QQ: What’s the Best Card in Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! Imagine that you’ve just made it to the Top 16 of YCS Chicago and are about to open up your first pack of Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants in the Top 16 draft. Which card are you hoping to pull in that pack so that you can use it to dominate your Top 16 Duels? I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to find out their answers to this question. Check out their replies!
“Without a doubt, Forbidden Lance.” –Timothy Bailey
“Almost any Spell or Trap that can be activated in the Damage Step.” –Dominique Roberts
“Otohime.” –Jacob Delienne
“Breakthrough Skill.” –Chet Stottle Meyer
“Forbidden Lance.” –Cole Rosorio
“Pot of Greed.” –John Wells
“Slifer the Sky Dragon.” –Dom Wells
“Pitch-Black Warwolf.” –Kyle Femmer
“Cardcar D.” –Kiley Davis
“Cardcar D!!!” –Brandon Bloyer
“Memory of an Adversary.” –Taylor Wallace
“Memory of an Adversary.” –Jackie Bernal
“Pot of Greed, Kunai with Chain, or Dandylion.” –John Vigil