Round 7 Feature Match: Anthony Eckroth versus Bruce Harris
Bruce Harris is currently 5-1 with his Gravekeeper’s Deck, and now he’s facing off against Anthony Eckroth’s Dragon Ruler Deck featuring Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Harris’s Deck is capable of stopping Eckroth’s Dragon Ruler Deck in its tracks with cards like Necrovalley and Vanity’s Emptiness, but only if Eckroth can’t overwhelm Harris with his Dragons first. Do Harris and his Gravekeeper’s have what it takes to put a halt to Eckroth and his invincible engine of destruction? It’s time to Duel!
Duel One
Eckroth opened up Duel 1 with Dragon Ravine, Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders, Cards of Consonance, Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls, Sacred Sword of Seven Stars, and Phoenix Wing Wind Blast. He activated Sacred Sword of Seven Stars to banish Tidal from his hand and draw Flamvell Guard and Dragunity Corsesca. Next, he added Tidal from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his banished Tidal. Eckroth activated Cards of Consonance next, and discarded Flamvell Guard to draw Vanity’s Emptiness and Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms. He banished Tempest and Flamvell Guard from his Graveyard to Special Summon Redox from his hand, and used Tempest’s effect to add another Tempest from his Deck to his hand. Next, he Normal Summoned Dragunity Corsesca and Tuned it with Flamvell Guard to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon. He Set Vanity’s Emptiness and Phoenix Wing Wind Blast before ending his turn.
Harris activated Pot of Duality revealing Dimensional Prison, Dark Hole, and Royal Tribute from the top of his Deck. He added Royal Tribute to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he Set a card to each zone and activated Necrovalley. He activated Royal Tribute next, and Eckroth Chained Phoenix Wing Wind Blast. He discarded Tempest to send Harris’s monster to the top of his Deck, and then Harris discarded Effect Veiler and Gravekeeper’s Spy from his hand due to the effect of Royal Tribute. Eckroth discarded Tidal to the effect of Royal Tribute.
Eckroth drew The White Stone of Legend and then activated Dragon Ravine to replace Harris’s Necrovalley. He banished Corsesca and Tempest to Special Summon Tidal from his Graveyard; then he Normal Summoned The White Stone of Legend and Tuned it with Tidal to Synchro Summon Scrap Dragon. He activated the effect of The White Stone of Legend to add Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his Deck to his hand. Next, he discarded Tempest to send Blaster from his Deck to his Graveyard with Dragon Ravine’s effect. Eckroth Special Summoned Blaster, and then Harris immediately conceded.
Anthony Eckroth takes a quick win over Bruce Harris’s Gravekeeper’s Deck in Duel 1. Bruce Harris will be going first in Duel 2!
Duel Two
Harris started off Duel 2 by activating Pot of Duality, revealing Gravekeeper’s Spy and 2 copies of Gravekeeper’s Commandant from the top of his Deck. He added the Spy to his hand and shuffled the 2 Commandants back into his Deck. Next, he Set a monster and Set 3 cards to his back row.
Eckroth opened up Duel 2 with Cards of Consonance, Flamvell Guard, Sacred Sword of Seven Stars, 2 copies of Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms, and Dark Hole. Harris flipped Imperial Iron Wall in his Standby Phase. Eckroth discarded 2 copies of Tempest from his hand to use Tempest’s effect and add Blaster, Dragon Ruler of Infernos from his Deck to his hand. Then he discarded Blaster and Flamvell Guard to destroy Imperial Iron Wall with the effect of Blaster. He activated Dark Hole to destroy a face-down Spy next.
Harris Summoned Gravekeeper’s Recruiter, activated Necrovalley, and attacked directly with his Recruiter. He Set 1 back row before passing.
Eckroth drew Trap Stun and then Set all 3 of his cards to his back row.
Harris attacked directly with Recruiter.
Eckroth drew Mystical Space Typhoon. He flipped Trap Stun and then activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Necrovalley. Next, he banished Flamvell Guard and Tempest from his Graveyard to Special Summon Blaster from his Graveyard, and activated Tempest’s effect to add Dragunity Corsesca from his Deck to his hand. He Summoned Corsesca; but Harris flipped Book of Moon to put it face-down. Next, Harris attacked Gravekeeper’s Recruiter to destroy it with Blaster, and Harris dropped down to 6400 Life Points. Harris added Gravekeeper’s Commandant from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his Recruiter. Eckroth Set Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn.
Harris activated Gravekeeper’s Stele to return Gravekeeper’s Spy and Gravekeeper’s Recruiter from his Graveyard to his hand. Next, he discarded Gravekeeper’s Commandant to add Necrovalley from his Deck to his hand. He activated Dark Hole to destroy Eckroth’s face-up Blaster and face-down Corsesca. He Set a monster and activated Necrovalley before ending his turn.
Eckroth drew Blue-Eyes White Dragon and conceded, outmatched by Harris’s cards that limited his plays.
Bruce Harris dominates Duel 2 with Necrovalley and Imperial Iron Wall! Anthony Eckroth will be going first in the final Duel of the Match!
Duel Three
Eckroth opened up Duel 3 with Sacred Sword of Seven Stars, Dragunity Corsesca, Cards of Consonance, Mystical Space Typhoon, Fencing Fire Ferret, and The White Stone of Legend.
He activated Cards of Consonance to discard The White Stone of Legend and draw D.D.R. – Different Dimension Reincarnation and Trade-In. He added Blue-Eyes White Dragon to his hand with the effect of The White Stone of Legend. He activated Trade-In next to draw 2 cards by discarding Blue-Eyes, and then used Cards of Consonance to discard Corsesca and draw 2 more. Next, he activated Sacred Sword of Seven Stars to banish Tempest and draw 2 more cards. He used Tempest’s effect to add another Tempest from his Deck to his hand. He had 8 cards in his hand.
Next, he banished Blue-Eyes and Corsesca from his Graveyard to Special Summon Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls from his hand. He activated D.D.R. – Different Dimension Reincarnation next, by discarding Tempest, and Special Summoned a banished Tempest to his field. He combined Tempest with Tidal to Xyz Summon Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack, and detached an Xyz Material from Dracossack to Special Summon 2 Mecha Phantom Beast Tokens in Defense Position. He Set 2 copies of Mystical Space Typhoon and a Phoenix Wing Wind Blast to his back row before ending his turn.
Harris discarded Gravekeeper’s Commandant to add Necrovalley from his Deck to his hand. He used Pot of Duality next, revealing Book of Moon, Malefic Stardust Dragon, and Gravekeeper’s Recruiter from the top of his Deck. He added Book of Moon to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Set a monster, activated Necrovalley, and Set 4 cards to his back row before ending his turn.
Eckroth drew another Mystical Space Typhoon next turn. He Tributed a Token with the effect of Dracossack to try to destroy Harris’s monster. Harris Chained Fiendish Chain targeting Dracossack to try to negate its effect; but Eckroth Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy the Fiendish Chain. Harris’s face-down Gravekeeper’s Recruiter was destroyed by Dracossack’s effect, and Harris added another Recruiter from his Deck to his hand with his fallen Recruiter’s effect. Eckroth activated Mystical Space Typhoon next, destroying Necrovalley. He followed up by banishing Tidal and The White Stone of Legend to try to Special Summon his Tempest; but Harris flipped Vanity’s Emptiness to stop it. Eckroth added another Tidal from his Deck to his hand with his banished Tidal’s effect. Eckroth Summoned his Fencing Fire Ferret next, and attacked directly with it. Harris dropped down to 6300 Life Points.
Harris Set a card to each zone and passed.
Eckroth drew Trap Stun next turn! He Tributed his Mecha Phantom Beast Token to try to destroy Harris’s monster with Dracossack, but Harris negated Dracossack’s effect with Fiendish Chain. Next, he activated Mystical Space Typhoon, targeting Harris’s face-down Mystical Space Typhoon, and Harris Chained his Mystical Space Typhoon to target Eckroth’s Phoenix Wing Wind Blast for destruction. Eckroth Chained Phoenix Wing Wind Blast to try to return Book of Moon to Harris’s Deck; but Harris Chained Book of Moon to put the Ferret face-down. Eckroth Flip Summoned his Ferret and then attacked Harris’s Gravekeeper’s Recruiter to destroy it. Harris added another Recruiter to his hand with his fallen Recruiter’s effect. Eckroth Set Trap Stun before ending his turn.
Harris Set a card to each zone.
Eckroth drew Sacred Sword of Seven Stars next turn. He activated Trap Stun and then detached an Xyz Material from Dracossack to Special Summon 2 more Mecha Phantom Beast Tokens. Next, he Summoned Effect Veiler. Harris instantly conceded, overwhelmed by Eckroth’s cards.
Anthony Eckroth is moving on with a 6-1 record!