Round 4 Feature Match: Nicole Tipple versus Antonio Santos
New Jersey’s 14-year-old Nicole Tipple is Dueling against New York’s 15-year-old Antonio Santos in this Round 4 Feature Match! Tipple is currently 3-0 with her Constellar Deck, made possible by Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars. But Santos is looking to end Tipple’s winning streak with his HERO Deck! Only one of these Duelists can advance in the tournament with a 4-0 record. It’s time to Duel!
Duel One
Tipple opened up Duel 1 with Thunder King Rai-Oh, Torrential Tribute, Constellar Algiedi, Constellar Pollux, Forbidden Lance, and Mystical Space Typhoon.
She Normal Summoned Rai-Oh and then Set Forbidden Lance and Torrential Tribute before ending her turn.
Santos Set 5 cards to his back row and then passed.
Tipple drew Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear and Summoned it. Santos flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field, and Tipple flipped Forbidden Lance to protect her Bear. She attacked directly with Bear to deal 800 points of damage to Santos and Set Tenki from her Deck with Bear’s effect. Santos used Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the Tenki before Tipple flipped it. Tipple Set Mystical Space Typhoon before ending her turn.
Santos used Monster Reborn to Special Summon Thunder King Rai-Oh from Tipple’s Graveyard, and Tipple flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field.
Tipple drew Bottomless Trap Hole next turn. She tried to Summon Algiedi, but Santos used Solemn Warning to negate its Summon.
Santos activated Pot of Duality to reveal Call of the Haunted, A Hero Lives, and Elemental HERO Bubbleman from the top of his Deck. He added A Hero Lives to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck.
Tipple drew Heavy Storm next turn. She Normal Summoned Constellar Pollux and attacked directly with it, dropping Santos down to 4300 Life Points.
Santos gave up 2150 Life Points to activate A Hero Lives and Special Summon Elemental HERO Stratos from his Deck. He used the effect of Stratos to add Elemental HERO Neos Alius from his Deck to his hand and then Normal Summoned Neos Alius. Next, Santos Set Miracle Fusion to his back row, and Tipple destroyed it with Mystical Space Typhoon. Santos followed up by Special Summoning Elemental HERO Bubbleman, and then combined Bubbleman with Stratos to Xyz Summon Blade Armor Ninja. Tipple activated Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it, and then Santos activated Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Elemental HERO Stratos again. Stratos’s effect got Elemental HERO Bubbleman from Santos’s Deck and added it to Santos’s hand. Next, Santos Special Summoned Bubbleman. He combined Bubbleman with Stratos to Summon Maestroke the Symphony Djinn, and then attacked Pollux with Maestroke to destroy it. Neos Alius attacked directly, dropping Tipple down to 6000 Life Points.
Tipple drew Compulsory Evacuation Device. She activated Heavy Storm to clear Santos’s back rows and then Set Compulsory Evacuation Device.
Santos drew Pot of Duality and activated it. He revealed Reinforcement of the Army, Bottomless Trap Hole, and Heavy Storm from the top of his Deck and added the Heavy Storm to his hand. He shuffled the other 2 cards back in his Deck. He activated Heavy Storm, and Tipple Chained Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Maestroke to Santos’s Extra Deck. A direct attack from Neos Alius dropped Tipple down to 4100 Life Points.
Tipple drew Constellar Kaus next turn and passed.
Santos Set a back row and attacked with Neos Alius, dropping Tipple to 2200 Life Points.
Tipple drew Fire Formation – Tenki and activated it to search her Deck for Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear to add to her hand. She Normal Summoned it and sent Tenki to the Graveyard to destroy Neos Alius with Bear’s effect. She tried attacking with it, but Santos activated Hero Blast! He destroyed the Bear and returned Neos Alius to his hand.
Santos Summoned Neos Alius and attacked directly with it, dropping Tipple down to 300 Life Points. He Set a back row and passed.
Tipple drew Starlight Road and Set it along with a Constellar Kaus.
Santos attacked and destroyed Constellar Kaus with his Neos Alius and then Set a back row.
Tipple drew Thunder King Rai-Oh and Summoned it; but Santos flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it! With only 300 Life Points remaining, Tipple instantly conceded.
Antonio Santos wins the first Duel with some help from A Hero Lives! Nicole Tipple will be going first in Duel 2!
Duel Two
Tipple opened up Duel 2 with Snowman Eater, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Fire Formation – Tenki, Torrential Tribute, Honest, and Bottomless Trap Hole.
Tipple activated Fire Formation – Tenki to add Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear from her Deck to her hand. She Summoned Thunder King Rai-Oh and Set Bottomless Trap Hole before ending her turn.
Santos activated Dark Hole to destroy Rai-Oh and then activated Pot of Duality to reveal Night Shot, Call of the Haunted, and Elemental HERO Neos Alius from the top of his Deck. He added Night Shot to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he activated Night Shot to destroy Tipple’s Bottomless Trap Hole, and then he activated E – Emergency Call to add Elemental HERO Stratos from his Deck to his hand. He Summoned Neos Alius to the field and then attacked directly, dropping Tipple down to 6100 Life Points.
Tipple drew another Bottomless Trap Hole next turn. She Summoned Bear and then sent Tenki to the Graveyard to destroy Neos Alius with Bear’s effect. Bear attacked directly, and Tipple Set Tenki from her Deck with Bear’s effect. She flipped Tenki in Main Phase 2 and used its effect to add another Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear from her Deck to her hand. Tipple Set Bottomless Trap Hole before ending her turn.
Santos Summoned Elemental HERO Stratos and activated its effect, but Tipple Chained Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it. Santos Set 2 cards to his back row and then Special Summoned Elemental HERO Bubbleman from his hand. He flipped Miracle Fusion to fuse it with the Neos Alius in his Graveyard and Summon Elemental HERO The Shining with 3500 ATK. The Shining attacked and destroyed Bear, dropping Tipple down to 4300 Life Points.
Tipple drew Constellar Pollux next turn. She Summoned Bear and sent Tenki to the Graveyard to destroy The Shining with Bear’s effect. Santos used The Shining’s effect to add his banished Elemental HERO Stratos and Elemental HERO Bubbleman to his hand. Next, Tipple attacked directly with Bear and Set Tenki from her Deck with Bear’s effect. She flipped it in Main Phase 2 and added Constellar Kaus to her hand with its effect. Tipple Set Torrential Tribute before passing.
Santos Summoned Elemental HERO Stratos and chose not to use its effect. He Set a card to his back row and then Special Summoned Elemental HERO Bubbleman; but Tipple flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field!
Tipple drew Monster Reborn! She Summoned Constellar Pollux and then Special Summoned Constellar Kaus. Santos flipped Rivalry of Warlords, forcing Tipple to send her Pollux to the Graveyard so that she could keep her Kaus. She tried to attack directly with her 1900 ATK Kaus, but Santos flipped Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Stratos. He used Stratos’s effect to add Elemental HERO Neos Alius to his hand, and then Tipple continued her attack with Kaus to destroy Stratos in battle and deal 100 points of damage to Santos.
Santos activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Tenki and then Summoned Elemental HERO Neos Alius. He attacked the 1800 ATK Kaus with Elemental HERO Neos Alius, and Tipple discarded Honest from her hand to give her monster 1900 extra ATK and win the battle!
On her next turn, Tipple activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear from her Graveyard. With only 2900 Life Points remaining, Santos conceded, unable to withstand attacks from Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear and Constellar Kaus.
Nicole Tipple wins Duel 2 with her Beast-Warriors! Antonio Santos will be going first in the final Duel of the Match!
Duel Three
Santos activated Pot of Duality, revealing Mystical Space Typhoon, Mirror Force, and Rivalry of Warlords from the top of his Deck. He added Mystical Space Typhoon to his hand and shuffled the other cards back into his Deck. He Set 2 cards before ending his turn.
Tipple opened up with Heavy Storm, Mystical Space Typhoon, Mind Crush, Constellar Sheratan, and 2 copies of Compulsory Evacuation Device.
She activated Heavy Storm to destroy Santos’s Mystical Space Typhoon and Torrential Tribute and then Normal Summoned Constellar Sheratan. She activated its effect to add another Constellar Sheratan to her hand and then attacked directly, dropping Santos down to 7300 Life Points. Tipple Set Compulsory Evacuation Device and Mind Crush before passing.
Santos Set 3 cards to his back row and passed.
Tipple Summoned another Sheratan next turn and used its effect to add Constellar Pollux from her Deck to her hand. She activated Pot of Duality next, revealing Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear and 2 copies of Forbidden Lance from the top of her Deck. She added one of the Lances to her hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into her Deck. Next, she attacked directly with both Sheratans, dropping Santos down to 5900 Life Points.
Tipple Set 3 cards to her back row before passing her turn.
Santos Summoned Elemental HERO Neos Alius. He attacked Constellar Sheratan with Neos Alius, and Tipple activated Compulsory Evacuation Device to try to return Elemental HERO Neos Alius to Santos’s hand. Santos Chained Gemini Spark to destroy Tipple’s face-down Forbidden Lance and draw a card by Tributing his Neos Alius. Santos Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.
Tipple combined her two Sheratans to Xyz Summon Constellar Hyades; but Santos flipped Bottomless Trap Hole and banished it. Next, she Summoned Constellar Pollux and activated its effect to Summon another Pollux. Santos flipped Hero Blast to destroy one of them and return Elemental HERO Neos Alius to his hand. Tipple attacked directly with Pollux to drop Santos down to 4200 Life Points.
Santos drew a card and then Tipple flipped Mind Crush to force Santos to discard his Neos Alius. Next, Santos used Monster Reborn to Special Summon Elemental HERO Neos Alius and then Set Solemn Judgment. He Normal Summoned Elemental HERO Bubbleman from his hand and then combined Bubbleman with Neos Alius to Summon Maestroke the Symphony Djinn. Maestroke attacked and destroyed Pollux. Tipple used Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Santos’s Solemn Judgment in the End Phase.
Tipple drew Snowman Eater and Set it.
Santos attacked Snowman Eater with Maestroke. He lost 100 Life Points and Snowman Eater got rid of one of Maestroke’s Xyz Materials.
Tipple drew Stygian Dirge and Set it.
Santos activated Night Shot to destroy Stygian Dirge and then switched Maestroke into Defense Position.
Tipple drew Starlight Road and Set it.
Santos activated E – Emergency Call to add Elemental HERO Stratos to his hand and then Summoned it to the field. He added Elemental HERO Neos Alius from his Deck to his hand with Stratos’s effect and then passed his turn.
Tipple drew Dimensional Prison and Set it.
Santos Normal Summoned Elemental HERO Bubbleman and combined it with Stratos to Summon Photon Papilloperative. He switched Maestroke into Attack Position and used Photon Papilloperative’s effect to switch Snowman Eater into Attack Position. Photon Papilloperative attacked and destroyed Snowman Eater, and then Maestroke tried attacking directly; but Tipple flipped Dimensional Prison to banish it. Santos Set a back row before passing.
Tipple drew Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear and passed.
Santos Summoned Elemental HERO Neos Alius and attacked directly with Photon Papilloperative and Neos Alius. He Set a card before passing.
Tipple drew Bottomless Trap Hole. She Set it along with her Bear.
Santos activated the effect of Photon Papilloperative to switch Tipple’s Bear into Attack Position. Next, he activated Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Stratos from his Graveyard, but lost Stratos to Tipple’s Bottomless Trap Hole; but Bottomless Trap Hole couldn’t save Tipple! Photon Papilloperative attacked and destroyed Bear, and then a direct attack from Elemental HERO Neos Alius wiped out the rest of Tipple’s Life Points!
Antonio Santos defeats Nicole Tipple and is moving on with 4-0 record using his HERO Deck featuring A Hero Lives!