copies of the brand new Evilswarm Ophion and 1 copy of Evilswarm Bahamut in his Extra Deck, plus 3 copies of Evilswarm Thunderbird, 3 copies of Evilswarm Heliotrope, and 3 copies of Evilswarm Castor from Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars in his Main Deck. Habeeb’s opponent is 22-year-old Gustavo Recinos from Patterson, New Jersey. Recinos is running a traditional Dino Rabbit Deck in today’s tournament. It’s old against new in this Round 1 Feature Match. Which Deck will prevail!?

Duel One

Recinos started off Duel 1 by Summoning Jurrac Velo and Setting 2 cards to his back row.

Gustavo Recinos

Habeeb opened up with Bottomless Trap Hole, Torrential Tribute, Macro Cosmos, Jurrac Guaiba, Rescue Rabbit, and Tour Guide From the Underworld.

Habeeb's Duel 1 Opening Hand

He Summoned Rescue Rabbit and used its effect to banish it and Special Summon 2 copies of Sabersaurus from his Deck. He combined both of them to Summon Evolzar Laggia and then attacked Jurrac Velo. Recinos used Forbidden Lance during the Damage Step to try to lower the ATK of Evolzar Laggia; but Habeeb negated Forbidden Lance by giving up Laggia’s Xyz Materials! Laggia destroyed Velo in battle, and Recinos Special Summoned Jurrac Guaiba from his Deck with Velo’s effect. Habeeb Set Bottomless Trap Hole, Torrential Tribute, and Macro Cosmos before ending his turn, and lost his Torrential Tribute to Recinos’s Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase.

Recinos Summoned Sabersaurus next turn, and Habeeb flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it. Next, Recinos attacked Evolzar Laggia with his Guaiba, and used Forbidden Lance in the damage step to lower the ATK of Laggia to 1600. Guaiba destroyed Laggia in battle and dealt 100 points of damage to Habeeb, and Recinos used Guaiba’s effect to Special Summon another Guaiba from his Deck. He combined both Guaibas to Xyz Summon Evolzar Laggia in Main Phase 2, and then he Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Habeeb drew Solemn Judgment next turn. He Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and used her effect to Special Summon another Tour Guide from his Deck in Attack Position. Next, he tried to combine both Tour Guides to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Defense Position; but Recinos detached both Xyz Materials from Laggia to negate its Summon. Recinos Set Solemn Judgment before ending his turn.

Recinos drew Monster Reborn and activated it to Special Summon Sabersaurus from Habeeb’s Graveyard, and Habeeb instantly conceded.

Sabersaurus and Laggia finish off the first Duel!

Gustavo Recinos uses Jurrac Guaiba to Xyz Summon Evolzar Laggia and leans on Laggia to win Duel 1! Nick Habeeb will be going first in Duel 2!

Duel Two

Nick Habeeb

Habeeb opened up Duel 2 with Rescue Rabbit, Forbidden Dress, Solemn Warning, Monster Reborn, Sabersaurus, and Torrential Tribute.

Habeeb's Duel 2 Opening Hand

He Summoned Rescue Rabbit and banished it to Special Summon 2 copies of Sabersaurus from his Deck. Next, he combined them to Summon Evolzar Laggia. He Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Habeeb's First Turn

Recinos Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld and activated her effect to Special Summon another Tour Guide from his Deck. Next, he combined both Tour Guides to try to Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon; but Habeeb flipped Solemn Warning and gave up 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon! Recinos Set 4 cards to his back row before ending his turn.

Habeeb drew Evilswarm Heliotrope and Summoned it. He attacked with Laggia and Heliotrope to drop Recinos down to 3650 Life Points and then ended his turn.

Recinos Set a fifth card to his back row and then passed his turn.

Habeeb drew Mystical Space Typhoon and used it to destroy Recinos’s newly Set Torrential Tribute. Next, he Normal Summoned Sabersaurus, but lost his monster to Bottomless Trap Hole. He attacked with Heliotrope, and Recinos used Forbidden Lance to reduce its ATK by 800. Next, Laggia attacked, dropping Recinos down to 100 Life Points.

Laggia and Heliotrope

Recinos drew a card and Set it to his back row. He instantly conceded thereafter, revealing Solemn Judgment, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Starlight Road from his back row, and Gorz the Emissary of Darkness from his hand.

Nick Habeeb puts pressure on Gustavo Recinos with Evolzar Laggia and Evilswarm Heliotrope to take a quick win in Duel 2! Recinos will be going first in Duel 3!

Duel Three

Recinos started off Duel 3 by Summoning Thunder King Rai-Oh and Setting 4 cards to his back row.

Habeeb opened up with 2 copies of Evilswarm Thunderbird, Sabersaurus, Bottomless Trap Hole, Jurrac Guaiba, and Rescue Rabbit.

Habeeb's Duel 3 Opening Hand

He Summoned Sabersaurus, but lost out to Bottomless Trap Hole. Next, he Set Bottomless Trap Hole and ended his turn. In his End Phase, Recinos flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the newly Set Bottomless Trap Hole.

Recinos Summoned Jurrac Guaiba and Set a card to his back row.

Guaiba joins Rai-Oh on the field

He attacked directly with Guaiba and Rai-Oh, dropping Habeeb down to 4400 Life Points before ending his turn.

Habeeb drew another Sabersaurus and tried to Summon it; but Recinos paid 4000 Life Points to negate its Summon with Solemn Judgment!

Recinos drew Kabazauls next turn and Summoned it! He attacked directly with Kabazauls, Jurrac Guaiba, and Thunder King Rai-Oh to wipe out Habeeb’s last 4400 Life Points!

Dino Demolition

Gustavo Recinos takes a quick victory in Duel 3 by simply Summoning one monster per turn and attacking!

Gustavo Recinos is moving on with a 1-0 record!