Home > 2014/05 - Philadelphia, PA, Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series > YCS Philadelphia First-Timers!

YCS Philadelphia First-Timers!

May 17th, 2014

The competition in YCS Philadelphia will be fierce this weekend, but not every competitor attending is a YCS veteran. Take a look at some of the players who will be entering their first-ever YCS tournament this weekend!


Brian Buchhalter is 14 years old and entering his first tournament ever! He has never been to any tournament before, but practices Dueling with his dad at home. He traveled from Audubon, New Jersey to compete this weekend. He’s using a Deck that he built out of cards from his collection, consisting of Fiends, Spellcasters, Machines, and Dragons. His favorite card that he’s using this weekend is Jinzo. Take a look at Brian Buchhalter holding it up!


Brian Buchhalter


Col Carey is 12 years old from Gloucester, New Jersey. He has entered local tournaments before, but never a tournament this size! Col is using a Dragon Deck this weekend, featuring his favorite Dragon of all – the Blue-Eyes White Dragon! Col likes the Blue-Eyes White Dragon because it has lots of ATK and is easy to Summon with the effect of Maiden with Eyes of Blue. Here’s a picture of Col holding up his favorite Dragon!


Col Carey


Aaron Payne is 14 years old from Blackwood, New Jersey. Aaron is Col’s cousin, and Duels against him all the time. He has entered local tournaments before, but never played in a YCS event. He’s excited for his first YCS, and is especially excited to team up with his cousin Col for the tag-team Duels that will take place later in the weekend! Aaron is using a Chaos Dragon Deck featuring his favorite card, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness! When Aaron is in trouble during a Duel, he can always count on Gorz to protect him. Check out Aaron holding up his favorite monster!


Aaron Payne


13-year-old Timothy Gardner from Warminster, Pennsylvania is entering his first ever tournament this weekend! He frequently Duels against his brother Brandon and his friends. Timothy is using an assortment of cards in his Main Deck, mostly comprised of Gagaga cards, and is using an Extra Deck that contains 13 Number cards in it! Timothy enjoys watching Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal and collects Number cards. Timoty’s favorite one is Number C69: Heraldry Crest of Horror because “it’s a giant powerhouse!” Take a look at Timothy holding up his favorite Number card!


Timothy Gardner


15-year-old Brandon Gardner from Warminster, Pennsylvania is Timothy Gardner’s brother. Like Timothy, Brandon is entering his first tournament ever this weekend! Brandon frequently Duels against his friends and his brother Timothy. Brandon’s Deck is comprised of a bunch of Level 4 monsters that help him Xyz Summon Rank 4 monsters. His favorite card that he’s using this weekend is Number 32: Shark Drake. Take a look at Brandon holding up his favorite Number monster!


Brandon Gardner


These are just a few of the YCS first-timers in attendance this weekend! Will any of them have what it takes to come out on top in this weekend’s tournament? We’ll find out soon!