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QQ: Which Cards Are You Using to Gain an Edge Over the Competition?

March 22nd, 2014

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The Duelists competing in the tournament this weekend are doing everything they can to win. I asked them which cards they’re using to gain an edge over the competition, and which Decks those cards are most effective against. Check out some of their responses!


Messenger of Peace and Wind-Up Factory.” –Timothy Bailey


Creature Swap to beat Bujins.” –Dominique Roberts


Mind Crush to beat Mermails, Fire Fists, and any other Deck that adds cards to the hand.” –Bob Hickey


Spell Shattering Arrow. I feel it’s a very good Side Deck card against Fire Fists.” –Alex Luna


Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World to beat EVERYTHING!” –Chet Stottle Meyer


“I’m using Soul Drain and Macro Cosmos in the Side Deck. It wrecks Dragons.” –Danny Hulling


Mind Crush.” –Kyle Femmer


Vanity’s Fiend.” –Kiley Davis


Banisher of the Radiance and Full House are good against Mermails, Bujins, and Fire Fists.” –Marco Martinez


Full House is a great card to combat the current meta.” –Alexander Pabello


Overworked.” –Brandon Bloyer


Harpies’ Hunting Ground is strong against Geargia.” –Taylor Wallace


Mind Crush, Forbidden Lance, and Cardcar D are good against everything. –John Vigil