. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 11 Feature Match: Isaac Whatley Versus Brian Clark
Home > 2014/05 - Philadelphia, PA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 11 Feature Match: Isaac Whatley Versus Brian Clark

Round 11 Feature Match: Isaac Whatley Versus Brian Clark

May 18th, 2014

Isaac Whatley from Schenectady, New York is Dueling against Brian Clark from Montgomery Village, Maryland in this Round 11 Feature Match! Whatley and Clark are both using Decks powered up by the recent release of Primal Origin, but are piloting vastly different strategies. Whatley is using a Madolche Deck that Special Summons monsters and adds monsters to the hand with Madolche Chateau and Madolche Ticket; Clark is using a Traptrix Hands Artifact Deck that slowly gains advantage in each Duel by gradually destroying his opponent’s cards. Both of these Duelists have 8-2 records, so each of them will need a victory in this round if they want to maintain hope for a Top 32 finish. It’s time to Duel!


Duel One


Clark started off Duel 1 by activating Upstart Goblin to draw a card and give Whatley 1000 Life Points. He Summoned Traptrix Myrmeleo and activated its effect to add Bottomless Trap Hole from his Deck to his hand. He Set 4 cards to his back row before ending his turn.



Brian Clark


Whatley opened up with Mystical Space Typhoon, 2 copies of Madolche Anjelly, Madolche Hootcake, Fiendish Chain, and Madolche Magileine. He Summoned Magileine and activated her effect to add Madolche Mewfeuille from his Deck to his hand. Whatley Set Mystical Space Typhoon and Fiendish Chain to his back row before ending his turn.


Clark Summoned another Myrmeleo next turn and activated its effect to add Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare from his Deck to his hand. He attacked with his first Myrmeleo to destroy Magileine and shuffle it back into Whatley’s Deck, and then attacked directly with his second Myrmeleo to drop Whatley down to 7200 Life Points. Clark Set Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare but lost it to Mystical Space Typhoon in the End Phase.


Whatley drew Maxx “C”. He Summoned Anjelly and then Tributed it to Special Summon Madolche Hootcake from his Deck; but Clark flipped Bottomless Trap Hole and banished the Hootcake!


Clark Summoned Fire Hand. He attacked directly with Fire Hand. Myrmeleo attacked directly next, and when Whatley flipped Fiendish Chain, Clark negated it with Wiretap! Both copies of Myrmeleo successfully attacked directly, dropping Whatley down to 2400 Life Points. Whatley activated Maxx “C” in Main Phase 2 and then Clark activated Pot of Duality, revealing Dimensional Prison, Ice Hand, and Traptrix Dionaea from the top of his Deck. He added Dionaea to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck.


Whatley Summoned Madolche Mewfeuille next turn and activated its effect to Special Summon Madolche Hootcake from his hand. He used Hootcake’s effect to banish Maxx “C” from his Graveyard and Special Summon Madolche Messengelato from his Deck. Next, he used Messengelato’s effect to add Madolche Chateau from his Deck to his hand. He activated Chateau, sending Anjelly from his Graveyard back to his Deck, and then combined Hootcake and Mewfeuille to Xyz Summon Ghostrick Alucard. He activated Alucard’s effect to destroy Clark’s face-down Wiretap by detaching an Xyz Material. Next, Alucard attacked and destroyed a Myrmeleo, and Messengelato attacked and destroyed the second Myrmeleo. Whatley Set Fiendish Chain before ending his turn.


Clark Summoned Traptrix Dionaea and Whatley activated Fiendish Chain to negate its effect. Next, Clark flipped Call of the Haunted to Special Summon Traptrix Myrmeleo. He activated Myrmeleo’s effect to destroy Madolche Chateau. Next, he attacked Alucard with Fire Hand, allowing his Fire Hand to be destroyed. Fire Hand took down Alucard with its effect and then Special Summoned Ice Hand from the Deck. Ice Hand attacked Messengelato next. Ice Hand was destroyed by the battle, and Clark used its effect to destroy Fiendish Chain and Special Summon a Fire Hand from his Deck. Whatley immediately conceded, realizing he would be unable to survive the turn.


Hand Traps


Brian Clark wins the first Duel thanks to Fire Hand, Ice Hand, and his Traptrix monsters!


Duel Two


Whatley opened up Duel 2 with Dimensional Prison, Madolche Messengelato, Mirror Force, Trap Stun, and 2 copies of Mystical Space Typhoon. He Set Dimensional Prison, Mirror Force, Trap Stun, and Mystical Space Typhoon before ending his turn.


Isaac Whatley


Clark activated Upstart Goblin to draw a card and give Whatley 1000 Life Points. Clark activated Pot of Duality to reveal Compulsory Evacuation Device, Traptrix Myrmeleo, and Artifact Moralltach from the top of his Deck. He added Compulsory Evacuation Device to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. He Summoned Myrmeleo next, and activated its effect to add Bottomless Trap Hole from his Deck to his hand. He attacked directly with Myrmeleo, but Whatley banished it with Dimensional Prison. Clark Set 3 back rows and lost his Bottomless Trap Hole in the End Phase to Whatley’s Mystical Space Typhoon.


Whatley drew Pot of Duality next turn and activated it to reveal Breakthrough Skill, Madolche Chateau, and Madolche Anjelly from the top of his Deck. He added Anjelly to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, he Summoned Messengelato to the field. He attacked directly with Messengelato, dropping Clark down to 6400 Life Points.


Clark Set a card to his back row and then ended his turn.


Whatley activated Pot of Duality to reveal Fire Hand, Ice Hand, and Pot of Dichotomy from the top of his Deck. He added Ice Hand to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck.


Clark Set a monster and then ended his turn. In his End Phase, Whatley activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Clark’s face-down Call of the Haunted.


Whatley drew Royal Decree and then flipped Trap Stun. Clark Chained Compulsory Evacuation Device to return Messengelato to Whatley’s hand. Next, Whatley Summoned Anjelly. He Tributed it to activate its effect, and Clark Chained Maxx “C”! Whatley Special Summoned Madolche Hootcake from his Deck in Attack Position and Clark drew a card due to the effect of Maxx “C”. Whatley banished Anjelly from his Graveyard to use Hootcake’s effect and Special Summon Messengelato from his Deck in Defense Position, and then used Messengelato’s effect to add Madolche Ticket from his Deck to his hand. He activated Madolche Ticket and then Set Royal Decree before ending his turn.


Clark activated Upstart Goblin and drew a card by giving Whatley 1000 Life Points. Next, he Normal Summoned Ice Hand. He attacked Hootcake with Ice Hand, allowing his Ice Hand to be destroyed in battle. He used Ice Hand’s effect to destroy Whatley’s face-down Royal Decree and then Special Summoned Fire Hand from his Deck. Next, he attacked Hootcake with Fire Hand, but it survived since it was Special Summoned by the effect of Anjelly. In Main Phase 2, Clark Summoned another Fire Hand to the field. He combined both copies of Fire Hand to Xyz Summon Number 101: Silent Honor ARK and then detached both Xyz Materials from it to attach Hootcake as an Xyz Material. Clark Set a card to his back row before passing.


Whatley Summoned Anjelly next turn and Tributed it to activate its effect. Clark Chained Maxx “C”! Whatley Special Summoned Hootcake in Defense Position and Clark drew a card. Next, Whatley Special Summoned Messengelato from his Deck with Hootcake’s effect, and Clark drew another card. Whatley added Madolche Chateau to his hand with the effect of Messengelato. He activated the Chateau and then attacked Number 101: Silent Honor ARK with two 2100 ATK Messengelatos. The Messengelatos returned to Whatley’s hand thanks to Chateau, and Whatley added Anjelly from his Deck to his hand with Madolche Ticket. Number 101: Silent Honor ARK was destroyed after the second attack.


Clark flipped Pot of Duality to add Wiretap from the top of his Deck to his hand. Next, he Summoned Cardcar D. He Set 3 cards to his back row and then Tributed Cardcar D to draw 2 cards and end his turn.


Whatley drew Mystical Space Typhoon and then activated it to destroy Whatley’s face-down Artifact Sanctum. Clark destroyed Madolche Ticket with the effect of his Sanctum. Next, Whatley activated Hootcake’s effect, and Clark Chained another Maxx “C”! Whatley banished Hootcake from his Graveyard to Special Summon Magileine from his Deck, and Clark drew card. Next, Whatley Normal Summoned Madolche Messengelato. He switched his Hootcake into Attack Position and then attacked directly with Magileine. Clark flipped Artifact Sanctum to Special Summon Artifact Moralltach from his Deck and destroyed Messengelato with its effect. Whatley returned Messengelato to his hand thanks to Chateau. In the End Phase, Hootcake was destroyed due to Anjelly’s effect, and Whatley returned it to his hand thanks to Chateau.


Clark Summoned Ice Hand and attacked Magileine. Whatley flipped Mirror Force, but Clark Chained Wiretap to negate it. Ice Hand was destroyed, and took down Madolche Chateau with it. There were no Fire Hands left in the Deck to Special Summon. Artifact Moralltach attacked and destroyed Magileine next. Clark Set 2 cards to his row and passed.


Whatley Summoned Magileine and activated her effect to add Mewfeille to his hand.


Clark Summoned Fire Hand and then attacked Magileine with Artifact Moralltach to destroy it. Fire Hand attacked directly next, dropping Whatley down to 6900 Life Points. Clark Set another card too his back row before passing.


Whatley drew Pot of Duality next turn. He Summoned Mewfeuille, but Clark flipped Solemn Warning to negate its Summon at the cost of 2000 Life Points. Whatley Set Pot of Duality before ending his turn.


Clark attacked directly with Fire Hand and Moralltach to drop Whatley down to 2200 Life Points. In Main Phase 2, he Tributed Fire Hand to Summon another Moralltach. He combined both Moralltachs to Xyz Summon Constellar Pleiades. Clark Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.


Whatley drew Effect Veiler next turn. He Set Messengelato and then Pleiades returned it to Whatley’s hand in the End Phase.


Clark activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Whatley’s face-down Pot of Duality and then attacked directly with Pleiades to wipe out Whatley’s remaining Life Points!




Brian Clark is moving on to the Top 32 with his Traptrix Hands Artifacts Deck!