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Home > 2013/05 - Meadowlands, New Jersey, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 6 Feature Match: Jerome Porter versus Benedikt Junk

Round 6 Feature Match: Jerome Porter versus Benedikt Junk

May 12th, 2013

Benedikt Junk traveled here from Germany with his 51-card Mermail Deck to compete in this weekend’s YCS tournament. He’s currently 4-1 in the tournament and Dueling against Jerome Porter Washing D.C.’s Jerome Porter and his Prophecy Deck. Porter is using Madolche Mageleine in his Prophecy Deck and is hoping that his Spellcasters will bring him to the Top 32 this weekend. But only one of these Duelists will advance in the tournament with a 5-1 record!

Duel One

Jerome Porter

Porter opened up Duel 1 with Spellbook Magician of Prophecy, Temperance of Prophecy, Monster Reborn, High Priestess of Prophecy, Spellbook of Fate, and Justice of Prophecy.

Jerome Porter's Duel 1 Opening Hand

Porter Summoned Spellbook Magician of Prophecy and activated its effect to add Spellbook of Secrets from his Deck to his hand. He used Spellbook of Secrets to add Spellbook of the Master to his hand and then used Spellbook of the Master by revealing Spellbook of Fate to copy Spellbook of Secrets and add Spellbook of Eternity to his hand. Porter Set Spellbook of Fate before ending his turn.

Junk Set a monster and Set 2 cards to his back row.

Porter drew Waboku and then activated Spellbook of Fate. He banished both Spellbooks from his Graveyard to put Spellbook Magician of Prophecy face-down and then Flip Summoned Spellbook Magician of Prophecy to add Spellbook of Power from his Deck to his hand. Next, Porter activated Spellbook of Eternity to return Spellbook of the Master to his hand. He activated it by revealing Spellbook of Power and copied the effect of Spellbook of Eternity to add Spellbook of Secrets to his hand. He Summoned Justice of Prophecy next, and Junk flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field! Junk’s face-down Mermail Abysslinde was destroyed by the Torrential Tribute, and Junk Special Summoned Mermail Abyssmegalo from his Deck with its effect. Porter activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Justice of Prophecy in Attack Position next, and then Set Waboku. Junk activated Abyss-sphere to Special Summon Mermail Abysspike from his Deck and used its effect. He discarded Atlantean Heavy Infantry and used the effect of Atlantean Heavy Infantry to destroy Justice of Prophecy. Next, Porter activated Spellbook of Secrets to search his Deck for Spellbook of Life and add it to his hand. He activated it to Special Summon Justice of Prophecy and then activated Spellbook of Power to increase the ATK of Justice of Prophecy. He attacked Mermail Abyssmegalo with Justice of Prophecy, destroying it in battle and allowing Porter to grab The Grand Spellbook Tower from his Deck. He activated The Grand Spellbook Tower and then banished his Justice in the End Phase to add Spellbook of Secrets and High Priestess of Prophecy from his Deck to his hand.

Junk Normal Summoned Atlantean Marksman and attacked directly with it. Porter lost 1400 Life Points and Junk used Marksman’s effect to Special Summon Atlantean Dragoons from his Deck. He attacked directly with Dragoons to drop Porter down to 4800 Life Points.

Porter drew Spellbook of the Master. He Summoned Temperance of Prophecy next and then activated Spellbook of Secrets to add Spellbook of Power to his hand. He activated the effect of Temperance of Prophecy to Tribute it and Special Summon High Priestess of Prophecy from his Deck and then used Spellbook of Power to power it up. He attacked and destroyed Atlantean Marksman with his High Priestess of Prophecy and then searched his Deck for a Spellbook of Fate to add to his hand. He activated Spellbook of the Master next, copying the effect of Spellbook of Secrets, and searched his Deck for a copy of Spellbook of Eternity to add to his hand. In Main Phase 2, he banished Spellbook of the Master from his Graveyard to destroy Atlantean Dragoons with his High Priestess’s effect and then ended his turn.

Junk activated Dark Hole to destroy High Priestess of Prophecy and then Set a card to his back row.

Porter drew a card and then sent Spellbook of Fate from his Graveyard to his Deck to draw another one with The Grand Spellbook Tower. He Summoned Madolche Magileine next, and activated her effect; but Junk flipped Fiendish Chain to negate it.


Junk Summoned Genex Undine and activated its effect by sending Atlantean Dragoons from his Deck to his Graveyard. He added Genex Controller from his Deck to his hand and then used his Dragoons’s effect to add Atlantean Marksman from his Deck to his hand. He Special Summoned Mermail Abyssteus next by discarding Atlantean Marksman, and Porter Chained Waboku to Abyssteus’s effect. Junk added Mermail Abysslinde from his Deck to his hand with the effect of Mermail Abyssteus.

Porter drew a card and then sent a Spellbook in his Graveyard back into his Deck to draw an extra card with The Grand Spellbook Tower. He Summoned another copy of Magileine and activated her effect to add another Magileine to his hand. Next, he activated Spellbook of Eternity to add Spellbook of the Master to his hand. He activated it to copy Spellbook of Power to boost the ATK of Magileine, and then attacked over Abyssteus. He added Spellbook of Secrets to his hand and then combined both copies of Magileine to Xyz Summon Maestroke the Symphony Djinn in Defense Position. He Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Junk Summoned Genex Controller and Tuned it with Genex Undine to Xyz Summon Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier. He used its effect and added Fiendish Chain to his hand and then attacked Maestroke to rid it of an Xyz Material. Junk Set 2 cards before ending his turn.

Porter drew a card and then got a second one from his Tower. He activated his face-down Heavy Storm to destroy Junk’s back rows, and Junk instantly conceded!

Jerome Porter opens up with a very strong start and uses it to win Duel 1! Benedikt Junk will be going first in Duel 2!

Duel Two

Junk Set a monster and passed.

Benedikt Junk

Porter opened up Duel 2 with Spellbook of Secrets, High Priestess of Prophecy, Spellbook of Fate, Dark Hole, Spellbook Magician of Prophecy, and Madolche Magileine.

Porter's Duel 2 Opening Hand

He Summoned Spellbook Magician of Prophecy and activated its effect to add Spellbook of Power to his hand. He activated Spellbook of Secrets next, and used it to add Spellbook of the Master to his hand. Next, he activated Spellbook of Power to power up his monster, and used Spellbook of the Master to copy Spellbook of Power and use it again. He attacked Junk’s face-down Mermail Abysslinde with his Spellbook Magician of Prophecy to destroy it, and added Spellbook of Eternity and The Grand Spellbook Tower to his hand thanks to the effects of his Spellbooks of Power. Junk Special Summoned Mermail Abyssmegalo from his Deck with the effect of Mermail Abysslinde. Porter Set Spellbook of Fate before ending his turn.

Junk discarded Mermail Abyssteus and Mermail Abyssgunde from his hand to Special Summon Mermail Abyssmegalo. He added Abyss-sphere to his hand with the effect of Mermail Abyssmegalo and Special Summoned Mermail Abyssteus from his Graveyard in Attack Position with the effect of Mermail Abyssgunde. Next, Junk Normal Summoned Atlantean Marksman. He attacked Spellbook Magician of Prophecy with Mermail Abyssteus and Porter activated Spellbook of Fate. He banished 3 Spellbooks from his Graveyard to banish Atlantean Marksman, and then Abyssteus destroyed Spellbook Magician of Prophecy in battle. Next, both Abyssmegalos attacked Porter directly, dropping him down to 2000 Life Points. Junk combined Abyssteus with Abyssmegalo in Main Phase 2 to Xyz Summon Mermail Abyssgaios, and then he Set a card to his back row.

Porter activated Dark Hole to clear the field! Next, he used Spellbook of Eternity to add Spellbook of the Master to his hand. He Normal Summoned Jowgen the Spiritualist next, and used Spellbook of the Master to copy Spellbook of Eternity and add Spellbook of Secrets to his hand. He activated Spellbook of Secrets to add Spellbook of Fate to his hand and then attacked directly with Jowgen, dropping Junk down to 7800 Life Points. Porter activated The Grand Spellbook Tower and Set Spellbook of Fate before ending his turn.


Junk activated Heavy Storm! Porter Chained Spellbook of Fate and banished 2 Spellbooks from his Graveyard to put Jowgen face-down. Next, Porter used the effect of his Tower to Special Summon Madolche Magileine from his Deck in Attack Position. Junk Summoned Mermail Abysspike next, and attacked over Magileine to destroy her. Porter shuffled her back into his Deck.

Porter Summoned another Magileine next turn and used her effect to add another copy to his hand. He Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.

Junk Summoned Genex Controller and Tuned it with Mermail Abysspike to Synchro Summon Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier; but Porter paid 900 Life Points to negate its Summon with Solemn Judgment!

Porter drew Spellbook of the Master next turn! He Normal Summoned Madolche Magileine and used her effect to add another Magileine to his hand. He attacked directly with both copies of Magileine to drop Junk down to 5000 Life Points and then combined both Magileines to Xyz Summon Abyss Dweller in Main Phase 2.

Junk Set a card to his back row.

Porter attacked directly with Abyss Dweller.

Junk Set another card to his back row.

Porter attacked directly with Abyss Dweller again, dropping Junk down to 1600 Life Points. He Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn, and lost Spellbook of the Master to Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase.

Junk Set a card to each zone.

Porter detached an Xyz Material from Abyss Dweller and then attacked Atlantean Marksman to destroy it.

Junk Set a card to his back row.

Porter attacked with Abyss Dweller to try to end the Duel, but Junk flipped Fiendish Chain to stop the attack. Porter Flip Summoned Jowgen next, and Junk cleared the field with Torrential Tribute. Porter used Spellbook of Eternity to add Spellbook of Secrets to his hand and then used Spellbook of Secrets to add Spellbook Magician of Prophecy to his hand. He Summoned the Magician and used its effect to add Spellbook of Secrets to his hand.

Junk Set a monster and passed his turn.

Porter activated Spellbook of Secrets to add Spellbook Magician of Prophecy to his hand and Summoned it to the field. He activated its effect to add Spellbook of Power to his hand and then used Spellbook of Power to strengthen his Magician to 1500 ATK. He attacked Junk’s face-down Atlantean Heavy Infantry with his 1500 ATK monster, and lost 100 Life Points. He Special Summoned Tragoedia in Attack Position and used Tragoedia to attack and destroy Atlantean Heavy Infantry in battle. Next, he attacked directly with his other Spellbook Magician of Prophecy. He Xyz Summoned Gachi Gachi Gantetsu in Defense Position by combining both Magicians in Main Phase 2.

Junk drew Mystical Space Typhoon next turn and conceded, unable to survive another turn.

Tragoedia and Gachi Gachi Gantetsu

Jerome Porter is moving on with a 5-1 record using Prophecies!