. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 11 Feature Match: Alec Geslani versus Matias Berrones
Home > 2013/10 - San Mateo, California, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 11 Feature Match: Alec Geslani versus Matias Berrones

Round 11 Feature Match: Alec Geslani versus Matias Berrones

October 6th, 2013

Alec Geslani from Milpitas, California and Matias Berrones from Houston, Texas are both 9-1 in the tournament, and now they’re Dueling against one another in this Round 10 Feature Match! Geslani is using a Fire Fist Deck packing a full 3 copies of Fire Formation – Gyokkou. Berrones is using Dragon Rulers. It’s time to Duel!


Duel One


Berrones started off Duel 1 by activating Sacred Sword of Seven Stars to banish Tidal. He drew 2 cards and then searched his Deck for another copy of Tidal to add to his hand with the effect of his banished Tidal. Berrones Set a card to his back row and then ended his turn.


Matias Berrones


Geslani opened up with Dark Hole, Phoenix Wing Wind Blast, Vanity’s Emptiness, Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos, Fire Formation – Gyokkou, and Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Spirit. He activated Gyokkou to pin down Berrones’s face-down card and then Set his 2 Traps.


Berrones Set a second back row and passed.


Geslani drew Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Leopard next turn. He discarded it along with Blaster to destroy Berrones’s face-down Vanity’s Emptiness with Blaster’s effect. Then he Summoned Spirit and used its effect to Special Summon Leopard. Berrones Chained Maxx “C” to Spirit’s effect to draw a card. He Tuned Leopard with Spirit to Synchro Summon Brotherhood of the Fire First – Horse Prince, and Special Summoned Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Rooster from his Deck with Horse Prince’s effect. Berrones drew more cards off of Maxx “C”. Geslani added Bear to his hand with the effect of Rooster, and then attacked directly with Horse Prince and Rooster to drop Berrones down to 4100 Life Points.


Berrones discarded 2 copies of Tidal to use Tidal’s effect and send Dandylion from his Deck to his Graveyard. Then he Special Summoned 2 Fluff Tokens with Dandylion’s effect. He Summoned Debris Dragon next and tried to activate its effect; but Geslani flipped Vanity’s Emptiness to prevent Special Summoning! Berrones activated Dark Hole to clear the field next, and Vanity’s Emptiness went down with the monsters. Berrones banished Debris Dragon and Tidal from his Graveyard to Special Summon Tempest. He attacked directly with Tempest, dropping Geslani down to 5600 Life Points. Berrones Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.


Geslani banished Spirit and Horse Prince from his Graveyard to Special Summon Blaster and then attacked Tempest with Blaster to destroy it.


Berrones activated Raigeki Break and discarded Effect Veiler to target and destroy Geslani’s face-down Phoenix Wing Wind Blast. Next, he activated Return from the Different Dimension by giving up half of his Life Points! Geslani Chained Maxx “C” and drew a card after Debris Dragon and both Tidals were Summoned to Berrones’s field. Berrones Tuned Debris Dragon with Tidal to Synchro Summon Star Eater and then attacked Blaster with Star Eater to destroy it. Tidal attacked directly next, dropping Geslani down to 2600 Life Points. Berrones activated Sacred Sword of Seven Stars in Main Phase 2 and banished Tidal from his hand to draw 2 cards. He discarded Blaster and Flamvell Guard from his hand to destroy Geslani’s Gyokkou with Blaster’s effect, freeing his back row card.


Geslani activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Berrones’s face-down Vanity’s Emptiness. Next, he Normal Summoned Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear and Special Summoned Blaster from his Graveyard by banishing Leopard and Rooster. Direct attacks from Bear and Blaster wiped out Berrones’s remaining Life Points!


Blaster and Bear


Alec Geslani wins Duel 1 with his Fire Fists! Matias Berrones will be going first in Duel 2!


Duel Two


Berrones started off Duel 2 by activating Sacred Sword of Seven Stars. He banished Redox from his hand to draw 2 cards and then added another Redox from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his banished Redox. Next, he Set 3 cards to his back row.


Geslani opened up Duel 2 with Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Leopard, Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear, Fire Formation – Tensu, Return from the Different Dimension, Compulsory Evacuation Device, and Mystical Space Typhoon. He Summoned Leopard and Tributed it to Set Tenki from his Deck. He tried to flip Tenki face-up; but Berrones Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it before he could use its effect. Next, Geslani activated Tensu and used its effect to Normal Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear. He attacked with Bear, and Berrones activated Scapegoat to Summon 4 Sheep Tokens! Berrones destroyed one of them with Bear and then Set 3 back rows.


Alec Geslani


Berrones Set 2 back rows and passed.


Geslani drew Coach Soldier Wolfbark and then attacked a Sheep Token with Bear to destroy it.


Berrones Set a monster and passed.


Geslani drew Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Rooster. He Normal Summoned Rooster with his extra Tensu Summon and then used Rooster’s effect to send Tensu to the Graveyard and grab a Fire Formation from his Deck. Berrones tried to stop it with Skill Drain; but Geslani Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Skill Drain. Geslani Set Tenki from his Deck and flipped it to add Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Spirit from his Deck to his hand. Next, he Summoned Spirit and used its effect to Special Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Leopard from his Graveyard. He Tributed Leopard to Set Fire Formation – Gyokkou from his Deck. He activated it to pin down a back row and then Tuned Rooster with Spirit to Synchro Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Horse Prince. He used Horse Prince’s effect to Special Summon Rooster from his Deck and then used Rooster’s effect to add Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Boar from his Deck to his hand. He used Rooster’s effect to send Tenki to the Graveyard and Set Gyokkou from his Deck. Next, he activated Gyokkou to pin down Berrones’s last back row. He attacked 2 Tokens with his Rooster and Bear, and then destroyed a face-down Dandylion with Horse Prince, allowing Berrones to Special Summon 2 Fluff Tokens to the field.


Berrones Summoned Debris Dragon and used its effect to Special Summon Dandylion from the Graveyard. After it was Summoned, Geslani flipped Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Debris Dragon to Berrones’s hand. Berrones activated Dark Hole next, destroying all monsters on the field! He Special Summoned 2 Fluff Tokens when his Dandylion was destroyed.


Geslani drew D.D. Crow next turn. He Summoned Coach Soldier Wolfbark and activated its effect. Berrones Chained Maxx “C” to draw a card when Geslani Special Summoned Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear in Defense Position. Coach Soldier attacked and destroyed a Fluff Token.


Berrones Summoned Debris Dragon and used its effect to try to Special Summon Dandylion from his Graveyard; but Berrones discarded D.D. Crow to banish the Dandylion. Next, Berrones banished Maxx “C” and Blaster to Special Summon Redox from his Graveyard. He used Blaster’s effect to add another Blaster from his Deck to his hand. Next, he Tuned Debris Dragon with Redox to Synchro Summon Star Eater, and attacked Coach Soldier to destroy it.


Geslani drew Bottomless Trap Hole next turn. He Summoned Boar and combined it with Bear to Xyz Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Cardinal. He tried activating its effect; but Berrones stopped it with Effect Veiler! Geslani attacked a Fluff Token to destroy it and Set Bottomless Trap Hole before ending his turn.


Berrones banished Debris Dragon and Redox from his Graveyard to Special Summon Blaster, and Geslani flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to banish Blaster. Geslani added another Redox from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his banished Redox. Next, Berrones attacked Cardinal with Star Eater to destroy it. Berrones Set a back row before passing.


Geslani drew Mystical Space Typhoon and Set it.


Berrones attacked directly with Star Eater to drop Geslani down to 2200 Life Points. He Set a card and passed.


Geslani drew a monster and Set it.


Berrones activated Sacred Sword of Seven Stars by banishing Tempest from his hand. He drew 2 cards and then searched his Deck for a copy of Tempest to add to his hand with the effect of his banished Tempest. Next, he attacked Geslani’s face-down Maxx “C” to destroy it. He Set a back row before passing.


Geslani drew Pot of Duality next turn and activated it, revealing Pot of Duality, Maxx “C”, and Fire Formation – Tensu from the top of his Deck. He instantly conceded, unable to destroy Star Eater.


Star Eater


Matias Berrones overwhelms Alec Geslani with Star Eater in Duel 2, and pushes the Match to a third and final Duel! Alec Geslani will be going first in Duel 3!


Duel Three


Geslani opened up Duel 3 with Maxx “C”, D.D. Crow, Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear, Fire Formation – Gyokkou, Vanity’s Emptiness, and Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Boar. He Set Vanity’s Emptiness and Boar and then ended his turn.


Berrones activated Sacred Sword of Seven Stars and banished Blaster from his hand to draw 2 cards. He used Blaster’s effect to add another Blaster from his Deck to his hand.


Geslani Set a monster and Set 2 back rows before passing his turn.


Geslani drew Phoenix Wing Wind Blast next turn. He activated Gyokkou to pin down one of Berrones’s back rows and then Flip Summoned Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Boar. He attacked Geslani’s face-down monster with Boar, destroying Berrones’s Dandylion. Berrones Special Summoned 2 Fluff Tokens to the field. Geslani Set Phoenix Wing Wind Blast before passing.


Berrones Normal Summoned Flamvell Guard and Tuned it with a Fluff Token to Synchro Summon Formula Synchron. He used his Synchron’s effect to draw a card.


Geslani drew Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Spirit next turn. He Summoned Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear, and Berrones tried to use the effect of Formula Synchron to Tune it with a Fluff Token; but Geslani flipped Vanity’s Emptiness. Geslani attacked and destroyed Formula Synchron and the Fluff Token with Boar and Bear. In Geslani’s End Phase, Berrones flipped Raigeki Break. He discarded Blaster to destroy Berrones’s Gyokkou and took down Vanity’s Emptiness along with it.


Berrones Summoned Card Trooper and used its effect to send 2 copies of Vanity’s Emptiness and Return from the Different Dimension from the top of his Deck to his Graveyard. Next, he attacked Bear with Card Trooper. Geslani flipped Phoenix Wing Wind Blast and discarded Spirit to send Card Trooper to the top of Berrones’s Deck. Berrones banished Flamvell Guard and Blaster from his Graveyard to Special Summon Redox from his hand in Defense Position, and Geslani Chained Maxx “C” to Redox’s effect to draw a card when it was Summoned. Geslani added Blaster from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his banished Blaster. Geslani drew Mystical Space Typhoon off of Maxx “C”.


Geslani drew Rooster next turn. He activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Berrones’s face-down Mystical Space Typhoon, and Berrones discarded Maxx “C” from his hand. Next, Geslani combined Boar with Bear to Xyz Summon Brotherhood of the Fire Fist – Cardinal, and Berrones drew a card. Geslani activated Cardinal’s effect by detaching both Xyz Materials from it, but lost out to Berrones’s Effect Veiler! Geslani ended his turn, and Berrones returned Redox from his field to his hand in the End Phase.


Berrones Special Summoned Blaster from his hand by banishing Redox and Tempest from his hand. He added another Redox and Debris Dragon from his Deck to his hand with the effects of his banished Redox and Tempest. Next, he Normal Summoned Debris Dragon. He activated its effect to target the Dandylion in his Graveyard; but Geslani banished Dandylion with D.D. Crow. Blaster attacked and destroyed Cardinal, and then Debris Dragon attacked Geslani directly, dropping him down to 6000 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Berrones Tuned Debris Dragon with Blaster to Synchro Summon Star Eater.


Geslani drew Blaster next turn. He Set Rooster and then ended his turn.


Berrones activated Sacred Sword of Seven Stars. He banished Redox from his hand to draw 2 cards and then added another Redox from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his banished Redox. He Special Summoned Blaster from his Graveyard by banishing Debris Dragon from his Graveyard and Tidal from his hand. He activated Tidal’s effect to add another Tidal from his Deck to his hand. He attacked Rooster with Blaster to destroy it, and then a direct attack from Star Eater dropped Geslani down to 2800 Life Points.


Star Eater and Blaster


Geslani drew Solemn Warning next turn and conceded, unable to mount a comeback.


Matias Berrones is moving on too the Top 32!