Home > 2014/03 - Chicago, Illinois, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 3 Feature Match: Aaron Furman Versus Nhan Vu

Round 3 Feature Match: Aaron Furman Versus Nhan Vu

March 22nd, 2014

New Jersey’s Aaron Furman is Dueling against Wisconsin’s Nhan Vu in this Round 3 Feature Match! Furman is piloting an Onomatopoeia Deck featuring Yuma’s signature Gogogo, Gagaga, and Dododo monsters. Vu is running a Mermail Deck featuring Genex Controller and Genex Undine. It’s time to Duel!


Duel One


Furman opened up Duel 1 with Bottomless Trap Hole, Gogogo Golem, Maxx “C”, Kagetokage, and 2 copies of Upstart Goblin. He activated both copies to give Vu 2000 Life Points and draw 2 cards. He drew Fiendish Chain and Mystical Space Typhoon with the effects of his Upstarts. He Summoned Gogogo Golem and then Special Summoned Kagetokage from his hand. He combined both of his monsters to Xyz Summon King of the Feral Imps and then detached Gogogo Golem from it to add Kagetokage from his Deck to his hand. Furman Set Bottomless Trap Hole, Mystical Space Typhoon, and Fiendish Chain before ending his turn.


Aaron Furman


Vu Set 2 cards to his back row and Set a monster.


Furman drew Effect Veiler. He detached his last Xyz Material from King of the Feral Imps to add Masked Chameleon from his Deck to his hand with his King’s effect. He attacked Vu’s face-down monster with King of the Feral Imps and Vu banished the King with Dimensional Prison. In Main Phase 2, Vu activated Abyss-sphere, and Furman Chained Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it.


Vu Flip Summoned Genex Controller and then Normal Summoned Mermail Abyssgunde.  He combined both of his monsters to Xyz Summon Ghostrick Alucard; but Furman flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it! Vu Set a card to his back row before passing.


Furman drew Book of Life and passed.


Vu Summoned Mermail Abyssturge and activated its effect by discarding Genex Undine; but Furman flipped Fiendish Chain to negate its effect and prevent it from attacking.


Furman drew Gagaga Gardna! He Summoned it to the field and then Special Summoned Kagetokage from his hand. He combined both monsters to try to Xyz Summon Lavalval Chain, but Vu flipped Solemn Warning and paid 2000 Life Points to negate its Summon.


Vu Set a card to his back row. He banished Genex Undine and Mermail Abyssgunde to try to Special Summon Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls from his hand and Furman Chained Maxx “C” to draw a card. Vu attacked directly with Tidal before passing.


Furman Set Forbidden Lance and then entered his End Phase. Tidal returned to Vu’s hand.


Vu Summoned Atlantean Dragoons and combined it with Mermail Abyssturge to Xyz Summon Bahamut Shark. He flipped Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Furman’s face-down Forbidden Lance, and Furman Chained it to weaken Bahamut Shark. Vu attacked directly with Bahamut Shark to deal 1800 points of damage to Furman, and then detached Abyssturge to activate Shark’s effect; but Furman discarded Effect Veiler to negate Shark’s effect!


Furman drew Pot of Dichotomy next turn. He sent Kagetokage, Effect Veiler, and Maxx “C” from his Graveyard to his Deck and drew Mystical Space Typhoon and Book of Life. He Set Mystical Space Typhoon and Book of Life along with Masked Chameleon before ending his turn.


Vu detached Atlantean Dragoons from Bahamut Shark to Special Summon Mermail Abysstrite from his Extra Deck in Attack Position. He added Deep Sea Diva to his hand with the effect of Dragoons. Abysstrite attacked and destroyed the Chameleon and then Vu ended his turn.


Furman drew Maxx “C” and conceded, unable to make use of the cards in his hand.


Nhan Vu wins the first Duel against Aaron Furman’s Onomatopoeia Deck!


Duel 2


Furman opened up Duel 2 with Mezuki, Kagetokage, Mystical Space Typhoon, Gogogo Giant, Maxx “C”, and Forbidden Lance.


Furman's Duel 2 Opening Hand


He Summoned Gogogo Giant and then Special Summoned Kagetokage. He combined both monsters to Xyz Summon King of the Feral Imps and then detached Gogogo Giant from it to add Masked Chameleon from his Deck to his hand. He Set Forbidden Lance and Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn.


Vu Summoned Mermail Abysspike and activated its effect by discarding Atlantean Dragoons. He added Mermail Abysslinde from his Deck to his hand with the effect of his Abysspike and added Deep Sea Diva to his hand with the effect of his discarded Dragoons. He Set a card to his back row before ending his turn, but lost it to Furman’s Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase.


Furman drew Onomatopaira and activated it by discarding Mezuki! He added Gagaga Gardna and Gogogo Ghost from his Deck to his hand with its effect. Next, he detached Kagetokage from King of the Feral Imps to add another Kagetokage from his Deck to his hand. He Summoned Masked Chameleon next, and used its effect to Special Summon Gogogo Giant from his Graveyard. He Tuned Masked Chameleon with Gogogo Giant to Synchro Summon Crimson Blader and then attacked Mermail Abysspike with Crimson Blader to destroy it. Next, he attacked directly with King of the Feral Imps. Furman Set Forbidden Lance before ending his turn.


Vu Set a monster and passed.


Furman drew Fiendish Chain and then Summoned Gogogo Ghost. He Special Summoned Kagetokage from his hand next, and combined Kagetokage with Gogogo Ghost to Xyz Summon Abyss Dweller. He activated its effect by detaching an Xyz Material and then attacked Abysslinde to destroy it with Crimson Blader. Abyss Dweller and King of the Feral Imps attacked directly to drop Vu down to 500 Life Points. Furman Set Fiendish Chain before ending his turn.


Vu conceded on the next, turn, unable to take down Furman’s monsters.


Aaron Furman uses Onomatopaira to pull the cards he needs from his Deck and win Duel 1! Nhan Vu will be going first in the final Duel of the Match!


Duel Three


Vu started off Duel 3 by Summoning Genex Undine. He added Genex Controller to his hand and sent Tidal, Dragon Ruler of Waterfalls to his Graveyard. Vu Set 2 cards to his back row before passing his turn.


Nhan Vu


Furman opened up Duel 3 with Torrential Tribute, Mystical Space Typhoon, Maxx “C”, Mezuki, Gogogo Golem, and Kagetokage. He Summoned Gogogo Golem and then tried to Special Summon Kagetokage by activating its effect in his hand; but Vu flipped Mind Crush, forcing Furman to discard Kagetokage. Furman attacked Genex Undine with Gogogo Golem, and Vu flipped Fiendish Chain to stop the attack. Furman Set Torrential Tribute and Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn.


Vu Summoned Genex Controller and Furman discarded Maxx “C” from his hand. Vu ended his turn without Special Summoning any monsters.


Furman drew Fiendish Chain and then Summoned Mezuki. Vu discarded Maxx “C” from his hand, and then Furman combined his 2 monsters to Xyz Summon Lavalval Chain. Vu drew a card thanks to the effect of Maxx “C” and Furman detached Gogogo Golem to send Gogogo Ghost from his Deck to his Graveyard. Furman attacked and destroyed Genex Controller with Lavalval Chain and then Set Fiendish Chain before ending his turn.


Vu Summoned Mermail Abysspike and activated its effect by discarding Atlantean Dragoons. He added Mermail Abysslinde to his hand with the effect of Abysspike and added Deep Sea Diva to his hand with the effect of Atlantean Dragoons. Next, Vu banished Mermail Abysslinde from his hand and Mermail Abysspike from his Graveyard to Special Summon Tidal from his Graveyard. He attacked Lavalval Chain with Tidal, but Furman flipped Fiendish Chain to stop the attack and negate Tidal’s effect. Vu Set a card to his back row before passing, but Furman destroyed the newly Set Fiendish Chain with Mystical Space Typhoon in his End Phase.


Furman detached an Xyz Material from his Lavalval Chain to send Mezuki from his Deck to his Graveyard. He banished Mezuki to Special Summon Gogogo Ghost from his Graveyard in Attack Position, and Vu Chained Maxx “C” to draw a card. Furman attacked and destroyed Genex Undine with his Ghost, and attacked and destroyed Abysspike with Lavalval Chain.


Vu activated Dark Hole to clear the field! He banished Abysspike and Genex Undine from his Graveyard to Special Summon Tidal from his Graveyard, and Furman Chained Maxx “C” to draw Kagetokage. Vu attacked directly with Tidal to drop Furman down to 5400 Life Points.


Furman drew Gogogo Giant next turn! He Summoned it to the field and used its effect to Special Summon Gogogo Ghost. Vu flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field, and then Furman banished Mezuki from his Graveyard to Special Summon Gogogo Ghost. Ghost’s effect Special Summoned Gogogo Golem from the Graveyard. Furman combined his Ghost with his Golem to Xyz Summon King of the Feral Imps and detached Gogogo Ghost to add Masked Chameleon from his Deck to his hand. He attacked directly to drop Vu down to 4400 Life Points.


Vu Summoned Deep Sea Diva and activated its effect to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman from his Deck. At this point, time in the round was called. The Duel would conclude in 5 turns, and the winner would be the player with the most Life Points. Vu Tuned his 2 monsters together to Synchro Summon Armades, Keeper of Boundaries. Next, he banished 2 WATER monsters from his Graveyard to Special Summon Tidal, and Furman flipped Torrential Tribute to clear the field!


Furman Summoned Masked Chameleon next turn and tried to activate its effect, but lost out to Vu’s Breakthrough Skill. Furman Set Fiendish Chain to his back row before passing.


Vu Set a card to each zone and passed.


Furman drew Forbidden Lance and Set it. He switched Masked Chameleon to Defense Position and passed. Vu activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Furman’s face-down Forbidden Lance in the End Phase.


Vu Flip Summoned Atlantean Marksman and attacked Masked Chameleon with it to destroy it. Mermail Abysslinde attacked directly next, dropping Furman down to 3900 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, Vu combined his 2 monsters to Summon Ghostrick Alucard. He tried activating its effect, and when Furman flipped Fiendish Chain, Vu conceded, realizing that Furman was ahead by 1100 Life Points.


Aaron Furman moves on 3-0 with his Onomatopoeia Deck!