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Home > 2013/08 - Toronto, Canada, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Presenting Your First Dragon Duel Champion!

Presenting Your First Dragon Duel Champion!

September 2nd, 2013

This weekend marks a new milestone for the Dragon Duel program.  Today, for the first time ever, the Saturday Dragon Duel and the Sunday Dragon Duel have been united into one title – the YCS Toronto Dragon Duel Championship!

First up, here are the Top 4 finishers from the Sunday Dragon Duel…


Sundays top finishers, pictured above, are Brian Chau, Marcus Mazzocato, Darren Wong, Jarez Jonkman.

And from those four, our first Dragon Duel Champion has emerged!


Unifying the two Dragon Duels at YCS Toronto, Brian Chau has earned the right to be called the inaugural Dragon Duel Champion!  A new first for the world of Dueling, that title brings with it a special Championship trophy, and a place in the all-new Dragon Duel Hall of Fame!  The Dragon Duel Hall of Fame website will immortalize Champions for all time, and Chau is the first to receive the honor.

Congratulations to all of our Dragon Duelists this weekend, and special congratulations to Brian Chau, Dragon Duel Champion of YCS Toronto!