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Home > 2013/10 - San Mateo, California, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > QQ: Which Millennium Item Would You Want?

QQ: Which Millennium Item Would You Want?

October 6th, 2013

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Each of the 7 Millennium Items in the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series gives its possessor a unique power. These powers include mind control, mind reading, and the ability to see the future. I surveyed this weekend’s Duelists to find out which Millennium Item they would most like to possess. Check out their responses!


“Millennium Eye, so I can keep an eye on my opponent.” –Luke Atkinson


“Millennium Eye.” –Raffee Cordero


“Millennium Puzzle.” –Timothy Bailey


“Millennium Rod, so I can control people.” –Thomas Vo


“Millennium Puzzle, so I can be the pharaoh.” –Luis Gonzalez


“Millennium Eye, so I can see what my opponent will play next.” –Ayinde Ross


“Millennium Eye, so I can see everything.” –Rob Himple


“Millennium Eye, so I can see into people’s minds.” –Eduardo Zaualeta


“Millennium Rod.” –Matthew Wright


“Millennium Eye, so I can see what my opponent’s has.” –Kevin Fung


“Pegasus’s Millennium Eye. It’s such a big advantage to see your opponent’s hand.” –Austin Kulman