QQ: Which Cards Are You Hoping For in Dragons of Legend?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! For over a decade, Duelists have been eagerly awaiting the TCG release of popular cards from the animated Yu-Gi-Oh! television series. Many of these highly anticipated cards will be released in the upcoming Dragons of Legend booster set. I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to find out which cards they’re hoping to see released in Dragons of Legend. Check out their responses!
“The 3 Legendary Dragons from the original series.” –Dominique Roberts
“Mirror Force Dragon and a new art for Dark Magician Girl.” –Jacob Delienne
“Eye of Timaeus.” –Bob Hickey
“Eye of Timaeus.” –Alex Luna
“Colorless, Chaos King of Dark World.” –Chet Stottle Meyer
“Wiretap.” –John Wells
“Wiretap.” –Kyle Femmer
“Arkana’s Dark Magician. I’ve wanted it for so long and I figured we’d never get it. Please!” –Kiley Davis
“A Mammoth Graveyard and Spell Shattering Arrow fusion!” –Alexander Pabello
“Mirror Force Dragon.” –Taylor Wallace
“Mirror Force Dragon please.” –Jackie Bernal
“Mirror Force Dragon.” –Jeremy Lozano