. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Sunday’s Dragon Duel Feature Match: Ben Leverett vsersus Fisher Orlando
Home > 2013/05 - Meadowlands, New Jersey, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Sunday’s Dragon Duel Feature Match: Ben Leverett vsersus Fisher Orlando

Sunday’s Dragon Duel Feature Match: Ben Leverett vsersus Fisher Orlando

May 13th, 2013

Ben Leverett and Fisher Orlando are two of this weekend’s undefeated Dragon Duelists. These 12-year-olds have fought their way to the top of today’s tournament, and now one of them will gain the title of Sunday’s Dragon Duel Champion!

Duel One

Orlando started off Duel 1 by Setting a monster and Setting 2 cards to his back row.

Fisher Orlando

Leverett opened up with Mystical Space Typhoon, Deep Sea Diva, Atlantean Dragoons, Mermail Abysslinde, Mermail Abysspike, and Mermail Abyssteus.

Leverett's Duel 1 Opening Hand

He activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Orlando’s face-down Dimensional Prison and then Special Summoned Mermail Abyssteus by discarding Atlantean Dragoons. He added Mermail Abyssgunde to his hand with the effect of Abyssteus and added Mermail Abyssmegalo to his hand with the effect of his Dragoons. Next, he discarded Mermail Abysspike and Mermail Abyssgunde to Special Summon Mermail Abyssmegalo. He added Abyss-sphere from his Deck to his hand with Abyssmegalo’s effect and Special Summoned Mermail Abysspike from his Graveyard with the effect of Mermail Abyssgunde. Leverett activated the effect of Mermail Abysspike next, discarding Mermail Abysslinde from his hand to activate its effect. Orlando flipped Torrential Tribute to destroy all monsters on the field, including his own face-down Gravekeeper’s Spy, and Leverett added Atlantean Marksman from his Deck to his hand with Abysspike’s effect. Next, Leverett Normal Summoned Deep Sea Diva and activated its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Heavy Infantry from his Deck. He used the effect of Atlantean Heavy Infantry to Normal Summon Atlantean Marksman. He Tuned his Atlantean Heavy Infantry with Deep Sea Diva to Synchro Summon Armory Arm and then attacked directly with Atlantean Marksman. Leverett Special Summoned Atlantean Dragoons from his Deck with the effect of his Marksman and then attacked directly with Armory Arm and Atlantean Dragoons to drop Orlando down to 3000 Life Points. Leverett combined Armory Arm with Atlantean Dragoons in Main Phase 2 in order to Xyz Summon Abyss Dweller.

Orlando Set a card to each zone. Leverett activated Abyss-sphere to Special Summon Mermail Abysslinde from his Deck and when the Abyss-sphere was destroyed in Orlando’s End Phase, Mermail Abysslinde went down with it and Leverett Special Summoned Mermail Abyssmegalo in Attack Position with Abysslinde’s effect.

Leverett drew Mermail Abyssleed next turn. He activated the effect of his Abyssmegalo by Tributing Atlantean Marksman and then used Marksman’s effect to destroy Orlando’s face-down Dimensional Prison. Next, Leverett detached Atlantean Dragoons from Abyss Dweller and searched his Deck for a copy of Deep Sea Diva to add to his hand with the effect of Atlantean Dragoons. Leverett Summoned it and then activated its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman from his Deck. Mermail Abyssmegalo attacked and destroyed Orlando’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Spy, and Orlando Special Summoned Gravekeeper’s Descendant from his Deck with its Flip Effect. Leverett destroyed Gravekeeper’s Descendant with an attack from Abyss Dweller, and then direct attacks from the rest of Leverett’s monsters finished Orlando off!

Duel 1 Field

Ben Leverett takes a quick win in Duel 1!

Duel Two

Orlando chose to go first in Duel 2.

Orlando's Duel 2 Opening Hand

He activated Pot of Duality revealing Dark Bribe, Macro Cosmos, and Gravekeeper’s Commandant from the top of his Deck. He added Macro Cosmos to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Set a monster along with 2 back rows and then activated Messenger of Peace.

Leverett activated Heavy Storm to destroy Orlando’s face-up Messenger of Peace and face-down Macro Cosmos and Mind Crush. He activated Upstart Goblin next, granting Orlando 1000 Life Points and allowing Leverett to draw a card. Next, Leverett discarded Mermail Abysspike to Special Summon Mermail Abyssteus and activated Abyssteus’s effect to add Mermail Abysslinde from his Deck to his hand. Leverett attacked Orlando’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Spy with Abyssteus and lost 300 Life Points. Gravekeeper’s Spy flipped face-up and Orlando Special Summoned Gravekeeper’s Descendant from his Deck in Defense Position. Leverett Set Mermail Abysslinde in Main Phase 2 and then activated Dark Hole to clear the field! He Special Summoned Mermail Abyssmegalo from his Deck with the effect of Mermail Abysslinde and then Set Abyss-sphere before ending his turn.

Ben Leverett

Orlando Set 3 cards to his back row and passed.

Leverett attacked with his Mermail Abyssmegalo but lost out to Mirror Force. Leverett Set Fiendish Chain before ending his turn.

Orlando Set a card to his back row and passed.

Leverett drew Mermail Abysspike and Summoned it; but Orlando banished it with Bottomless Trap Hole.

Orlando Set a monster and passed.

Leverett drew a card and Set Enemy Controller.

Orlando Flip Summoned Gravekeeper’s Spy and tried to activate its effect. Leverett Chained Fiendish Chain to try to negate it; but Orlando flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device and returned the Spy to his hand! He Special Summoned Gravekeeper’s Recruiter from his Deck after the Spy entered his hand. A direct attack from Gravekeeper’s Recruiter dropped Leverett down to 6500 Life Points. Orlando Set a back row before ending his turn.

Leverett drew Mermail Abyssmegalo and passed his turn with 2 Abyssmegalos in his hand.

Orlando attacked directly with his Recruiter, and when Leverett flipped Abyss-sphere to try to intercept the attack, Orlando Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the Abyss-sphere. Leverett dropped down to 5300 Life Points as a result of the attack. Orlando Set a monster before passing.

Leverett discarded Mermail Abyssteus and Mermail Abyssmegalo to try to Special Summon an Abyssmegalo from his hand; but Orlando negated the Summon with Solemn Warning!

Orlando Flip Summoned Gravekeeper’s Spy and activated its effect to Special Summon Gravekeeper’s Assailant from his Deck. He Summoned Gravekeeper’s Descendant next, and Tributed his Recruiter to try to destroy Leverett’s face-down Enemy Controller. Leverett Chained it to switch Gravekeeper’s Descendant into Defense Position, and Orlando searched his Deck for Gravekeeper’s Commandant with the effect of his fallen Recruiter. He discarded the Commandant to add Necrovalley to his hand and then activated it. Direct attacks from Gravekeeper’s Spy and Gravekeeper’s Assailant dropped Leverett down to 1600 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Orlando combined his Spy with his Descendant to Xyz Summon Number 39: Utopia!

Leverett drew Deep Sea Diva next turn. He Summoned it to the field and then used its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman. He Tuned Deep Sea Diva with Atlantean Marksman to Synchro Summon Ally of Justice Catastor, and when he attacked Number 39: Utopia with Catastor, Orlando gave up one of Utopia’s Xyz Materials to negate the attack.

On his next turn, Orlando attacked Catastor with Gravekeeper’s Assailant and activated his Assailant’s effect to switch Catastor into Defense Position and destroy it in battle. A direct attack from Number 39: Utopia finished Leverett off moments later!

Utopia Leads the Way!

A key Compulsory Evacuation Device that rescued Gravekeeper’s Spy from Leverett’s Fiendish Chain enables Fisher Orlando to win Duel 2! Leverett will be going first in the final Duel of the Match!

Duel Three

Leverett opened up Duel 3 with Fiendish Chain, Mermail Abysspike, Deep Sea Diva, Atlantean Dragoons, and 2 copies of Mermail Abyssteus.

Leverett's Duel 3 Opening Hand

He Summoned Mermail Abysspike and activated its effect by discarding Atlantean Dragoons. He added Atlantean Marksman to his hand with the effect of his Abysspike and then added Mermail Abyssmegalo to his hand with the effect of his Dragoons. Leverett Set Fiendish Chain before ending his turn.

Orlando Normal Summoned Gravekeeper’s Commandant and attacked Mermail Abysspike, destroying both monsters. Next, he Set 3 cards to his back row and ended his turn.

Leverett drew Monster Reborn! He discarded Atlantean Marksman to Special Summon Mermail Abyssteus. He used Abyssteus’s effect to add Mermail Abyssgunde from his Deck to his hand and targeted Orlando’s face-down Bottomless Trap Hole with his Marksman. Orlando Chained the Bottomless Trap Hole to banish Mermail Abyssteus. Leverett discarded Mermail Abyssgunde and Mermail Abyssteus to Special Summon Mermail Abyssmegalo next, and then used his Abyssmegalo’s effect to add Abyss-sphere from his Deck to his hand, and used his Abyssgunde’s effect to Special Summon Abyssteus from his Graveyard. Next, Leverett activated Monster Reborn to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman from his Graveyard in Attack Position. He Tributed the Marksman to activate Abyssmegalo’s effect and then used Marksman’s effect to try to destroy Orlando’s face-down Fiendish Chain; but Orlando Chained it to negate Abyssmegalo’s effect and stop it from attacking. Leverett Normal Summoned Deep Sea Diva next, and activated its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman from his Deck. He attacked with Marksman, and Orlando flipped Mirror Force, wiping out 3 of Leverett’s monsters and leaving him with only a Defense Position Abyssteus.

Orlando activated Smashing Ground to destroy Abyssteus. Leverett activated Abyss-sphere when Orlando tried to enter the End Phase, and Orlando Chained Mystical Space Typhoon from his hand to destroy the Abyss-sphere!

Leverett drew a card and passed his turn.

Orlando drew a card and then Set it in his back row.

Leverett drew Deep Sea Diva and Summoned it. He activated its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman from his Deck and then attacked Orlando directly with his Marksman. He activated Marksman’s effect to Special Summon Atlantean Dragoons from his Deck and then attacked directly with Deep Sea Diva and Atlantean Dragoons to drop Orlando down to 4600 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Leverett Tuned Deep Sea Diva with Atlantean Dragoons to Summon Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier, and Orlando flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to send it back into Leverett’s Extra Deck.

Orlando activated Pot of Duality next turn, revealing Necrovalley, Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, and Gravekeeper’s Descendant from the top of his Deck. He added the Descendant to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Summoned the Descendant and tried to attack Atlantean Marksman with it; but Leverett flipped Fiendish Chain to block its attack.

Leverett Set another Fiendish Chain next turn.

Orlando drew Mystical Space Typhoon and used it to destroy Fiendish Chain. He attacked Marksman, and Leverett flipped Fiendish Chain to target Gravekeeper’s Descendant and negate its attack.

Leverett drew Abyss-sphere and Set it.

Orlando activated Necrovalley. Leverett flipped Abyss-sphere and Orlando negated it with Dark Bribe, allowing Leverett to draw a card.

Leverett activated Upstart Goblin, granting Orlando 1000 Life Points and allowing Leverett to draw a card. Next, he activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Necrovalley and Summoned Atlantean Dragoons. He attacked and destroyed Gravekeeper’s Descendant with Atlantean Dragoons and then attacked directly with Atlantean Marksman, dropping Orlando down to 3900 Life Points. Leverett Special Summoned Atlantean Heavy Infantry from his Deck in Defense Position.

Orlando Summoned Gravekeeper’s Assailant and attacked Marksman to destroy it.

Leverett drew Deep Sea Diva next turn. He Summoned it and activated its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Heavy Infantry from his Deck. Next, he Tuned Deep Sea Diva with both copies of Atlantean Heavy Infantry to Synchro Summon Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier. He attacked Gravekeeper’s Assailant with Dewloren to destroy it, and then attacked directly with Atlantean Dragoons to drop Orlando down to 1600 Life Points. Leverett returned Atlantean Dragoons to his hand with Dewloren in Main Phase 2.

Orlando Set Book of Moon before passing right back to Leverett.

Leverett activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the Book of Moon and then attacked directly with Dewloren to win the Duel!


Ben Leverett is Sunday’s Dragon Duel Champion!