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Home > 2014/02 - Atlanta, Georgia, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Finals Feature Match: Christian Georges versus David Gancedo

Finals Feature Match: Christian Georges versus David Gancedo

February 3rd, 2014

Christian Georges from Queens, New York went 9-2 with Fire Fists in the Swiss Rounds of this weekend’s YCS. David Gancedo from Miami, Florida went 10-1 with Fire Fists. Now, the two of them are facing off in the Finals using completely different Decks. Both Duelists drafted Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants – Round 2 for their first time ever just hours ago, and constructed the Decks that they’re about to use in this final round of the tournament. One of these Duelists is about to become the champion of YCS Atlanta. It’s time to Duel!


Duel One


Gancedo started off Duel 1 by Summoning Dark Valkyria. He activated Reptilianne Rage to increase its ATK and then Set 2 cards to his back row.


David Gancedo


Georges opened up with Premature Burial, Beast King Barbaros, Cameraclops, Evilswarm Obliviwisp, Chthonian Blast, and Dark Core.


Georges's Duel 1 Opening Hand


He Set Cameraclops and Chthonian Blast before ending his turn.


Gancedo Summoned Zombyra the Dark. He attacked Georges’s face-down Cameraclops to destroy it and then attacked directly with Dark Valkyria.


Georges drew Wall of Illusion. He activated Dark Core by discarding Wall of Illusion and banished Dark Valkyria.


Gancedo Summoned Little-Winguard and then equipped it with Black Pendant to increase its ATK. He attacked directly with Little-Winguard to drop Georges down to 3500 Life Points.


Georges drew Gene-Warped Warwolf next turn and Summoned it. He attacked Little-Winguard with his Warwolf to destroy it, and lost 500 Life Points when Black Pendant was sent to the Graveyard. Georges Set Premature Burial before ending his turn.


Gancedo Set a card to his back row and passed his turn.


Georges attacked Zombyra with Gene-Warped Warwolf, and Gancedo flipped Nordic Relic Brisingamen to copy the Warwolf’s ATK onto his monster. Both monsters were destroyed in battle. Georges Set a monster before ending his turn.


Gancedo passed his turn without making a play.


Georges Summoned Beast King Barbaros and attacked directly with it.


Gancedo Summoned Deep Sweeper and then activated Full-Force Strike. He attacked Barbaros with Deep Sweeper to destroy it with help from Full-Force Strike, and Georges flipped Chthonian Blast to destroy Deep Sweeper and deal 800 points of damage to both players.


Georges drew Dododo Warrior next turn. He Normal Summoned it without Tribute and attacked directly with it, dropping Gancedo down to 3400 Life Points.


Gancedo Set a monster and passed his turn.


Georges attacked Gancedo’s face-down Drillroid to destroy it and then Set Reckless Greed in Main Phase 2.


Gancedo Summoned Dark Valkyria and attacked Georges’s face-down Evilswarm Obliviwisp with it. Gancedo lost 250 Life Points in the battle.


Georges activated Reckless Greed to draw 2 cards and then Summoned Deep Sweeper; but Gancedo flipped Needle Ceiling to clear the field! Georges discarded Evilswarm Obliviwisp to Special Summon The Tricky next, and Gancedo Special Summoned Chaos Hunter from his hand! Georges activated Tribute to the Doomed by discarding a card to destroy Chaos Hunter, and then used Premature Burial to Special Summon Beast King Barbaros from his Graveyard! Direct attacks from Beast King Barbaros and The Tricky wiped Gancedo out!


Barbaros and The Tricky


Christian Georges overcomes a potentially devastating Needle Ceiling to win Duel 1! David Gancedo will be going first in Duel 2!


Duel Two


Gancedo started off Duel 2 by Summoning Revival Jam. He Set 3 cards to his back row before ending his turn.


Georges opened up Duel 2 with Half or Nothing, Chthonian Blast, Riryoku, Axe Dragonute, Rising Energy, and The Fiend Megacyber. He Summoned Axe Dragonute and then Set Half or Nothing and Rising Energy.


Christian Georges


Gancedo Summoned Deep Sweeper and Tributed it to destroy Georges’s Half or Nothing. Next, he equipped Revival Jam with Black Pendant to increase its ATK to 2000, and attacked Axe Dragonute to destroy both monsters in battle. He paid 1000 Life Points so that he could Special Summon Revival Jam in his next Standby Phase.


Georges drew Release Restraint Wave and passed.


Gancedo Special Summoned Revival Jam in Defense Position in his Standby Phase and then Summoned Dark Valkyria. He attacked directly with it, dropping Georges down to 5700 Life Points.


Georges drew Tribute to the Doomed and then Special Summoned The Fiend Megacyber. He attacked Dark Valkyria with it, and Gancedo flipped Miracle Locus to increase Valkyria’s ATK by 1000. Georges Chained Rising Energy and discarded Chthonian Blast to give The Fiend Megacyber an extra 1500 ATK! Georges drew Metal Reflect Slime with the effect of Miracle Locus, and The Fiend Megacyber took down Dark Valkyria in battle. Georges Set Metal Reflect Slime to his back row before passing his turn.


Gancedo Tributed Revival Jam to Set a monster and then ended his turn.


Georges drew Vylon Prism and then discarded Release Restraint Wave to activated Tribute to the Doomed and destroy Gancedo’s face-down Dragon Ice. Georges attacked directly with The Fiend Megacyber, dropping Gancedo down to 3900 Life Points.


Gancedo Summoned Little-Winguard and equipped it with Reptilianne Rage. He attacked The Fiend Megacyber with Little-Winguard and used Forbidden Chalice to increase his monster’s ATK by 400 in the Damage Step and win the battle.


Georges Summoned Vylon Prism next turn. He activated Riryoku to halve the ATK of Little-Winguard and increase his Prism’s ATK by 1100. Vylon Prism attacked and destroyed Little-Winguard and then Reptilianne Rage went to the Graveyard, weakening Vylon Prism.


Gancedo drew and Summoned Drillroid next turn. He attacked Vylon Prism to destroy it.


Georges Set a monster and passed.


Gancedo Summoned Slate Warrior and then attacked Georges’s face-down Worm Jetelikpse with Drillroid. Georges Special Summoned Worm Jetelikpse back to the field with its effect, and then Slate Warrior destroyed it in battle.


George drew and Set Necro Gardna.


Gancedo attacked Necro Gardna with Drillroid to destroy it and attacked directly with Slate Warrior. He Set a monster before passing his turn.


Georges drew Gene-Warped Warwolf and Summoned it. He attacked Drillroid with it, but Gancedo flipped Shift! The Warwolf’s attack switched to Slate Warrior, and Warwolf lost 500 ATK when Slate Warrior was destroyed.


Gancedo Summoned Steamroid and attacked Warwolf with it; but Georges negated its attack by banishing Necro Gardna from his Graveyard! Gancedo switched Drillroid into Defense Position and then ended his turn.


Georges attacked Steamroid with Gene-Warped Warwolf to destroy it and deal 200 points of damage to Gancedo.


Gancedo Set a card to his back row and switched Drillroid into Attack Position. He attacked Gene-Warped Warwolf to destroy it with Drillroid.


Georges drew Alexandrite Dragon and Summoned it. He tried to attack Drillroid, but Gancedo flipped Butterflyoke to switch Alexandrite Dragon into Defense Position.


Gancedo attacked Georges’s face-down Evilswarm Obliviwisp with Drillroid, destroying Obliviwisp with Drillroid’s effect.


Georges drew Premature Burial! He activated it and paid 800 Life Points to Special Summon The Fiend Megacyber from his Graveyard and then switched Alexandrite Dragon into Attack Position. He attacked Drillroid with his Megacyber to destroy it and then tried attacking with his Dragon; but Gancedo switched Alexandrite into Defense Position with Butterflyoke.


Gancedo activated Graceful Charity to draw 3 cards and discard Super Conductor Tyranno and Goblin Attack Force. He Summoned Beast King Barbaros next, and attacked Alexandrite Dragon to destroy it. Georges Set a card to his back row before passing his turn.


Georges drew Horn of the Unicorn next turn. He Summoned Krebons and then attacked Beast King Barbaros with his Fiend Megacyber. Gancedo flipped Spikeshield with Chain to have Barbaros gain 500 ATK and destroy The Fiend Megacyber in battle. Georges Set a back row before passing.


Gancedo attacked Krebons with Beast King Barbaros, and Georges paid 800 Life Points to negate Barbaros’s attack.


Georges Set a back row and switched Krebons into Defense Position.


Gancedo activated Different Dimension Gate to banish his own face-down monster and Georges’s Krebons. Gancedo attacked directly with Barbaros, but Georges flipped Metal Reflect Slime to Summon a monster with 3000 DEF to the field!


Georges drew The Tricky next turn. He Tributed Metal Reflect Slime to Summon The Tricky and then equipped The Tricky with Horn of the Unicorn. He attacked over Beast King Barbaros with his 2700 ATK The Tricky and Gancedo conceded, on his next turn, unable to take down The Tricky.


Christian Georges is the champion of YCS Atlanta!