Home > 2014/05 - Philadelphia, PA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > Round 8 Feature Match: Kyle Christian Versus Michael Justiniano

Round 8 Feature Match: Kyle Christian Versus Michael Justiniano

May 18th, 2014

Kyle Christian is definitely using one of the coolest Decks I’ve seen this weekend. Built around Mound of the Bound Creator, Kyle Christian’s Deck Summons and protects Malefic Cyber End Dragon, Malefic Rainbow Dragon, and Metal Reflect Slime to overwhelm his opponents. Kyle Christian is currently holding a 5-2 record with his creative Deck. Now, he’s paired up against Michael Justiniano and his Madolches in this Round 8 Feature Match! Justiniano’s Deck is powered up with Madolche Anjelly from Primal Origin, and is built with the ability to take quick victories. Will Justiniano’s Deck be too fast for  Kyle Christian and his Malefics? It’s time to Duel!


Duel One


Justiniano started off Duel 1 by Summoning Madolche Anjelly and Tributing it to Special Summon Madolche Messengelato from his Deck. He added Madolche Chateau to his hand with the effect of Messengelato and then activated it. He Set 2 cards to his back row before passing.


Michael Justiniano


Christian opened up with 2 copies of Imperial Custom, Malefic Rainbow Dragon, Pot of Duality, Skill Drain, and Beast King Barbaros. He activated Pot of Duality to reveal Metal Reflect Slime, Dark Bribe, and Macro Cosmos from the top of his Deck and added the Metal Reflect Slime to his hand. He shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Next, Christian Summoned Beast King Barbaros; but Justiniano flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to banish it. Christian Set Imperial Custom, Skill Drain, and Metal Reflect Slime before ending his turn.


Justiniano activated Madolche Ticket and then Summoned Madolche Mewfeuille. He combined his Mewfeuille with his Hootcake to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon and then detached an Xyz Material from Leviair to activate Leviair’s effect. Christian Chained Skill Drain; but Justiniano activated Wiretap to shuffle Skill Drain back into Christian’s Deck. Leviair Special Summoned Anjelly back to the field with Leviair’s effect, and then combined Anjelly with Messengelato to Xyz Summon Madolche Queen Tiaramisu. Next, Justiniano detached an Xyz Material from Madolche Queen Tiaramisu to target the Anjelly and Mewfeuille in his Graveyard. He returned them to his hand thanks to Chateau, and sent Christian’s 2 face-down cards back to his Deck. Next, Justiniano used his Madolche Ticket’s effect to Special Summon Anjelly from his Deck. He Tributed Anjelly to Special Summon Hootcake from his Deck and then banished Anjelly from his Graveyard to activate its effect and Special Summon Messengelato from his Deck. He used Messengelato’s effect to add Madolchepalooza from his Deck to his hand, and then attacked directly with Leviair, Hootcake, Messengelato, and Tiaramisu to wipe out Christian’s 7000 Life Points!


4 Monsters Attack


An incredible start for Michael Justiniano allows him to demolish Kyle Christian with Madolche Tiaramisu in Duel 1! Kyle Christian will be going first in Duel 2!


Duel Two


Christian opened up Duel 2 with Malefic Rainbow Dragon, Pot of Duality, Imperial Custom, Dark Bribe, and 2 copies of Malefic Cyber End Dragon. He activated Pot of Duality, revealing Reckless Greed, Pot of Duality, and Forbidden Chalice from the top of his Deck. He added Forbidden Chalice to his hand and shuffled the other 2 cards back into his Deck. Christian Set Imperial Custom, Dark Bribe, and Forbidden Chalice before ending his turn.


Kyle Christian


Justiniano activated Madolche Chateau and Madolche Ticket. Next, he Summoned Madolche Hootcake. He attacked directly with Hootcake, dropping Christian down to 6000 Life Points. Justiniano Set 2 cards to his back row before ending his turn.


Christian drew Reckless Greed next turn. He banished Rainbow Dragon from his Deck to Special Summon Malefic Rainbow Dragon from his hand, which survived thanks to his opponent’s Madolche Chateau. Christian attacked and destroyed Hootcake with his Malefic Rainbow Dragon, dropping Justiniano down to 6000 Life Points. Justiniano returned Hootcake to his hand and added Anjelly from his Deck to his hand with Ticket’s effect. Christian Set Reckless Greed before ending his turn.


Malefic Rainbow Dragon


Justiniano Summoned Madolche Anjelly and Tributed it to Special Summon Madolche Hootcake from his Deck. He banished Anjelly from his Graveyard to Special Summon Messengelato from his Deck and then used Messengelato’s effect to add Madolchepalooza from his Deck to his hand. Justiniano Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.


Christian drew Field Barrier. He attacked Messengelato with Malefic Rainbow Dragon. Messengelato returned to Justiniano’s hand, and Justiniano added Madolche Mewfeuille from his Deck to his hand with the effect of Madolche Ticket.


Justiniano Summoned Mewfeuille and then activated its effect to Special Summon Messengelato from his hand. He activated Messengelato’s effect to add Madolche Chateau from his Deck to his hand and then combined his Hootcake with his Mewfeuille to Xyz Summon Leviair the Sea Dragon. He detached Mewfeuille from Leviair to Special Summon Anjelly from his banished zone and then Tributed Anjelly to Special Summon Madolche Hootcake from his Deck. He banished Anjelly from his Graveyard to Special Summon another Messengelato from his Deck with Hootcake’s effect and added Madolchepalooza from his Deck to his hand with his Messengelato’s effect. Next, he combined his 2 Messengelatos to Xyz Summon Madolche Queen Tiaramisu! He detached an Xyz Material from Tiaramisu to activate its effect, but Christian flipped Forbidden Chalice to negate its effect. Justiniano Set a card to his back row before ending his turn.


Christian drew Skill Drain next turn! He attacked Tiaramisu with Malefic Rainbow Dragon, but Justiniano stopped the attack with Fiendish Chain. Christian Set Skill Drain and then activated Reckless Greed to draw Skill Drain and Black Horn of Heaven. He Set both new Trap Cards and then passed his turn.


Justiniano drew a card and Christian activated Skill Drain by paying 1000 Life Points in the Draw Phase. Justiniano tried using Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy it, and Christian Chained Imperial Custom to try to protect it; but Justiniano flipped Wiretap to negate Imperial Custom and shuffle it back into Christian’s Deck! Christian paid another 1000 Life Points to flip his other Skill Drain afterwards, and Justiniano switched all 3 of his monsters to Defense Position before Setting a card to his back row and ending his turn.


Christian skipped his Draw Phase due to Reckless Greed and then passed his turn.


Justiniano drew a card and passed.


Christian skipped his Draw Phase once again and passed his turn.


Justiniano Summoned Cardcar D. He Tributed it to draw 2 cards and end his turn. In his End Phase, he discarded Madolche Anjelly and Madolche Hootcake to reduce his hand size to 6.


Christian drew Reckless Greed and Set it.


Justiniano Set a card to his back row.


Christian drew Dark Bribe and Set it.


Justiniano Summoned Maxx “C” and flipped Torrential Tribute to try to clear the field; but Christian Chained Dark Bribe to negate the Torrential Tribute and let Justiniano draw a card! Justiniano activated Mystical Space Typhoon to try to destroy Skill Drain next, and Christian Chained another Dark Bribe to negate it and let Justiniano draw another card.


Christian drew Pot of Duality and then activated Reckless Greed to draw Pot of Duality and another Reckless Greed. He activated Pot of Duality to reveal Torrential Tribute, Imperial Custom, and Mound of the Bound Creator from the top of his Deck. He added Mound of the Bound Creator to his hand and then activated it. He activated Field Barrier next, protecting his Mound of the Bound Creator.


Justiniano Set a Field Spell Card and passed his turn. Justiniano flipped Reckless Greed to draw Beast King Barbaros and Macro Cosmos in Christian’s End Phase.


Christian skipped his Draw Phase and then activated Pot of Duality to add Dark Bribe to his hand. He Summoned Beast King Barbaros, but lost it to Bottomless Trap Hole. He Set Macro Cosmos and Dark Bribe before ending his turn.


Justiniano switched his Maxx “C” to Defense Position and then ended his turn.


Christian skipped his Draw Phase and then passed.


Justiniano activated Madolchepalooza to Special Summon Madolche Anjelly from his hand and then activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Skill Drain. Christian Chained Dark Bribe to try to negate it; but Justiniano flipped Wiretap and negated Dark Bribe, shuffling the Dark Bribe back into Christian’s Deck. Next, Justiniano activated his Tiaramisu’s effect. He returned 2 of the Madolche cards in his Graveyard to his Deck in order to return Christian’s Malefic Rainbow Dragon and face-down Macro Cosmos to his Deck. Next, Justiniano combined Hootcake and Mewfeuille to Xyz Summon Ghostrick Alucard; but Christian negated its Summon with Black Horn of Heaven. Nevertheless, direct attacks from Leviair the Sea Dragon and Madolche Queen Tiaramisu wiped out Christian’s remaining 4000 Life Points!


Tiaramisu and Leviair


Kyle Christian manages to keep his Malefic Rainbow Dragon on the field for a long time, but is unable to defeat the speed of Kyle Christian’s Madolche Deck.


Michael Justiniano is moving on with a 6-2 record using Madolches!