Home > 2013/10 - San Mateo, California, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 2 Feature Match: Jalen Rojas versus Scott Page

Round 2 Feature Match: Jalen Rojas versus Scott Page

October 5th, 2013

Jalen Rojas from Cave Creek, Arizona and Scott Page from Dallas, Texas are Dueling against one another in this Round 2 Feature Match! Rojas is using a FIRE Deck that uses an assortment of Laval monsters, 3 copies of Pyrorex the Elemental Lord, and 3 copies of Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos. His Deck focuses on overwhelming his opponents with Synchro Summons. Page is using a Dragon Ruler Deck that easily Xyz Summons Rank 7 monsters. It’s time to Duel!


Duel One


Rojas opened up Duel 1 with Searing Fire Wall, Laval Magma Cannoneer, Molten Conduction Field, Laval Cannon, and 2 copies of Rekindling. He activated Molten Conduction Field to send Laval Magma Cannoneer and Laval Volcano Handmaiden from his Deck to his Graveyard. Then he used his Handmaiden’s effect to send another Handmaiden to his Graveyard, and used that Handmaiden’s effect to send a third Handmaiden to the Graveyard. Finally, he used his last Handmaiden’s effect to send Laval Lakeside Lady from his Deck to his Graveyard. He Summoned Laval Magma Cannoneer next, and activated Rekindling; but Page Chained Maxx “C”. He Special Summoned 3 Handmaidens and another Cannoneer from his Graveyard and Page drew a card. Next, Rojas Tuned a Handmaiden with a Cannoneer to Synchro Summon T.G. Hyper Librarian, and Page drew another card. Next, Rojas activated Searing Fire Wall. He banished a Laval from his Graveyard to Special Summon a Level 1 Token, and Page drew another card off of Maxx “C”. Next, Rojas Tuned his Handmaiden with the Token to Synchro Summon Formula Synchron. Page drew a card, and Rojas drew 2 cards with the effects of T.G. Hyper Librarian and Formula Synchron. Rojas Tuned his Handmaiden with his other Cannoneer next, in order to Synchro Summon Catastor and draw a card from the effect of T.G. Hyper Librarian. Page drew a card thanks to his Maxx “C”. Finally, Rojas Tuned Catastor with Formula Synchron and T.G. Hyper Librarian to Synchro Summon Shooting Quasar Dragon! Page drew another card off of Maxx “C”.


Turn 1 Shooting Quasar Dragon!


Rojas Set a Searing Fire Wall to his back row before passing.


Page drew a card and then had 11 cards in his hand thanks to his opening Maxx “C”.


Scott Page


He activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Rojas’s face-down Searing Fire Wall and then used Sacred Sword of Seven Stars to banish Tidal and draw 2 cards. He added another Tidal to his hand with Tidal’s effect. Page activated Book of Moon to try to put Shooting Quasar Dragon face-down; but Rojas negated it with Quasar’s effect. Page activated Cards of Consonance next, discarding Dragunity Corsesca to draw 2 cards. He activated Dragon Ravine next, and discarded Tidal to send Trigon from his Deck to his Graveyard. He Summoned Debris Dragon next, and used its effect to Special Summon Trigon from his Graveyard. He Tuned Debris Dragon with Trigon to Synchro Summon Ancient Fairy Dragon and then used Ancient Fairy Dragon to destroy the Ravine, gain 1000 Life Points, and add another Ravine to his hand. He activated the Ravine and then used its effect to discard Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms from his hand and send Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos from his Deck to his hand. He banished Debris Dragon and Tempest from his Graveyard to Special Summon Blaster from his Graveyard, and then used Tempest’s effect to add Dragunity Corsesca from his Deck to his hand. Next, he combined Ancient Fairy Dragon with Blaster to Xyz Summon Number 11: Big Eye! He activated its effect to take control of Shooting Quasar Dragon!


Quasar Betrayal


Page attacked directly twice with Shooting Quasar Dragon to finish the Duel!


Jalen Rojas Summons Shooting Quasar Dragon on his first turn, but Scott Page uses his 11-card starting hand to take control of it and defeat Rojas with his own monster! Rojas will be going first in Duel 2!


Duel Two


Rojas started off Duel 2 with Electric Virus, Mind Control, Mystical Space Typhoon, Rekindling, Book of Moon, and Foolish Burial. He Set Mystical Space Typhoon and Book of Moon before passing


Jalen Rojas


Page activated Cards of Consonance to discard Debris Dragon and draw 2 cards. Next, he activated Sacred Sword of Seven Stars to banish Tidal from his hand and draw 2 cards. He used Tidal’s effect to add another Tidal from his Deck to his hand. Page Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his turn.


Rojas drew Battle Fader and then ended his turn.


Page activated Dragon’s Ravine. He discarded Blaster to use its effect; but Rojas Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Dragon Ravine so that Page wouldn’t be able to send a Dragon from his Deck to his Graveyard. Next, Page discarded 2 Tidals from his hand to the Graveyard to send Tempest from his Deck to his Graveyard with Tidal’s effect. He activated Raigeki Break next. He discarded Blaster to destroy Rojas’s face-down Book of Moon. Page banished Tempest and Debris Dragon to Special Summon Blaster from his Graveyard and then used his Tempest’s effect to add another Tempest from his Deck to his hand. Finally, he activated Return from the Different Dimension! He paid 4000 Life Points to Special Summon Debris Dragon, Tempest, and Tidal from his Banished Zone. He Tuned Debris Dragon with Tempest to Synchro Summon Star Eater, and then direct attacks from Star Eater, Blaster, and Tidal finished Rojas off! Rojas tried to use Battle Fader to stop the attacks, but Page activated his last face-down card – Divine Wrath – to secure the victory.


Wrath of the Dragons


Scott Page is moving on with a 2-0 record!